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Kuban apples.

Answer at once, as in Russia, and is not made because of the nuances of gardening coming decade will not be calculated exactly. But my topic is not about that. but the largest producer in the Krasnodar region "Garden Giant" of the Slavic-on-Kuban. A bit of history:
In 1929, on the northern outskirts of the village on the left bank of the Slavic river Protoka was created one of the world's largest fruit farm - farm "Sad-Gigant».

 - Laid the first 408 hectares of the future giant garden;
 - Appointed the first director Konstantin L. Maximov, who was later replaced Alexei V. Prikhodko.

Continued under the cut ...

 - The farm is divided into compartments;
 - Horticultural land spread over an area of ​​2750 hectares.

 - An unprecedented flood of the river Protoka destroyed more than 10,000 trees.

 - In accordance with the decision of the RSFSR, work began on the seal stands. At the site of the former 82 trees per hectare had 165 trees.

 - Hundreds of "sadgigantovtsev" as one defended our country from the Nazi invaders. We remember and honor the holy war veterans. Among them - the Hero of the Soviet Union IG Lysanov, AV Laktionov, V.I.Cherepahin, FG Chepenko, AV Borisenko, YI Kovalenko AM Laborer, PK Dudka, AT Kuleshov, BI Voznichishin and many others; - For the period of Nazi occupation, killing more than 90,000 trees

 - Appointed director of the farm Miliyanchuk Nikandrov;
 - Fruit harvest surpassed pre-war.

 - Rebuilt nursery injured during the war.

 - Director of the farm became M. Zielinski; - The beginning of mass housing;
 - Began operating a brick factory;
 - There are four mechanized plodoplatformy.

 - Director of the farm becomes Eugene D. Rudnev;
 - Due to heavy frost killed more than 50,000 trees.

 - The beginning of work on the restoration of the garden (the work will last until 1965)

 - Appointed director of the farm Veniamin Korotkov.

 - Collective farm "Garden-Giant" was first awarded the Diploma of the USSR National Economy.

 - The beginning of the construction of the irrigation system on the area of ​​2251 hectares.

 - Start of construction of the refrigerator for 1000 tons.

 - Get a harvest of 10 000 tonnes.

 - The head of the economy becomes Tihonovich Alexander Kuleshov.

 - Work began on the reconstruction of the gardens. Conducted planting schemes 6x4, 7x4, 8x4.

 - Harvest was 19 400 tonnes.

 - "Garden-Giant" is awarded the title of "The staff of high culture of agriculture».

 - Get a harvest of 30 thousand tons of fruit.

 - Collective farms awarded Red Banner of the Central Committee of the CPSU, the Council of Ministers, the Trade Unions and the Komsomol Central Committee and is listed on the Hall of Fame USSR National Economy.

 - For the first time in the history of farm state farm director is elected by the workforce. Farm managers elected Alexander A. hoards.

 - State Farm becomes a joint-stock company;
 - Set up a computer center.

1993-1995 year
 - Half of all areas due to heavy frost killed fruit trees. Start Bookmark intensive orchards. Bookmark nursery. Young gardens are laid on a compacted schemes 5x2, 4x1, 4x1, 5 m.

 - Begun reconstruction of fruit storage. Storage of fruits arranged in a controlled atmosphere.

 - Economy is experiencing unprecedented flooding gardens. Lost about 670 acres of gardens.

 - In "Pietro Kinalya" purchased and planted planting strawberries;
 - There was a first line treatment of marketable fruit.

 - Farm became a member of the club "Agro - 300».

 - Start the first stage of a drip irrigation system on the area of ​​82 hectares;
 - Registered address in the Internet - sadgigant.ru;
 - Grown 27 OOO tonnes of fruit.

 - A joint Russian-Italian joint venture for the production of planting material;
 - Coordination Council of the international program "Partnership for Progress" awarded Agrofirm prize "Crystal Nika»;
 - Harvested 35,000 tons of fruit.

 - Commissioned fruit storage with controlled atmosphere for 2, 5 thousand tons of fruit;
 - CEO A.A.Klad awarded the Hero of Labor of Kuban.

 - The year of jubilee. To harvest 40,000 tons of fruit.

 - Agricultural company occupies 58th place in the ranking of the largest and most efficient agricultural producers "Agro-300"; - Construction of a greenhouse complex for the production of green vegetable crops;
 - Bought the first batch of modern tractors John Deere;
 - Collect one million ton of fruit with the founding of "The Garden of giants».

 - Started the reconstruction of the garden over an area of ​​350 hectares after freezing in the winter of 2005-2006 .;
 - Commissioned fruit storage with controlled environment for 10,000 tons of fruit.

 - Commissioned greenhouse complex for growing green vegetable crops.

 - Put into operation a complex for the production of seedlings of vegetable and ornamental crops;

 - A record harvest of 50 000 tonnes of fruit!

 - ZAO "Garden-Giant" was awarded at the exhibition "Golden Autumn" in Moscow gold medal for growing apples Reinette Simirenko, yield 475 tons per hectare from an area 827 hectares;
 - ZAO "Garden-Giant" to celebrate the 80th anniversary of its formation.


 - In 2010, JSC "Sad-Gigant" participated in the exhibition "Golden Autumn", which was held in Moscow for the eleventh time. Products ZAO "Garden giant" is well known to Muscovites. The exhibition featured more than a dozen varieties of apples and pears. And, as usual, were not without rewards. Gold medal of the exhibition "Golden Autumn" awarded apples varieties "Granny Smith».

 - A record harvest - 68 000 tons !;

 - In 2011, Closed Joint Stock Company "Garden-Giant" became member of the club Modi Europa and obtained official permission for the cultivation and sale of apple varieties club Modi

68,000 tons - compared with the Polish 1000, 000 tons less than seven percent. A Little. But the Polish economy grow more rarely 5000-6000 tons, while having the support of the European Union and the state. This allows the Poles have prices in dollars per kg. With state support local farmers in our country, unfortunately, bad. Here, in response to sanctions, Poles expelled from the market, and thanks for that. Horticultural farm equipment in our country is not made. At all. NO ONE UNIT !!! All of the storage with controlled atmosphere to forklifts, packaging and packaging equipment is bought in Italy, as well as new technologies and varieties, as well as the US and Japan. Its not, all finished off restructuring, whether she and her three labeled Gorbachev was wrong. Heavy and expensive apples Kuban gets our gardeners. But this, paradoxically, is the hope for the revival of Russian gardening - if it survived and developed in such difficult conditions, when the minimum support it can begin to grow rapidly. How are Pratchett, "If buried in the ground one gold coin, it will remain one gold coin. And if you bury the potato, in a good year it will bring three thousand percent profit))) »

1. Reinette Simirenko (branded grade)

Included in the State Register of Russia in 1947. Discovered famous pomology and gardener LP Symyrenka in its own gardens "Platonov farm" near Mlieva, Cherkasy region (Ukraine) during the second half of the XIX century. Appears on its face is similar to the famous last variety Zelenka Wood, but the taste is much superior to his.

2 Granny Smith (Eng. Granny Smith) - a popular variety of apples, created in 1868 in Australia. Name of the variety translates as "Granny Smith" in honor of Anna Maria Smith. One legend says that apples of this variety were obtained Anna Maria Smith, who lived in Australia, an elderly woman. Carried away by selection, she crossed brought from France apple-wildings with a local Australian apple tree. The first thing sort of won the New Zealand, and in 1930 reached the UK. Now it is one of the most popular varieties of apples in the world.

3. Brebern (branded grade)

This apple has a rich, sweet and sour, spicy taste. The color ranges from orange to red and yellow. Flavorful, juicy and crisp, very firm apple. Brebern for snacks and pastries. Crop harvested in September and early October. For sale - from October to July.

4. Modi - the name under which the apple CIVG198 sold on the international market: a single red apple having crunchy texture of green apples and sweet tangy flavor of yellow apples.

5. Cort Gala obtained in 1957 in New Zealand breeder George. X. Kidd by crossing Reda Kids Orange and Golden Delicious. The first of the new variety gardens were laid in 1965 in his native land, and already some time later appeared in Brazil, Canada, USA, Europe.

6. Red Chief

Late varieties of apples, American selection. Clone late varieties Red Delicious. The fruit ripens in late October. Fruits are very large, conical shape, with a red blush. The flesh is bright, with a green tint, juicy, thick. High palatability.

7. Florina

Origin: French varieties developed as a result of using reusable crosses seedlings Malus floribunda and Golden Delicious varieties, Starkin, Jonathan. In Russia ubiquitous received from the 80s.

8. Idared

Promising varieties of apples. Bred in the early appearance of fruit SShA.Sort amazing. His three-year trees on rootstock seed bring single fruit, and a five-year can be collected about 18, 4 kg per tree, more than any other variety.

9. Interprajs

Pozdnezimny immune to scab grade American selection. It is now widely distributed in the gardens of Europe and North America. In Russia, there is little known.

10. Fuji (branded grade)

Fuji apple variety is a hybrid variety, which was developed by scientists from the research station in northeast Fujisaki, Aomori, Japan in the late 1930s. However, the market Apples in this class appeared in the early 1960s.

11. Golden Delicious

Golden has been opened in the United States in the 19th century and today is grown everywhere, where apples grow. One advantage of the grade - storage stability. But this is unlikely to be of interest to the buyer, if not attractive taste and appearance: ripe apple is really a golden color and sweet taste makes it possible to use it as a dessert, as well as in cooking.

12. Mutz

Another Japanese cultivar completely immune to scab. Even bigger than Korea, although without the "Korean blush." Slightly less harvest. But the fruit often reach 400-500 g tree yields and does not suffer intervals.

13. Korah

Pozdnezimny grade comes from Japan. Obtained by pollinating varieties Golden Delicious variety Indo. Zoned in the North Caucasus region.

14. Golden resistant

Winter grade American selection, random seedling Golden Delicious. Popular in Europe.
This ends. Sorry for many for bukaf)))