What's Ukrainian bloggers wrote about Russia and Russian in the 2010m year
TRATEGIC objective is the destruction of the Slavs Katsapstana itself. You must fully support separatist tendencies in the North Caucasus. Chechnya Chechens. Dagestan for Dagestanis. Ingushetia for the Ingush, etc. On the other hand it is necessary to stimulate the arrival of Chinese in Vladivostok and the surrounding area. These lands should go to China. It is also necessary to raise the consciousness of the trans-Ural nations to Buryatia Buryat, Yakutia Yakutia. Katsapstan must be destroyed! This is absolutely consistent with the Slavic interests and the interests of the Finno-Finns living in Katsapstan.
Another important point is the incitement of enmity between Churbanov inside Katsapstana: Katsap (not to be confused with the Finno-Finns) should cut Caucasians and vice versa. It is essential that bleeding chump, destroying their people. Liberated territories occupy Slavs - came from Ukraine, Belarus, Poland, the Czech Republic, as well as the inhabitants of the Baltic states.
I would start with the return to Ukraine of ethnic territories, which are now a part of the Russian Federation. And do not forget about the other countries, which also have our ethnic lands. This is primarily the Kuban, Transnistria, a good half of Poland, part of Romania (if he had forgotten, please add). How is it in our hymn: "From Xiang to the Don!" And in parallel to foment animosity between all the ethnic groups of Muscovy - the Chukchi, Ugric, Finnish, Chechens, etc. Much of Siberia, too, would become part of Ukraine, because there there are many Ukrainians who were evicted during the repression. In Siberia gas, so it is only positive.
I agree 100%. It is necessary to foment hatred between Ossetians and Ingush, they hate each other! And the Kalmyks, by the way, had a run-in with the Chechens, and they always win! Kalmyks - a single nation, the feared and respected by Chechens. I talked with one Dargin, he says that they despise the Chechens, and call them demeaning "Nokhchi" (for me it was a revelation) And at in Dagestan they consider Laks - Yids. And somehow communicated with the Lezgins, they do not like the Avars, Dargin for "Russification" and a departure from the rules of Islam. (In Derbent NO prostitutes lezginok only avarki, darginki, kumychki) And all the mountain peoples of Dagestan with hate Georgians, Nogai and Kumyk. It is necessary to embroil the Turkic-speaking Nogai, Kumyk with the peoples of the Nakh-Dagestani family - with the Avars, Dargins, Lezgins, Laks. Face of Turkic-speaking Balkars and Karachai from the Abkhaz-Adyghe people - Kabardinians, Adygei, Cherkess, Abazins. There still is the Kuban Cossacks, they are of Ukrainian origin, but they serve Moscow, in fact, they are already Muscovites, such as the Don Cossacks, that they cooperate with Zatulin, Vitrenko, ECM, arrived in the Crimea, where "patrolling" the streets, and not allowed Ukrainians from the UOC (KP) to the St. Catherine Church in Chernigov. Here they have to incite all Cobra that they are there at war, and did Moskovschina in Ukraine. And such things as Kandapoga where Katsap was a fight with the Chechens, Krasnodar where local authorities could hardly keep from slaughter Meskhetian Turks and other chumps, it's very useful for Ukraine!
There are Ukrainian Pryashivschina in Slovakia, half of Sloboda Ukraine in the Belgorod, Voronezh region! Ukrainian Beresteyschina Belarus!
In no case can not give Primorye Chinese! Do not forget that in these lands many Ukrainian settlements, the so-called Green Wedge. What about them? In my opinion, it is necessary to revive among Ukrainians Primorye national consciousness and subsequently raise the issue of the creation of the Far Eastern Ukrainian Republic.
The ideology of Ukrainian nationalism is inseparable from the idea of imperialism - is based on this entire socio-economic system - otherwise the nation will not be able to develop. Simply easier to conquer parts of the empire. Therefore, the urgent need is the collapse of the Russian Federation for many individual states. In addition, it eliminates the threat to Ukraine by the Muscovite today.
In the Ukrainian conditions, or any, of the empire, oppressed ethnic group will always fight for their existence, their culture, language, etc. And afterwards, there will come a day when our descendants will have to answer for our foolishness! How old Bolshevik attack was a torturer for the Ukrainian people? Why do it?
In my opinion, it is better to seize the lands of others, destroy the entire ethnic group that lives there (except to be like us) and populate the land Ukrainians. Thus, their children will not take revenge on us, because the children will not. Thus, Ukraine is not a great empire and the great Ukraine.
Old schism "in the populists and moskovfiliv" - influence on the formation of both movements by enemy agents of Moscow and Poland. The principle of the right seemed to have the populists, but the Warsaw agreement proved that Galicia Ukraine needs as a bargaining penny to buy Poland's support in the fight against Moscow (red or white, anyway). I still wonder Galician politics early XX century. - To be blind not to see the main - Self Ukraine - independent from Moscow - it means only one thing: the union of Poland and Ukraine against Moscow, so the Polish Galicia. Because it should pay for everything. Chief Ataman was not a traitor to the Galicians, he just realized the harsh reality Real Politic. What to save Ukraine from Moscow, it was necessary to sacrifice short - Galicia, which he did. And all what happened - suicide SVR-OUN from the outset bombers. In the clash of powerful values, the value of small - Galicia, there was no real choice. A selection of "the free Ukraine or Rosiey / USSR" was an illusion.
As for the "operatives", we must understand that the Security Service of Ukraine is the only carrier of Ukrainian national idea in the XXI century, a kind of bridge between her past and future. And, accordingly, the governing structure of the nationalist movement should be formed mainly from intelligence officers because no other personnel reserve.
As a native of the East, I can confidently say that Ukrainization Crimea, Donbass, Kharkov, Odessa, Nikolaev, Kherson, Kr.Roga, Sicheslava, Zaporizhia, Kremenchuk, Dnipropetrovsk and other cities of the Russian-speaking is possible only with the help of a totalitarian military dictatorship, repressive measures. This is when the defenders of "bilingualism" will knock your teeth with rifle butts when for such things slovoor.info/SO41/St41Nah.htm will Ukrainophobes shot on the spot without trial.
It is inhumane and unchristian, but quite effective. Stalin was such methods built the Soviet empire and the rigid vertical of power for some 12 years. It is advisable to sort of Chinese "cultural revolution" to arrange and apply the methods of Pol Pot's Kampuchea times against the Russian-speaking population of the city. Russian-speaking - to the fields to work under duress. Or a new famine for Russian cities to organize to reduce their population. Only, you must first take out Ukrainian-speaking Ukrainians, lists of which will claim the local cell in the "Freedom", the city surrounded by troops, lock, winter better. Turn off gas, electricity, water, sewer block, mobile communications.
How would qualitatively living biomass of live Russian language amorphous stomachs - they do not start from October 14 to sing "Oh have luzі Red Kalina ..." without a torchlight procession will take place on January 1st. It is necessary to eliminate the herd somewhere in the 5-6 million. Specimens. First Nation. And only then the quality of life. The boys of the UPA in the forest caches, heroes Division "Galicia" in the infernal cauldron Brodsky, prisoners of Stalin's torture chambers cared primary question of quality of life.
For the 45 millionth Ukrainian disappearance of 6 million. Will be imperceptible. I'm not saying that it should be a week to spend. In Ukraine and since 1991 until today, the population fell by almost 10 million.
They are not "their". My brother in law is a red T-shirt with a hammer and sickle and the inscription "USSR". He and others like him are the enemies of the nation, are subject to physical elimination. I like "Easterner" is insulting to say, but the eastern cattle requires a whip. They lobotomy did 300 years. It's nothing you can do. Just fire!
To get from the Donbass Kharkiv children or create a Ukrainian-Ukrainian ukrainomyslyaschih nation-centered, it is necessary to isolate them from their parents. New youth and children's organizations that are ideologically-school children from kindergarten. Educate one of Pavlik Morozov, to parents-Ukrainophobes denounced. This is possible, but the conditions of totalitarianism, dictatorship and militarism.
Simply Ukrainize Papua New Guinea than Sevastopol. To keep it as a part of the Ukrainian state, the more social-nationalist state, the entire population of this city must be eliminated, except for the Ukrainian community. Since there is occupation fleet and naval aviation in the village. Kacha that 20 km from Sevastopol, and this can lead to an armed conflict with Russia, and there Ukrainisation can be carried out only by means of mass sterilization of people under the guise of the vaccination, the spread of deadly viruses, infections, poisoning of drinking water, the use of chemical, biological and bacteriological weapons.
Should we let the Donbass and the Crimea? To discuss this issue - a crime because the cathedral and indivisible Ukraine, who do not like such a state, the bag on his shoulders and let's go to Muscovy, Muscovites and all Muslims to liberate our land from its bag of guts, that's what should be the policy!
Sew each article. Posada in prisons. Those who are strongly kochevryazhitsya accidentally fall under KAMAZ, will break in the plane, to die of a sudden heart attack will die from suicide three shots to the head ... we will rot their own "peaceful" means.
In Ukraine, the autochthonous only Ukrainians. Muscovites are occupiers, the Russian language - occupant. Ukrainians have to go back to the Ukrainian language and Ukrainize non-Ukrainians. Eng. it should disappear from Ukraine, into oblivion.
Well, Mr. Jacks, and other? It is 2010. We continue to believe that we are in the Crimea just came without the slightest provocation?
Source: politobzor.net
Another important point is the incitement of enmity between Churbanov inside Katsapstana: Katsap (not to be confused with the Finno-Finns) should cut Caucasians and vice versa. It is essential that bleeding chump, destroying their people. Liberated territories occupy Slavs - came from Ukraine, Belarus, Poland, the Czech Republic, as well as the inhabitants of the Baltic states.
I would start with the return to Ukraine of ethnic territories, which are now a part of the Russian Federation. And do not forget about the other countries, which also have our ethnic lands. This is primarily the Kuban, Transnistria, a good half of Poland, part of Romania (if he had forgotten, please add). How is it in our hymn: "From Xiang to the Don!" And in parallel to foment animosity between all the ethnic groups of Muscovy - the Chukchi, Ugric, Finnish, Chechens, etc. Much of Siberia, too, would become part of Ukraine, because there there are many Ukrainians who were evicted during the repression. In Siberia gas, so it is only positive.
I agree 100%. It is necessary to foment hatred between Ossetians and Ingush, they hate each other! And the Kalmyks, by the way, had a run-in with the Chechens, and they always win! Kalmyks - a single nation, the feared and respected by Chechens. I talked with one Dargin, he says that they despise the Chechens, and call them demeaning "Nokhchi" (for me it was a revelation) And at in Dagestan they consider Laks - Yids. And somehow communicated with the Lezgins, they do not like the Avars, Dargin for "Russification" and a departure from the rules of Islam. (In Derbent NO prostitutes lezginok only avarki, darginki, kumychki) And all the mountain peoples of Dagestan with hate Georgians, Nogai and Kumyk. It is necessary to embroil the Turkic-speaking Nogai, Kumyk with the peoples of the Nakh-Dagestani family - with the Avars, Dargins, Lezgins, Laks. Face of Turkic-speaking Balkars and Karachai from the Abkhaz-Adyghe people - Kabardinians, Adygei, Cherkess, Abazins. There still is the Kuban Cossacks, they are of Ukrainian origin, but they serve Moscow, in fact, they are already Muscovites, such as the Don Cossacks, that they cooperate with Zatulin, Vitrenko, ECM, arrived in the Crimea, where "patrolling" the streets, and not allowed Ukrainians from the UOC (KP) to the St. Catherine Church in Chernigov. Here they have to incite all Cobra that they are there at war, and did Moskovschina in Ukraine. And such things as Kandapoga where Katsap was a fight with the Chechens, Krasnodar where local authorities could hardly keep from slaughter Meskhetian Turks and other chumps, it's very useful for Ukraine!
There are Ukrainian Pryashivschina in Slovakia, half of Sloboda Ukraine in the Belgorod, Voronezh region! Ukrainian Beresteyschina Belarus!
In no case can not give Primorye Chinese! Do not forget that in these lands many Ukrainian settlements, the so-called Green Wedge. What about them? In my opinion, it is necessary to revive among Ukrainians Primorye national consciousness and subsequently raise the issue of the creation of the Far Eastern Ukrainian Republic.
The ideology of Ukrainian nationalism is inseparable from the idea of imperialism - is based on this entire socio-economic system - otherwise the nation will not be able to develop. Simply easier to conquer parts of the empire. Therefore, the urgent need is the collapse of the Russian Federation for many individual states. In addition, it eliminates the threat to Ukraine by the Muscovite today.
In the Ukrainian conditions, or any, of the empire, oppressed ethnic group will always fight for their existence, their culture, language, etc. And afterwards, there will come a day when our descendants will have to answer for our foolishness! How old Bolshevik attack was a torturer for the Ukrainian people? Why do it?
In my opinion, it is better to seize the lands of others, destroy the entire ethnic group that lives there (except to be like us) and populate the land Ukrainians. Thus, their children will not take revenge on us, because the children will not. Thus, Ukraine is not a great empire and the great Ukraine.
Old schism "in the populists and moskovfiliv" - influence on the formation of both movements by enemy agents of Moscow and Poland. The principle of the right seemed to have the populists, but the Warsaw agreement proved that Galicia Ukraine needs as a bargaining penny to buy Poland's support in the fight against Moscow (red or white, anyway). I still wonder Galician politics early XX century. - To be blind not to see the main - Self Ukraine - independent from Moscow - it means only one thing: the union of Poland and Ukraine against Moscow, so the Polish Galicia. Because it should pay for everything. Chief Ataman was not a traitor to the Galicians, he just realized the harsh reality Real Politic. What to save Ukraine from Moscow, it was necessary to sacrifice short - Galicia, which he did. And all what happened - suicide SVR-OUN from the outset bombers. In the clash of powerful values, the value of small - Galicia, there was no real choice. A selection of "the free Ukraine or Rosiey / USSR" was an illusion.
As for the "operatives", we must understand that the Security Service of Ukraine is the only carrier of Ukrainian national idea in the XXI century, a kind of bridge between her past and future. And, accordingly, the governing structure of the nationalist movement should be formed mainly from intelligence officers because no other personnel reserve.
As a native of the East, I can confidently say that Ukrainization Crimea, Donbass, Kharkov, Odessa, Nikolaev, Kherson, Kr.Roga, Sicheslava, Zaporizhia, Kremenchuk, Dnipropetrovsk and other cities of the Russian-speaking is possible only with the help of a totalitarian military dictatorship, repressive measures. This is when the defenders of "bilingualism" will knock your teeth with rifle butts when for such things slovoor.info/SO41/St41Nah.htm will Ukrainophobes shot on the spot without trial.

It is inhumane and unchristian, but quite effective. Stalin was such methods built the Soviet empire and the rigid vertical of power for some 12 years. It is advisable to sort of Chinese "cultural revolution" to arrange and apply the methods of Pol Pot's Kampuchea times against the Russian-speaking population of the city. Russian-speaking - to the fields to work under duress. Or a new famine for Russian cities to organize to reduce their population. Only, you must first take out Ukrainian-speaking Ukrainians, lists of which will claim the local cell in the "Freedom", the city surrounded by troops, lock, winter better. Turn off gas, electricity, water, sewer block, mobile communications.
How would qualitatively living biomass of live Russian language amorphous stomachs - they do not start from October 14 to sing "Oh have luzі Red Kalina ..." without a torchlight procession will take place on January 1st. It is necessary to eliminate the herd somewhere in the 5-6 million. Specimens. First Nation. And only then the quality of life. The boys of the UPA in the forest caches, heroes Division "Galicia" in the infernal cauldron Brodsky, prisoners of Stalin's torture chambers cared primary question of quality of life.
For the 45 millionth Ukrainian disappearance of 6 million. Will be imperceptible. I'm not saying that it should be a week to spend. In Ukraine and since 1991 until today, the population fell by almost 10 million.
They are not "their". My brother in law is a red T-shirt with a hammer and sickle and the inscription "USSR". He and others like him are the enemies of the nation, are subject to physical elimination. I like "Easterner" is insulting to say, but the eastern cattle requires a whip. They lobotomy did 300 years. It's nothing you can do. Just fire!

To get from the Donbass Kharkiv children or create a Ukrainian-Ukrainian ukrainomyslyaschih nation-centered, it is necessary to isolate them from their parents. New youth and children's organizations that are ideologically-school children from kindergarten. Educate one of Pavlik Morozov, to parents-Ukrainophobes denounced. This is possible, but the conditions of totalitarianism, dictatorship and militarism.
Simply Ukrainize Papua New Guinea than Sevastopol. To keep it as a part of the Ukrainian state, the more social-nationalist state, the entire population of this city must be eliminated, except for the Ukrainian community. Since there is occupation fleet and naval aviation in the village. Kacha that 20 km from Sevastopol, and this can lead to an armed conflict with Russia, and there Ukrainisation can be carried out only by means of mass sterilization of people under the guise of the vaccination, the spread of deadly viruses, infections, poisoning of drinking water, the use of chemical, biological and bacteriological weapons.
Should we let the Donbass and the Crimea? To discuss this issue - a crime because the cathedral and indivisible Ukraine, who do not like such a state, the bag on his shoulders and let's go to Muscovy, Muscovites and all Muslims to liberate our land from its bag of guts, that's what should be the policy!
Sew each article. Posada in prisons. Those who are strongly kochevryazhitsya accidentally fall under KAMAZ, will break in the plane, to die of a sudden heart attack will die from suicide three shots to the head ... we will rot their own "peaceful" means.
In Ukraine, the autochthonous only Ukrainians. Muscovites are occupiers, the Russian language - occupant. Ukrainians have to go back to the Ukrainian language and Ukrainize non-Ukrainians. Eng. it should disappear from Ukraine, into oblivion.
Well, Mr. Jacks, and other? It is 2010. We continue to believe that we are in the Crimea just came without the slightest provocation?

Source: politobzor.net