One day a photographer Olympics
My name is Maria Plotnikova, I'm a photographer. I am currently working at the Olympics in Sochi, and my story - about a typical day photographer Olympics.
© bigpictureru
I work in a free form, taking everything that came into our heads, trying to use the most of all his photographic experience. The main project that I'm doing at the Games - the best Olympic instagram, where I try to show the wrong side of this grand event. In addition instagrama, I'm shooting for a variety of media and agencies, but try not too much about it, because I have a unique opportunity to focus on what is interesting to me, and do not compete with world agencies in sports photography.
In the Olympics, I arrived at his own expense, having the only photo-accreditation. In Sochi I sheltered wonderful photographer Michael Mordasov (in his one-room apartment, besides me, the guests three more newcomers photographers). Periodically, leaving the mountains, I'm spending the night at the hotel with friends, agency photographers. Thus, the main item of expenditure - accommodation - does not bother me.
So there you go.
I wake up at 7.40. Throughout the Olympics unable to sleep on the strength of 5 hours per day. This is absolutely normal situation for photographers and journalists who write for TV.
Some zealous and responsible figures for days can not get out of the press center, sleeping on the couch in abundance arranged around the perimeter of the room. But we are not. I spent the night in the press center only once, after the opening ceremony, when it ended very late, and there was no power to get home (the road from the Olympic Park to the house takes about 1, 5 hours, far away).
It begins the ninth day of the Olympics, February 15.
Carefully study the presence of bags under the eyes. Okay, everything is in place! You can gather in the street. Today, I have big plans for the coastal cluster. 2. Today I spent the night in the mountains, left here yesterday after a ski acrobatics. The guys have a huge two-room, and I got a whole room with a sofa, a pillow and a blanket. What more can you ask for?
3. dress and gather belongings. Accreditation - the most precious thing a photographer. It must treasure it. You can lose anything: hats, gloves, keys, monopods, tickets for figure skating (all that was lost by me in the first days of the Olympics) but the accreditation - no, no. Without her job at the Olympics end. The most reliable option - to hang over night accreditation jackets that we do.
4. One of the entertainment at the Olympics - the exchange of badges with Olympic symbols. The icons can be changed in the Olympic Park and other places where the fans. Some volunteers and fans turned into a real maniac demanding icons for any service or, for example, a request to photograph them. I turned out to be little affected by this scourge, and to limit the exchange of OCD icon on cute heart Misha 80th year. I love him.
5. Work sports photographer in the mountains, and even in winter, takes a lot of energy, so the guys always have something to eat. Prehvatyvayu a couple of cookies and in good spirits go out.
6. Time 8.13.
7. It looks like a hotel complex "Hills" in which now live reporters and invited guests of the Olympics.
8. Heading in the media center of the mountain cluster. There I have to hand over the lens and leave the kind of thing that the sea will not be necessary. At the checkpoint at the entrance to the media center comes probably the first serious conflict for the time of my stay at the Olympic Games. In Sochi today introduced very strict security measures at the entrance and at any Olympic venue or train station every visitor is carefully inspected and groping by policemen. Ordinary fans can not carry with them, even a bottle of water (journalists, of course, possible, because with them it is better not to get involved). I have to say, the police in Sochi very friendly and helpful, patiently doing their job. However, minor conflicts of interest arise constantly, but with such nonsense universal scale for the first time I encountered. The situation is as follows:
Under the rules of the International Olympic Committee banned photographers and cameramen to pass on some routes Mountain Cluster no "cats" (climbing equipment in the form of spikes that nastegivayutsya on the sole of the shoe). Ie access to most fotopozitsy, not counting the finish area for the photographers will simply be closed forever. Accordingly, each photographer rabtayuschy in the mountains, every day carries through the checkpoint, "cat", which I happily did the day before. In the morning, repeating the simple procedure examination, I had slipped a camera on his shoulder and headed for the entrance to the media center, but then I stopped and asked to show the contents of the backpack. Seeing the "cat", the police said that from now on they sneaked into the territory of the Olympic venues is prohibited by decree chief operation control center. I immediately fall into a stupor. I begin to cry out to the common sense, trying to convey to the shift supervisor the absurdity of the situation. Of course, in this case, it is useless, the decree has a decree and ordered to perform. "Call it my" - iron argument shift supervisor in this dispute.
9. Soon join me TV people, faced with the same problem. They were forced to leave the cat in the hotel reception. The three of us come to a common denominator: in order not to waste time, we decide to "call it their" and write complaints.
10. As a result, I leave the building with PPC unhappy with my cats and, as a thief in the night, suspiciously looking around, hide them under the cape in front of the checkpoint.
11. I walk past the wonderful tea shop free press, which is not yet open, but hints at past Valentine's Day.
12. Press center is empty, at 8.43 hours. Poschschu first instagramku today. I am philosophically abstract online diary Olympics, trying to post at least one picture per hour. The day accumulates 14-16 pictures. Get used to this rhythm was easier than I thought. At the track I just came on the second day of the project.
13. For Photographers Olympic Games throughout the work for free repair services and rental equipment Canon and Nikon. In the Olympics, I brought a bunch of technology, but almost do not use it because service can provide any lens from the professional line of Canon. Rent a wonderful lens 200mm 2.0, taken the day before (all the equipment is given for a day, then it is necessary to extend or pass).
14. At the information desk for photographers write a complaint about "cats»
15. The media center has a small grocery store where I buy two packets of cereal. I'm going to lunch.
16. After breakfast I leave the media center, pull out from under the counter-suffering "cats", causing a genuine interest in a nearby riot policeman, and get off at the bus station Esto-Sadok railway Krasnaya Polyana - Sochi. I sit down on the Swallow, which takes me to the Olympic Village.
17. The usual thing - sleepy bird as cars Swallows. At the Olympics uhaydokivayutsya absolutely everything: the volunteers, the police, the press, staff, fans. And only two athletes to give out free condoms a day.
18. In the train pour another Instagram. It is holy, sleep can wait.
19. I pass PPC Main Media Center without any problems. I am absolutely calm passed to "clean zone" with cats. An unprecedented violation of the rules of civil defense.
20. Run a free tea on the counter, where Kuban beauties work tirelessly.
21. It is my personal locker, where I needed to leave the shooting junk. I take out my laptop to fill shooting the previous day. How fortunate that I am not a news photographer and eliminating the need to carry around a laptop.
22. 10.45 shake pictures, poschschu another instagram, drink tea with drying.
23. The media center is constantly meet friends photographers, and sometimes the way from the desktop to the cabinet takes a good half hour. If before the opening of the Olympic Games is quite annoying, and now sometimes have to interrupt the conversation in midsentence and run to the next shot. In the photo the world-famous photographer Sergey Kivrin (center) and Andrei Golovanov (left) taken pictures for their main Olympic project - an album of sports emotions.
24. The press center can not be normal for lunch, the food in the main canteen journalistic very oily and tasteless. Better the good old Mac. I dine at the computer, processing and recording simultaneously laying instagramki.
25. By 14 o'clock come to the arena, Adler, now clogged to capacity as spectators and photographers Asian appearance. The Koreans and the Chinese - the main favorites of all disciplines short track. Viktor Antonov, a three-time Olympic champion and our best hope for gold - a thoroughbred Korean and newly Russian. Suffer him furiously.
26. Rent a short track, passing with tears during the final race at 1000 meters for men.
29. An Grigory - krasava, won gold and silver for Russia, and it was awesome!
30. Just after the final in short track run away to shoot a hockey Street. At 16.30 local time, after a few seconds begin Clash of the Titans - Russia - USA. In the classification of Olympic competitions have so-called "competition heightened interest", which is necessary to receive an additional ticket for photographers and press. At present, the match was allocated only 10 tickets fotopozitsii, and given that all photographers from Russia 250, I catch here there was nothing. The only thing that managed to find - it is a ticket to the space for the written press, with Simao is prohibited.
31. I decide to shoot fans in the Olympic Park, but just in case, make a test call to the photographer, was in a similar situation. It turns out that the place still there, and take something with them are, in general, on the joys of running into an ice arena in anticipation epic spectacle.
32. In the workroom photographers take special numbered, that allows me to shoot from the side of ice hockey rink.
© bigpictureru
I work in a free form, taking everything that came into our heads, trying to use the most of all his photographic experience. The main project that I'm doing at the Games - the best Olympic instagram, where I try to show the wrong side of this grand event. In addition instagrama, I'm shooting for a variety of media and agencies, but try not too much about it, because I have a unique opportunity to focus on what is interesting to me, and do not compete with world agencies in sports photography.
In the Olympics, I arrived at his own expense, having the only photo-accreditation. In Sochi I sheltered wonderful photographer Michael Mordasov (in his one-room apartment, besides me, the guests three more newcomers photographers). Periodically, leaving the mountains, I'm spending the night at the hotel with friends, agency photographers. Thus, the main item of expenditure - accommodation - does not bother me.
So there you go.
I wake up at 7.40. Throughout the Olympics unable to sleep on the strength of 5 hours per day. This is absolutely normal situation for photographers and journalists who write for TV.

Some zealous and responsible figures for days can not get out of the press center, sleeping on the couch in abundance arranged around the perimeter of the room. But we are not. I spent the night in the press center only once, after the opening ceremony, when it ended very late, and there was no power to get home (the road from the Olympic Park to the house takes about 1, 5 hours, far away).
It begins the ninth day of the Olympics, February 15.
Carefully study the presence of bags under the eyes. Okay, everything is in place! You can gather in the street. Today, I have big plans for the coastal cluster. 2. Today I spent the night in the mountains, left here yesterday after a ski acrobatics. The guys have a huge two-room, and I got a whole room with a sofa, a pillow and a blanket. What more can you ask for?

3. dress and gather belongings. Accreditation - the most precious thing a photographer. It must treasure it. You can lose anything: hats, gloves, keys, monopods, tickets for figure skating (all that was lost by me in the first days of the Olympics) but the accreditation - no, no. Without her job at the Olympics end. The most reliable option - to hang over night accreditation jackets that we do.

4. One of the entertainment at the Olympics - the exchange of badges with Olympic symbols. The icons can be changed in the Olympic Park and other places where the fans. Some volunteers and fans turned into a real maniac demanding icons for any service or, for example, a request to photograph them. I turned out to be little affected by this scourge, and to limit the exchange of OCD icon on cute heart Misha 80th year. I love him.

5. Work sports photographer in the mountains, and even in winter, takes a lot of energy, so the guys always have something to eat. Prehvatyvayu a couple of cookies and in good spirits go out.

6. Time 8.13.

7. It looks like a hotel complex "Hills" in which now live reporters and invited guests of the Olympics.

8. Heading in the media center of the mountain cluster. There I have to hand over the lens and leave the kind of thing that the sea will not be necessary. At the checkpoint at the entrance to the media center comes probably the first serious conflict for the time of my stay at the Olympic Games. In Sochi today introduced very strict security measures at the entrance and at any Olympic venue or train station every visitor is carefully inspected and groping by policemen. Ordinary fans can not carry with them, even a bottle of water (journalists, of course, possible, because with them it is better not to get involved). I have to say, the police in Sochi very friendly and helpful, patiently doing their job. However, minor conflicts of interest arise constantly, but with such nonsense universal scale for the first time I encountered. The situation is as follows:
Under the rules of the International Olympic Committee banned photographers and cameramen to pass on some routes Mountain Cluster no "cats" (climbing equipment in the form of spikes that nastegivayutsya on the sole of the shoe). Ie access to most fotopozitsy, not counting the finish area for the photographers will simply be closed forever. Accordingly, each photographer rabtayuschy in the mountains, every day carries through the checkpoint, "cat", which I happily did the day before. In the morning, repeating the simple procedure examination, I had slipped a camera on his shoulder and headed for the entrance to the media center, but then I stopped and asked to show the contents of the backpack. Seeing the "cat", the police said that from now on they sneaked into the territory of the Olympic venues is prohibited by decree chief operation control center. I immediately fall into a stupor. I begin to cry out to the common sense, trying to convey to the shift supervisor the absurdity of the situation. Of course, in this case, it is useless, the decree has a decree and ordered to perform. "Call it my" - iron argument shift supervisor in this dispute.

9. Soon join me TV people, faced with the same problem. They were forced to leave the cat in the hotel reception. The three of us come to a common denominator: in order not to waste time, we decide to "call it their" and write complaints.

10. As a result, I leave the building with PPC unhappy with my cats and, as a thief in the night, suspiciously looking around, hide them under the cape in front of the checkpoint.

11. I walk past the wonderful tea shop free press, which is not yet open, but hints at past Valentine's Day.

12. Press center is empty, at 8.43 hours. Poschschu first instagramku today. I am philosophically abstract online diary Olympics, trying to post at least one picture per hour. The day accumulates 14-16 pictures. Get used to this rhythm was easier than I thought. At the track I just came on the second day of the project.

13. For Photographers Olympic Games throughout the work for free repair services and rental equipment Canon and Nikon. In the Olympics, I brought a bunch of technology, but almost do not use it because service can provide any lens from the professional line of Canon. Rent a wonderful lens 200mm 2.0, taken the day before (all the equipment is given for a day, then it is necessary to extend or pass).

14. At the information desk for photographers write a complaint about "cats»

15. The media center has a small grocery store where I buy two packets of cereal. I'm going to lunch.

16. After breakfast I leave the media center, pull out from under the counter-suffering "cats", causing a genuine interest in a nearby riot policeman, and get off at the bus station Esto-Sadok railway Krasnaya Polyana - Sochi. I sit down on the Swallow, which takes me to the Olympic Village.

17. The usual thing - sleepy bird as cars Swallows. At the Olympics uhaydokivayutsya absolutely everything: the volunteers, the police, the press, staff, fans. And only two athletes to give out free condoms a day.

18. In the train pour another Instagram. It is holy, sleep can wait.

19. I pass PPC Main Media Center without any problems. I am absolutely calm passed to "clean zone" with cats. An unprecedented violation of the rules of civil defense.

20. Run a free tea on the counter, where Kuban beauties work tirelessly.

21. It is my personal locker, where I needed to leave the shooting junk. I take out my laptop to fill shooting the previous day. How fortunate that I am not a news photographer and eliminating the need to carry around a laptop.

22. 10.45 shake pictures, poschschu another instagram, drink tea with drying.

23. The media center is constantly meet friends photographers, and sometimes the way from the desktop to the cabinet takes a good half hour. If before the opening of the Olympic Games is quite annoying, and now sometimes have to interrupt the conversation in midsentence and run to the next shot. In the photo the world-famous photographer Sergey Kivrin (center) and Andrei Golovanov (left) taken pictures for their main Olympic project - an album of sports emotions.

24. The press center can not be normal for lunch, the food in the main canteen journalistic very oily and tasteless. Better the good old Mac. I dine at the computer, processing and recording simultaneously laying instagramki.

25. By 14 o'clock come to the arena, Adler, now clogged to capacity as spectators and photographers Asian appearance. The Koreans and the Chinese - the main favorites of all disciplines short track. Viktor Antonov, a three-time Olympic champion and our best hope for gold - a thoroughbred Korean and newly Russian. Suffer him furiously.

26. Rent a short track, passing with tears during the final race at 1000 meters for men.



29. An Grigory - krasava, won gold and silver for Russia, and it was awesome!

30. Just after the final in short track run away to shoot a hockey Street. At 16.30 local time, after a few seconds begin Clash of the Titans - Russia - USA. In the classification of Olympic competitions have so-called "competition heightened interest", which is necessary to receive an additional ticket for photographers and press. At present, the match was allocated only 10 tickets fotopozitsii, and given that all photographers from Russia 250, I catch here there was nothing. The only thing that managed to find - it is a ticket to the space for the written press, with Simao is prohibited.

31. I decide to shoot fans in the Olympic Park, but just in case, make a test call to the photographer, was in a similar situation. It turns out that the place still there, and take something with them are, in general, on the joys of running into an ice arena in anticipation epic spectacle.

32. In the workroom photographers take special numbered, that allows me to shoot from the side of ice hockey rink.
