What kind of cake to make from fresh sweet apples

Summer is truly an amazing time of year. It generously pleases us with fresh vegetables and fruits. You just have to enjoy them! Therefore, the editorial board "Site" will tell you how to prepare a delicious apple pie in a multicooker as quickly and simply as possible.

The following recipe is unique in that the dough for this apple pie is identical in composition to our favorite custard. This cake is also called “invisible”. The fact is that the finished cream-shaped dough that connects the fruits is indeed semitransparent. Due to it, the dessert is incredibly gentle, light and juicy. You can cook sweets both in a multicooker and in the oven.

The ingredients
  • 3 eggs
  • 150 ml of milk
  • 4-6 tbsp sugar
  • pinch
  • 110g flour
  • 50g butter
  • 10g baking powder
  • 8 apples
  • 1p vanilla sugar

  1. Let's make the dough first. To do this, combine eggs, a pinch of salt and sugar in a bowl. Stir everything well with a wreath.

  2. Now we infuse milk, mix flour, melted butter and vanilla sugar. We beat the mass to uniformity and leave it to stand aside.

  3. In the meantime, we prepare the form for baking our cake. We take the bowl from the multicooker and lubricate all its internal surfaces with a small amount of vegetable oil. Then we cut out a circle from parchment paper, which in size coincides with the diameter of the bottom of the bowl, and put it in a container.

  4. Next, we cut the apples in two and cut the core. It is best to take elastic solid fruits that will keep in shape. Then we cut each half into thin-plate.

  5. We go back to the dough and we put a baking powder in it. The weight should be quite liquid, like on pancakes. It remains only to "redeem" sliced apples in the dough and send them to the bowl. After doing this, put the container in the multicooker, choose "baking" and cook the cake for 1.5 hours. If you cook an apple casserole in the oven, bake it for 1 hour at a temperature of 180 ° C.

  6. Take the cake out of the pot and let him cool down 30 minutes. Then put any plate inside the bowl and turn it over. Cold cake should easily fall on the plate. If desired, we will sprinkle it with powdered sugar. Done!

And in order to get acquainted with the process of preparing apple pie in more detail, I suggest watching a video of the beautiful hostess, gypsy Galina.

Undoubtedly, once tested in practice, this recipe will become one of your own. cook-favourite. Hurry to please the apple delicacy of your loved ones and guests at home. Bon appetit!


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