I cook apples for the winter in buckets, but I don’t cook jam.
Many of our compatriots have their own farms, including any garden plots. And it so happened that the most productive apple trees remain. There are really many apples. But What to do with apples for the winterSo that the harvest doesn't go away? The usual jam is pretty tired.
In fact, there are many ways to properly dispose of the gifts of Mother Nature. In this article, we would like to briefly review some of them. Who knows, maybe this winter you'll be expanding your conservation list. After all, as you know, throwing excess products into the bin is a sin or, at least, excessive wastefulness.
Both of these methods are not the easiest, and they take enough raw materials. But the result is great. Cider, by the way, does not necessarily make at least some strong. Just plain apple juice can get boring. But its changed taste will please with its saturation and sparkles of the holiday. For now, we'll make the pastille.
The ingredients
Saw and marmalade. These two types of sweets take a lot of apples. But it is stored deliciously easily and without unnecessary problems. Marmalade is interesting in itself, and it is perfectly applicable in cakes, buns and other muffins. And no, this is not jam, although the similarity in their preparation is clearly visible. Here’s what you can do with apples for the winter:
The ingredients
Apples with condensed and compote If with compote most everything is so clear, then apples with condensed apples are not so popular conservation. And in vain, because this sweet treat can really surprise with its taste. Of course, you can’t cook too much. But you can also surprise guests with a festive snowy evening. Let's go.
The ingredients
This is the advice we have for you today. When there are many apples, their storage becomes problematic. The flies get started, the fruits themselves spoil. And no quacks will help. So try using our cooking methods. We need to protect our own crops!
Photo in article .

In fact, there are many ways to properly dispose of the gifts of Mother Nature. In this article, we would like to briefly review some of them. Who knows, maybe this winter you'll be expanding your conservation list. After all, as you know, throwing excess products into the bin is a sin or, at least, excessive wastefulness.
Both of these methods are not the easiest, and they take enough raw materials. But the result is great. Cider, by the way, does not necessarily make at least some strong. Just plain apple juice can get boring. But its changed taste will please with its saturation and sparkles of the holiday. For now, we'll make the pastille.

The ingredients
- apple
- 100 ml of water
- 4 tbsp sugar
- Wash the apples, cut into pieces without seeds. At the bottom of the pan pour water with sugar, pour apples. Heated on a slow heat, sometimes stirring until the pieces become soft. Then grind them with a submersible blender into a homogeneous mass. The resulting puree should be evaporated on a slow heat, getting rid of excess liquids.
- Cover the batter with parchment or silicone mat. Apply applesauce with a layer of half a centimeter. Now the time for the final preparation of the pastille: 4 hours in the oven at a temperature of 100 degrees. It is ideal to open the oven door, for example, putting an ordinary pencil under it. The finished pastile is perfectly stored and does not stick to your hands.
Saw and marmalade. These two types of sweets take a lot of apples. But it is stored deliciously easily and without unnecessary problems. Marmalade is interesting in itself, and it is perfectly applicable in cakes, buns and other muffins. And no, this is not jam, although the similarity in their preparation is clearly visible. Here’s what you can do with apples for the winter:

The ingredients
- 1 kg of apples
- 800g sugar
- 2 tables of water
- lemon
- Sour and sweet apples are mine, clean, cut and throw in a pot with a thick bottom. We pour water and bring it all to the boiling of water, and then to softening the apples. Pure, add sugar and finely cut lemon. Cook on a slow heat for about 40 minutes, constantly stirring and removing the foam that appeared.
- The thickened mass with pieces of lemon is poured into sterile cans and closed. It lasts a long time, but it tastes good. Pieces of lemon will perfectly dilute the texture and give a pleasant note of citrus fruits.
Apples with condensed and compote If with compote most everything is so clear, then apples with condensed apples are not so popular conservation. And in vain, because this sweet treat can really surprise with its taste. Of course, you can’t cook too much. But you can also surprise guests with a festive snowy evening. Let's go.

The ingredients
- 2 kg apples
- 380g (can) of condensed milk
- 200 ml of water
- The first stage is very similar to all the above. You need to wash, peel and cut apples without cock and seeds. 20 minutes boiling apples, stirring. When they are soft enough, we take a blender and turn them into puree.
- Now it's time to add condensed. A little stir the mass and again put it on a low fire, literally for 8 minutes. Then you need to use the blender again and give the almost finished dessert to boil. After that, we pour it into sterile cans and roll the lid. About 3 half-liter cans will definitely be typed.
This is the advice we have for you today. When there are many apples, their storage becomes problematic. The flies get started, the fruits themselves spoil. And no quacks will help. So try using our cooking methods. We need to protect our own crops!
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