World captures the epidemic of diabetes

The number of cases of diabetes in recent years has been steadily increasing, and this trend is due to the spread of the obesity epidemic. If the authorities do not take drastic measures, that in 20-30 years with type 2 diabetes will hurt more than half the world's population.
In the UK alone in just five years the number of people with diabetes has increased by 50%. Now in this country, the disease was diagnosed in three million adults and children. The organization Diabetes UK estimates that every year, the authorities spent 9 billion pounds for the treatment of diabetes alone, accounting for 10% of the cost of all illnesses.
Approximately 90% of patients suffering from type 2 diabetes, which is an acquired, not innate. Most often the disease occurs in obese people suffering from excess weight or obesity. Type 1 diabetes is classified as scientists genetic diseases. Unfortunately, in recent years, dramatically increasing the number of children who are Type 2 diabetes, even 10-20 years ago would have caused a huge surprise to scientists, since this disease has always been considered a disease of adults.
For example, in the UK right now 1400 children with type 2 diabetes, and 30 years ago there were none. Again, the reason for this is the epidemic of childhood obesity, which does not spare their victims. The huge popularity of fast food, soda, "junk" foods, like chips and chocolate bars contributes to the spread of the epidemic.
Victims of diabetes are five times more likely to suffer from heart attacks and strokes, they observed damage to the nerve endings in the feet, the cells in the retina, as well as kidney disease. The most common symptoms of diabetes is frequent urination, increased thirst, fatigue, unexplained weight loss and loss of sharpness.