Immune overload and the epidemic of diabetes as a result of vaccination
Not so long ago in the scientific journal Molecular and Genetic Medicine published an article by Dr. John. Barcelo of the class, Board-certified physician, the founder and President of Classen Immunotherapies, Inc. As a proponent of the hypothesis "immune overload", the class draws a line illustrating the relationship between the immunization and growth of children number of diseases caused by disruption of the normal functioning of the immune system. The arguments in support of his position looks quite convincing.
"Twenty years ago it was predicted that the rise of the mass immunization will cause a massive increase in chronic diseases associated with the immune system," recalls Klassen. — "Since 1999, every resident of the United States during his childhood began to receive 80 additional vaccines. From this, we have started to notice a huge, multiple increase in the incidence of autism, diabetes 1 and type 2, asthma, many autoimmune diseases, metabolic syndrome, non-alcoholic hepatic steatosis, obesity, food allergies". Numerous unsuccessful attempts to find alternative explanations for such dynamics only convinces that the cause of all — induced immune overload. For example, childhood obesity in the United States remains stable at a high level, although in recent years, actively implemented exercise and commitment to healthy eating. The causal relationship of vaccination and the epidemic of autoimmune and other diseases is confirmed in numerous scientific publications. Among the most important issues here you need to mention "dimensionless" vaccines. The dosage is calculated solely by a single parameter — the age of the child. The commercial success of the vaccine possible only under the condition that it induces a protective immune response is not less than 90 % of vaccinated people. To ensure the same percentage when calculating the dosage for the point of reference was adopted by the body with the weakest immune system. This practice leads to the fact that the immune system of the majority of children subjected to excessive stimulation. Repeated excessive stimulation of the immune system in turn leads to the development of inflammatory processes and as a result to allergies and autoimmune diseases, and they provoke further amplification of the inflammatory process. The circle is closed. "The inflammation causes an increased secretion of cytokines which can trigger autoimmune diseases, and cortisol, launching one of the most dangerous of cyclic processes in the body," writes Klassen. "If the child's body in response to inflammation produces a large amount of cortisol, there is a tendency to develop reactions such as Cushing's syndrome, which includes obesity, type 2 diabetes with insulin resistance, hypertension and dyslipidemia, or metabolic syndrome." The interrelation between vaccination and the development of type 1 diabetes for a long time. The data of clinical trials of the Haemophilus vaccine and the epidemiological pattern support the view that it is this vaccine, acts as a causative agent in the occurrence of type 1 diabetes.
Indirect evidence of relationship between the vaccination and the onset of type 2 diabetes, obesity and metabolic syndrome can be considered as data obtained recently in Japan. The cancellation there mandatory vaccinations for school-age children with BCG vaccine followed by a decrease in the incidence of type 2 diabetes in this group. The relationship between vaccination, epidemics of diabetes and obesity Data for the US over the past few years show that the epidemic of obesity among children and adolescents 12-19 years of age stood there. However, along with the stabilization of the number of cases of obesity, the level of prediabetes and babeta increased over the same period from 9% to 23 %. Under the alternative hypothesis, the development of diabetes is a consequence of excess weight. But in this case it would be reasonable to expect a reduction in the incidence of diabetes on the background of stopping the increase in the number of children suffering from obesity. This does not occur, and thus indirectly confirms the theory of immuno-induced nature of the problem. In other words, the fact that the obesity epidemic was caused by a physiological reaction to stimulation of the immune response and secretion of cortisol. By the time the number of prescribed types of vaccines reached a peak and stayed at that level has stabilized and the negative cyclic hormonal processes, and as a consequence, stopped the growth of obesity. The level of negative reaction from the point of view of the epidemic of diabetes has not been achieved, as shown by the statistics of the increase in this category of diseases. Lately in children and adolescents was a simultaneous increase in diagnosis of diabetes of either type. This disease is called "double diabetes" or "diabetes 1.5" is, before it was not met. The hypothesis of immune overload can explain this phenomenon. In conditions of moderate vaccination and immune stimulation of type 1 diabetes may develop on the background of the decreased, and type 2 diabetes is accompanied by increased secretion of cortisol in response to inflammation. The increase in the number of vaccines leads to an increase of inflammatory processes, and diabetes develops in people with a normal level of secretion of cortisol. The number produced by their cortisol is not high enough to prevent the breakup of Langerhans islets (hormone-producing cells) and the development of type 1 diabetes, however, sufficient to cause insulin resistance and symptoms of type 2 diabetes.
The epidemic of nonalcoholic liver steatosis
Nonalcoholic hepatic steatosis is a relatively new disease, first described in 1980 and represents a kind of fatty liver. It was discovered in 3 % of cases at postmortem examination of dead children for various reasons in the period from 1993 to 2003. Estimates of the percentage of this pathology for children with diagnosed obesity were 38% and 5 % for children of normal weight. More recent scientific studies have compared the blood of liver enzymes, namely alanine aminotransferase (ALT), during the periods of 1988-1994 and 2007-2010. Among children and adolescents 12-19 years in the above time intervals the detection of elevated values of ALT increased from 3.9% to 10.7 %. Although specialized epidemiological studies to identify the relationship of vaccination and non-alcoholic steatosis of the liver was conducted, this growth fits into the framework of the hypothesis of immune overload, demonstrating the presence of multiple indicators, the most important of which can be considered, first, as explained above, provoked by vaccines, diabetes, and secondly, an increased secretion of cytokines in response to vaccination-induced autoimmune inflammation. Parallel epidemics of the Theory of immune overload can explain and the growing epidemic of autoimmune diseases. A recognized fact that autoimmune and inflammatory diseases of similar pathophysiology. It is therefore not surprising that the growth recorded by doctors of inflammation is paralleled by a rising incidence of type 1 diabetes. Epidemiological studies demonstrate a clear link of type 1 diabetes and autoimmune diseases from the group polyendocrine autoimmune syndrome type 2. These include diabetes mellitus (found in 52% of patients), autoimmune thyroiditis (at 69 %). In 100% of patients diagnosed with Addison's disease. The same correlation is observed with systemic diseases, in particular rheumatic diseases. A comprehensive picture of the epidemic can be supplemented with a dozen other diseases that occur in parallel with autoimmune inflammation, diabetes and other conditions whose connection with the vaccination for the supporters of the theory of immune overload is undeniable.
In conclusion, the article Dr. cool drew attention to weaknesses in vaccine testing, which is conducted without proper control and does not take into account data on the relationship between vaccination who have epidemic proportions of the increase in autoimmune diseases, diabetes, prediabetes and obesity. The causality in this question for it is clear, as the strength of the theory of immune overload. He continues to insist on this even despite the fact that in 2006 the Global Advisory Committee on vaccine safety world health organization came to the unequivocal opinion on the unproven theory of immune overload. What are the consequences of mindless indiscriminate vaccination of children, the magazine "Home child" was written more than once. Dr. cool calls, without waiting for the time when comprehensive clinical trials of vaccines will become the accepted norm, to exercise caution and take the same measures that were adopted in other similar situations: "conclusions regarding the toxicity of many substances, including cigarettes and asbestos, have been made at all without tests", but only on the basis of aggregate data. And whatever side not adhered to each Panelist, one should accept everything: in matters of health should not be minor and the application was not well understood practices in health care can be very dangerous.
Source: /users/1081

"Twenty years ago it was predicted that the rise of the mass immunization will cause a massive increase in chronic diseases associated with the immune system," recalls Klassen. — "Since 1999, every resident of the United States during his childhood began to receive 80 additional vaccines. From this, we have started to notice a huge, multiple increase in the incidence of autism, diabetes 1 and type 2, asthma, many autoimmune diseases, metabolic syndrome, non-alcoholic hepatic steatosis, obesity, food allergies". Numerous unsuccessful attempts to find alternative explanations for such dynamics only convinces that the cause of all — induced immune overload. For example, childhood obesity in the United States remains stable at a high level, although in recent years, actively implemented exercise and commitment to healthy eating. The causal relationship of vaccination and the epidemic of autoimmune and other diseases is confirmed in numerous scientific publications. Among the most important issues here you need to mention "dimensionless" vaccines. The dosage is calculated solely by a single parameter — the age of the child. The commercial success of the vaccine possible only under the condition that it induces a protective immune response is not less than 90 % of vaccinated people. To ensure the same percentage when calculating the dosage for the point of reference was adopted by the body with the weakest immune system. This practice leads to the fact that the immune system of the majority of children subjected to excessive stimulation. Repeated excessive stimulation of the immune system in turn leads to the development of inflammatory processes and as a result to allergies and autoimmune diseases, and they provoke further amplification of the inflammatory process. The circle is closed. "The inflammation causes an increased secretion of cytokines which can trigger autoimmune diseases, and cortisol, launching one of the most dangerous of cyclic processes in the body," writes Klassen. "If the child's body in response to inflammation produces a large amount of cortisol, there is a tendency to develop reactions such as Cushing's syndrome, which includes obesity, type 2 diabetes with insulin resistance, hypertension and dyslipidemia, or metabolic syndrome." The interrelation between vaccination and the development of type 1 diabetes for a long time. The data of clinical trials of the Haemophilus vaccine and the epidemiological pattern support the view that it is this vaccine, acts as a causative agent in the occurrence of type 1 diabetes.

Indirect evidence of relationship between the vaccination and the onset of type 2 diabetes, obesity and metabolic syndrome can be considered as data obtained recently in Japan. The cancellation there mandatory vaccinations for school-age children with BCG vaccine followed by a decrease in the incidence of type 2 diabetes in this group. The relationship between vaccination, epidemics of diabetes and obesity Data for the US over the past few years show that the epidemic of obesity among children and adolescents 12-19 years of age stood there. However, along with the stabilization of the number of cases of obesity, the level of prediabetes and babeta increased over the same period from 9% to 23 %. Under the alternative hypothesis, the development of diabetes is a consequence of excess weight. But in this case it would be reasonable to expect a reduction in the incidence of diabetes on the background of stopping the increase in the number of children suffering from obesity. This does not occur, and thus indirectly confirms the theory of immuno-induced nature of the problem. In other words, the fact that the obesity epidemic was caused by a physiological reaction to stimulation of the immune response and secretion of cortisol. By the time the number of prescribed types of vaccines reached a peak and stayed at that level has stabilized and the negative cyclic hormonal processes, and as a consequence, stopped the growth of obesity. The level of negative reaction from the point of view of the epidemic of diabetes has not been achieved, as shown by the statistics of the increase in this category of diseases. Lately in children and adolescents was a simultaneous increase in diagnosis of diabetes of either type. This disease is called "double diabetes" or "diabetes 1.5" is, before it was not met. The hypothesis of immune overload can explain this phenomenon. In conditions of moderate vaccination and immune stimulation of type 1 diabetes may develop on the background of the decreased, and type 2 diabetes is accompanied by increased secretion of cortisol in response to inflammation. The increase in the number of vaccines leads to an increase of inflammatory processes, and diabetes develops in people with a normal level of secretion of cortisol. The number produced by their cortisol is not high enough to prevent the breakup of Langerhans islets (hormone-producing cells) and the development of type 1 diabetes, however, sufficient to cause insulin resistance and symptoms of type 2 diabetes.

The epidemic of nonalcoholic liver steatosis
Nonalcoholic hepatic steatosis is a relatively new disease, first described in 1980 and represents a kind of fatty liver. It was discovered in 3 % of cases at postmortem examination of dead children for various reasons in the period from 1993 to 2003. Estimates of the percentage of this pathology for children with diagnosed obesity were 38% and 5 % for children of normal weight. More recent scientific studies have compared the blood of liver enzymes, namely alanine aminotransferase (ALT), during the periods of 1988-1994 and 2007-2010. Among children and adolescents 12-19 years in the above time intervals the detection of elevated values of ALT increased from 3.9% to 10.7 %. Although specialized epidemiological studies to identify the relationship of vaccination and non-alcoholic steatosis of the liver was conducted, this growth fits into the framework of the hypothesis of immune overload, demonstrating the presence of multiple indicators, the most important of which can be considered, first, as explained above, provoked by vaccines, diabetes, and secondly, an increased secretion of cytokines in response to vaccination-induced autoimmune inflammation. Parallel epidemics of the Theory of immune overload can explain and the growing epidemic of autoimmune diseases. A recognized fact that autoimmune and inflammatory diseases of similar pathophysiology. It is therefore not surprising that the growth recorded by doctors of inflammation is paralleled by a rising incidence of type 1 diabetes. Epidemiological studies demonstrate a clear link of type 1 diabetes and autoimmune diseases from the group polyendocrine autoimmune syndrome type 2. These include diabetes mellitus (found in 52% of patients), autoimmune thyroiditis (at 69 %). In 100% of patients diagnosed with Addison's disease. The same correlation is observed with systemic diseases, in particular rheumatic diseases. A comprehensive picture of the epidemic can be supplemented with a dozen other diseases that occur in parallel with autoimmune inflammation, diabetes and other conditions whose connection with the vaccination for the supporters of the theory of immune overload is undeniable.

In conclusion, the article Dr. cool drew attention to weaknesses in vaccine testing, which is conducted without proper control and does not take into account data on the relationship between vaccination who have epidemic proportions of the increase in autoimmune diseases, diabetes, prediabetes and obesity. The causality in this question for it is clear, as the strength of the theory of immune overload. He continues to insist on this even despite the fact that in 2006 the Global Advisory Committee on vaccine safety world health organization came to the unequivocal opinion on the unproven theory of immune overload. What are the consequences of mindless indiscriminate vaccination of children, the magazine "Home child" was written more than once. Dr. cool calls, without waiting for the time when comprehensive clinical trials of vaccines will become the accepted norm, to exercise caution and take the same measures that were adopted in other similar situations: "conclusions regarding the toxicity of many substances, including cigarettes and asbestos, have been made at all without tests", but only on the basis of aggregate data. And whatever side not adhered to each Panelist, one should accept everything: in matters of health should not be minor and the application was not well understood practices in health care can be very dangerous.
Source: /users/1081