Facts about diabetes

The earliest mention of the disease, in which it was possible to make a diagnosis "diabetes" was found in Eberskom papyrus in 1500 BC. This description includes prescription medicines a few who could "remove urine flowing too often."
In 1889 Oskar Minkowski (1858-1931) discovered a connection between diabetes and pancreatic cancer. When he removed it from the dog, the animal developed diabetes.
The name "insulin" is derived from the Latin "insula", which means "island", as the hormone is released from the islets of Langerhans located in the pancreas.
Before the discovery of insulin rarely surgeons operated on patients with gangrene, which developed diabetes as patients after such surgery will inevitably die. Sometimes gangrene "avtoamputirovalas" ie, gangrene area dries up and disappears by itself.
Before the discovery of insulin in 1921, doctors often prescribe to their patients by starvation or semi-starvation diet, recommending only one kind of food, such as oatmeal.
Obesity often leads to diabetes - about 90% of people with diabetes suffer from type 2 have a large overweight.
In 1996 in Pennsylvania at home 16 year old girl died of an attack of diabetes. Rather than provide a cure for the patient, her parents prayed for her salvation. They were later charged with manslaughter.
Some researchers find link in the development of type 1 diabetes patients with a contact with the virus, especially Coxsackie virus.
African Americans and Hispanics are more prone to type II diabetes than whites. A thousand African Americans account for 74 cases, 61 per thousand is Hispanic, while the share of white people in 1000 account for 36 cases
Diabetes develops in approximately one of three African-American women aged 64 years and above.
Some studies have shown that patients with diabetes are at much greater risk of Alzheimer's disease and other forms of dementia than other people, although the reasons for this are unknown.
Each year in the US there are about 86,000 lower limb amputations in diabetic patients. The number of amputations greater among men than among women. Experts say that about half of all amputations can be avoided if conducted with a population of more serious preventive work.
Cases of diabetes were found in horses, ferrets and chipmunks. Where animals are fed unattended, diabetes can develop in dolphins, foxes and even hippos.
Diabetes is sometimes a cause of blindness. Experts say that early diagnosis of diabetes and its timely treatment could prevent up to 90% of cases of blindness, which leads to diabetes.
Although women without diabetes, the number of heart diseases in recent years has fallen by 27% and 23% of women with diabetes is increased.
Many times Olympic champion Gary Hall Jr. suffered diabetes type 1. When diagnosed, his doctor told him to go out sailing. Gary doctors changed, continued training and soon won the gold medal of the Olympics.
In white children a greater risk of developing diabetes type 1 than those of other races, though in different countries, the number of cases may vary. Risk factors include the disease at an early age, higher maternal age at birth, type 1 diabetes in the mother, late toxicosis of pregnancy the mother as well as a large birth weight.
In diabetes, especially among teenage girls with type 1 diabetes often develop eating disorders. Some of them sometimes miss insulin injections to lose weight.
Approximately 11% of Americans aged 65 to 74 years suffer from diabetes. About 20% of those over 74 also have diabetes, and half of them do not even know about his illness.
Diabetics have a higher risk of developing gingivitis that can lead to tooth loss. However, only half of Hispanics gular visits to the dentist, compared with 58% of African Americans and 70% of non-Hispanic whites.
Insulin inhalers for patients with type 1 diabetes began to spread schiroko already in the 21st century. Pharmaceutical companies are also developing a pill that can be put under the tongue.
People with diabetes are more susceptible to complications from influenza and pneumonia. They fall into these problems at the hospital six times more likely than people without diabetes. According to the Center for Disease Control from 10 thousand to 30 thousand people with diabetes die each year from pneumonia and influenza.
Experts say that diabetes shortens the life of their patients for 5-10 years, and men die from it more often than women.
Studies show that the average level of glucose may be higher in women with diabetes who have menstrual problems. Do these girls is increasing the number of hospital admissions for diabetic ketoacidosis.
Soluble fiber oatmeal helps control blood sugar levels. Harvard researchers found that eating oat products from dvuhdo four times a week can be 16% lower risk of type 2 diabetes. Eating oatmeal five or six times a week reduced the risk by 40%.
Diabetes is the common name of several types of diseases, including type 1, type 2, gestational diabetes (gestational) diabetes is due to growing up, and latent autoimmune diabetes of adults. Overall in these diseases that humans suffer them unable to regulate blood sugar levels.
Ancient doctors diagnosed diabetes patient trying urine on taste. Sweet urine is considered the main sign of diabetes.