Beans from diabetes
Diabetes folk medicine recommends the use of colored beans.
• In the morning before Breakfast to eat raw beans in the amount of 5 pieces for 15 minutes before Breakfast. Color. If weak teeth
the overnight soak in water. Very carefully chew. Sugar can be normalized in 10 days.
One of the reasons diabetes is a disease of the pancreas, pancreatitis – acute, chronic.
Therefore, in this disease and for the prevention recommended to use leaf beans.
Recipe: chopped leaf in the amount of 10-15 grams of boiled water, boil for 10-15 minutes, and then insist for another 30 minutes and allowed to cool. The filtered decoction drink 70-90 ml before meals.
Leaf beans for diabetes have glucose-lowering effect and indirectly – by increasing urine output.
Against the use of sashes dosage of antidiabetic drugs reduced by 20-30%, unfortunately, even if the intake valves can't refuse the insulin. Leaf beans in diabetes – recipes:
• A decoction of 20 grams of crushed wings placed in 200 ml of boiling water, and then another 20 minutes, they are boiled on the fire. Cooled broth take 30 ml before meals. Regimen — three times a day
•. The infusion. Two tablespoons of the valves are placed in the flask, where they pour very hot water in volume to 0.5 liters. Insist 5-6 hours, the finished product take 100 ml four times a day before meals.
Diuretic effect of the valves: 40-50 grams dry raw material is poured a liter of cold water, insist 12 hours.
The use of beans has also contraindications.
• Some Beans, leaf beans can cause allergies.
• Next, people prone to hypoglycemia is not recommended, because may develop hypoglycemic coma – unconsciousness due to low blood glucose level.
Source: zdravclub.ru
• In the morning before Breakfast to eat raw beans in the amount of 5 pieces for 15 minutes before Breakfast. Color. If weak teeth
the overnight soak in water. Very carefully chew. Sugar can be normalized in 10 days.
One of the reasons diabetes is a disease of the pancreas, pancreatitis – acute, chronic.
Therefore, in this disease and for the prevention recommended to use leaf beans.
Recipe: chopped leaf in the amount of 10-15 grams of boiled water, boil for 10-15 minutes, and then insist for another 30 minutes and allowed to cool. The filtered decoction drink 70-90 ml before meals.
Leaf beans for diabetes have glucose-lowering effect and indirectly – by increasing urine output.
Against the use of sashes dosage of antidiabetic drugs reduced by 20-30%, unfortunately, even if the intake valves can't refuse the insulin. Leaf beans in diabetes – recipes:
• A decoction of 20 grams of crushed wings placed in 200 ml of boiling water, and then another 20 minutes, they are boiled on the fire. Cooled broth take 30 ml before meals. Regimen — three times a day
•. The infusion. Two tablespoons of the valves are placed in the flask, where they pour very hot water in volume to 0.5 liters. Insist 5-6 hours, the finished product take 100 ml four times a day before meals.
Diuretic effect of the valves: 40-50 grams dry raw material is poured a liter of cold water, insist 12 hours.
The use of beans has also contraindications.
• Some Beans, leaf beans can cause allergies.
• Next, people prone to hypoglycemia is not recommended, because may develop hypoglycemic coma – unconsciousness due to low blood glucose level.
Source: zdravclub.ru
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