Folk remedies for the treatment of diabetes
Diabetes mellitus is a chronic endocrine disease characterized by a deficiency in production of insulin. Due to a deficiency of this hormone in the blood increases the level of glucose, and also breaking all kinds of metabolism.
For the treatment of diabetes used a range of drugs, including traditional medicine.
Folk treatment of diabetes
In 1980 I had a diabetic coma. During the meal I lost consciousness. Went to the doctor, got tested. The doctor said that now I every week will need to donate blood. I was afraid that I was hooked on insulin, and she decided to understand his illness. Read a lot of books and found out the causes of diabetes. It turned out that the importance of nutrition.
From your diet completely excluded meat products. Eating eggs without the yolk, a few years was on cereals (rice, millet, buckwheat) and walnuts (7 to 10 pieces of walnut to replace the protein daily intake).
Because at that time I was overweight, I began to starve every Saturday week. On Friday, ate a light dinner (up to 19 hours). Out of hunger on Sunday after 12 hours of the day: a handful of raisins pour boiling water over and strain through cheesecloth in several layers, taking a drink. Then again pour boiling water over and strain the drink. Again poured hot water, boil for 2 minutes, drank water and ate raisins. During the year I lost sixteen pounds.
Since then every year do a cleanse and feel great still, despite his age.
And now I'll tell you a recipe that helped me a lot
A pound of celery, and six lemons. The roots clean. Loop together with lemons. Put in a saucepan, boil water bath for two hours. The resulting composition is put in the fridge. Drink half an hour before Breakfast one tablespoon. Treated for two years.
Treatment of diabetes with Crimea
The extracts from plants of the Amur Crimea, representing a rare species of moss growing on certain trees, used as immunomodulator, anti-inflammatory and regenerating means.
This drug effectively involved in carbohydrate metabolism as it stimulates the production of hormones of the pancreas and its enzymes:
In the composition of extracts of the Amur Crivei there are enzymes, complement ones own substances of the body. They facilitate the digestion of nutrients, contributing to its complete absorption in the small intestine.
In addition to these important for the treatment of diabetes properties of the drug, Crimea Amur has the following qualities:
Indications for use Crivei Amur – violation of secretion of the pancreas, damage to the islets of Langerhans that occur in diabetes. Regular use of the drug minimizes the mutual influence of these pathologies. The drug is applied 1 teaspoon before meals.
Adult dose – 3 times daily, for children 1-2 times.
The course of treatment lasts 3 months, after the break, which is 30 days, it can be repeated.
Diabetes prescription healer L. Kim
This recipe gave us a famous healer Lyudmila Kim, candidate of chemical Sciences. This infusion significantly lowers the level of blood sugar.
For its preparation you will need:
Garlic contains selenium, which is very good for the liver. Parsley is a very good remedy for the liver, pancreas, kidneys. Lemon — as a source of vitamin "C".
From all lemons cut zest, to get approximately 100 grams. The cleaned garlic, wash the parsley roots and skip all through a meat grinder. The resulting mixture was stirred, put into a jar and allow to infuse for 2 weeks in a dark place.
How to take:
Take 1 teaspoon half an hour before meals, 3 times a day.
What drink?
Lyudmila Kim recommends everyone herbal recipe:
Take 1 tbsp. spoon collection Cup of boiling water. If the grass is fresh, infused for 1 hour. Then strain and take 1/3 Cup 3 times a day.
Triple the infusion for stimulation of insulin production
Stimulation of production of insulin by the pancreas – an important condition for the wellbeing of patients with diabetes.
This problem copes tincture made up of 3 components:
For obtaining the final product mixed with 150 ml of the first infusion, 60 ml / second, and 40 ml of the third. The resulting mixture is take 1 tbsp twice a day, 20 minutes before Breakfast and before bedtime.
The treatment of diabetes acorns oak
The most valuable component of oak acorns is tannin. This substance is active against inflammatory phenomena in the human body, strengthens the cardiovascular system. Useful properties of oak acorns is very valuable for diabetics because the disease is urgently needed strengthening of protective forces of an organism and a balanced diet in a strict diet.
Properties of oak acorns that are important for diabetics:
Acorns are peeled, the core was dried in a hot oven at a low temperature. After drying, grind them into powder using the grinder. You can purchase acorns in the pharmacy network.
Before using this recipe, it is recommended to consult with your doctor.
Methods of use:
And powder, and grated acorns washed down with boiled water. The end of the course of treatment is determined by blood tests, its effectiveness is tested repeatedly in patients with diabetes.
Juice Brussels sprouts recipe N.In. Walker
The normalization of the pancreas, stimulation of its external and endocrine activity occurs with regular use of juice made from vegetables:
The optimal combination of these products was established by the famous American doctor-naturopath, N.In.Walker, bestselling author of "the Treatment of raw vegetable juices". For many years he has researched the beneficial properties of fresh juice from vegetables. The proposed combination is successfully used for the treatment of pancreas, reduces the intensity of symptoms of diabetes and chronic forms of pancreatitis.
The juice is very simple – the ingredients are taken in equal parts and passed through a meat grinder. Therapeutic dosage – a half a Cup in the morning on an empty stomach.
Treatment with freshly squeezed vegetable juice lasts exactly a month, if needed it is repeated after a 2 week break.
Simultaneously with the reception of the juice needed to stick to a diet with low carbohydrate, apply a cleansing enema.
Lemon and egg in diabetes
And lemon, and eggs are products that are necessary for patients with diabetes. Lemon reduces the level of glucose in the blood, normalizes blood pressure and chicken and quail eggs supply the body diabetics the necessary micronutrients.
Operates more efficiently the mixture of these products:
A therapeutic mixture obtained by mixing these components is a single dose. It is taken as a single dose half an hour before meals.
The treatment lasts for one month according to the following scheme:
Lemon juice can be replaced with Jerusalem artichoke juice with increased acidity of gastric juice.
Other folk remedies that reduce the level of sugar
To normalize the blood sugar level there are many recipes of traditional medicine:
Author: Sobolenko Valentina, endocrinologist
Also interesting: the Psychosomatics of diabetes
How to cure diabetes methods of Tibetan medicine
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: www.ayzdorov.ru/lechenie_diabeta_narsredstva.php
For the treatment of diabetes used a range of drugs, including traditional medicine.
Folk treatment of diabetes
In 1980 I had a diabetic coma. During the meal I lost consciousness. Went to the doctor, got tested. The doctor said that now I every week will need to donate blood. I was afraid that I was hooked on insulin, and she decided to understand his illness. Read a lot of books and found out the causes of diabetes. It turned out that the importance of nutrition.

From your diet completely excluded meat products. Eating eggs without the yolk, a few years was on cereals (rice, millet, buckwheat) and walnuts (7 to 10 pieces of walnut to replace the protein daily intake).
Because at that time I was overweight, I began to starve every Saturday week. On Friday, ate a light dinner (up to 19 hours). Out of hunger on Sunday after 12 hours of the day: a handful of raisins pour boiling water over and strain through cheesecloth in several layers, taking a drink. Then again pour boiling water over and strain the drink. Again poured hot water, boil for 2 minutes, drank water and ate raisins. During the year I lost sixteen pounds.
Since then every year do a cleanse and feel great still, despite his age.
And now I'll tell you a recipe that helped me a lot
A pound of celery, and six lemons. The roots clean. Loop together with lemons. Put in a saucepan, boil water bath for two hours. The resulting composition is put in the fridge. Drink half an hour before Breakfast one tablespoon. Treated for two years.
Treatment of diabetes with Crimea
The extracts from plants of the Amur Crimea, representing a rare species of moss growing on certain trees, used as immunomodulator, anti-inflammatory and regenerating means.
This drug effectively involved in carbohydrate metabolism as it stimulates the production of hormones of the pancreas and its enzymes:
- lipase
- amylase
- protease.

In the composition of extracts of the Amur Crivei there are enzymes, complement ones own substances of the body. They facilitate the digestion of nutrients, contributing to its complete absorption in the small intestine.
In addition to these important for the treatment of diabetes properties of the drug, Crimea Amur has the following qualities:
- Antihistaminic action, including in food Allergy;
- Normalization of the acidity of the stomach;
- The revitalization of phagocytes – cells of the immune system, neutralizing viruses and bacteria;
- Regenerating effect against damage of the mucous membrane of the digestive tract, decreased pain in damaged tissues.
Indications for use Crivei Amur – violation of secretion of the pancreas, damage to the islets of Langerhans that occur in diabetes. Regular use of the drug minimizes the mutual influence of these pathologies. The drug is applied 1 teaspoon before meals.
Adult dose – 3 times daily, for children 1-2 times.
The course of treatment lasts 3 months, after the break, which is 30 days, it can be repeated.
Diabetes prescription healer L. Kim
This recipe gave us a famous healer Lyudmila Kim, candidate of chemical Sciences. This infusion significantly lowers the level of blood sugar.
For its preparation you will need:
- 100 grams of lemon peel (to get that amount of zest, you'll need 1 kilogram of lemons; remove peel, it needs it)
- 300 grams of parsley root (if not rooted, something amiss and leaves, but the roots will be more effective)
- 300 grams peeled garlic
Garlic contains selenium, which is very good for the liver. Parsley is a very good remedy for the liver, pancreas, kidneys. Lemon — as a source of vitamin "C".
From all lemons cut zest, to get approximately 100 grams. The cleaned garlic, wash the parsley roots and skip all through a meat grinder. The resulting mixture was stirred, put into a jar and allow to infuse for 2 weeks in a dark place.
How to take:
Take 1 teaspoon half an hour before meals, 3 times a day.
What drink?
Lyudmila Kim recommends everyone herbal recipe:
- corn silk,
- field horsetail,
- cowberry leaf,
- pods of beans.
Take 1 tbsp. spoon collection Cup of boiling water. If the grass is fresh, infused for 1 hour. Then strain and take 1/3 Cup 3 times a day.
Triple the infusion for stimulation of insulin production
Stimulation of production of insulin by the pancreas – an important condition for the wellbeing of patients with diabetes.
This problem copes tincture made up of 3 components:
- 300 ml vodka pour 50 g of crushed to mushy state onions. This mixture was incubated in the dark for 5 days, strain.
- 300 ml vodka pour 50 g of crushed walnut leaves incubated in the dark for weeks, strain.
- 300 ml vodka pour chopped herbs of lady's mantle, insist week, strain.
For obtaining the final product mixed with 150 ml of the first infusion, 60 ml / second, and 40 ml of the third. The resulting mixture is take 1 tbsp twice a day, 20 minutes before Breakfast and before bedtime.
The treatment of diabetes acorns oak
The most valuable component of oak acorns is tannin. This substance is active against inflammatory phenomena in the human body, strengthens the cardiovascular system. Useful properties of oak acorns is very valuable for diabetics because the disease is urgently needed strengthening of protective forces of an organism and a balanced diet in a strict diet.

Properties of oak acorns that are important for diabetics:
- Bactericidal (against viruses and microorganisms);
- Anticancer;
- Stimulating the kidneys and the digestive tract.
Acorns are peeled, the core was dried in a hot oven at a low temperature. After drying, grind them into powder using the grinder. You can purchase acorns in the pharmacy network.
Before using this recipe, it is recommended to consult with your doctor.
Methods of use:
- Acorn powder on an empty stomach take 1 teaspoon before Breakfast, lunch, and before dinner.
- Those who can not use for the treatment of the powder, RUB the contents of the acorn on a fine grater, take the same way as previous recipe.
And powder, and grated acorns washed down with boiled water. The end of the course of treatment is determined by blood tests, its effectiveness is tested repeatedly in patients with diabetes.
Juice Brussels sprouts recipe N.In. Walker
The normalization of the pancreas, stimulation of its external and endocrine activity occurs with regular use of juice made from vegetables:
- Brussels sprouts,
- carrots,
- green beans,
- lettuce.
The optimal combination of these products was established by the famous American doctor-naturopath, N.In.Walker, bestselling author of "the Treatment of raw vegetable juices". For many years he has researched the beneficial properties of fresh juice from vegetables. The proposed combination is successfully used for the treatment of pancreas, reduces the intensity of symptoms of diabetes and chronic forms of pancreatitis.
The juice is very simple – the ingredients are taken in equal parts and passed through a meat grinder. Therapeutic dosage – a half a Cup in the morning on an empty stomach.
Treatment with freshly squeezed vegetable juice lasts exactly a month, if needed it is repeated after a 2 week break.
Simultaneously with the reception of the juice needed to stick to a diet with low carbohydrate, apply a cleansing enema.

Lemon and egg in diabetes
And lemon, and eggs are products that are necessary for patients with diabetes. Lemon reduces the level of glucose in the blood, normalizes blood pressure and chicken and quail eggs supply the body diabetics the necessary micronutrients.
Operates more efficiently the mixture of these products:
- 50 ml fresh lemon juice,
- 1 egg or 5 quail eggs.
A therapeutic mixture obtained by mixing these components is a single dose. It is taken as a single dose half an hour before meals.
The treatment lasts for one month according to the following scheme:
- 3 days receiving treatment mixture;
- 3 days break, etc.
Lemon juice can be replaced with Jerusalem artichoke juice with increased acidity of gastric juice.
Other folk remedies that reduce the level of sugar
To normalize the blood sugar level there are many recipes of traditional medicine:
- Psyllium (15 g), pour in enamelware Cup of water, boil on low heat for 5 minutes. Cooled broth pozhivayut and take 1 dessert spoon 3 times a day.
- Juice of burdock. Effectively reduces the level of sugar the juice of crushed burdock root, dug out in may. It is taken three times a day 15 ml, breeding this amount of 250 ml of cool boiled water.
- An infusion from the rind of lemons. To normalize the level of glucose rind of 2 lemons poured into a thermos 400 ml of boiling water and infused for one and a half to two hours. The therapeutic dose is that half a Cup of infusion of bark lemons 2-3 times a day.
- The lime broth. Drink infusion of Linden flowers, replacing them tea. Two cups of boiled water two tablespoons lime color. In just four days the sugar level can drop by 40%. The broth is done as follows: to 3 liters two glasses of lime-colored pour with water and boil for ten minutes. Wait until cool, then strain. You can then pour into bottles. This mixture should be stored in the refrigerator and drink 1/2 Cup, when you want to drink. When you drink all the broth, take a break for three weeks. And then again repeat the course.
- Cinnamon. Take the usual seasoning that everyone has in the kitchen — cinnamon powder. Preparing the infusion on the basis of honey and cinnamon in a 2:1 ratio. To start, pour cinnamon powder Cup boiling water, let it stand for half an hour. When the mixture has cooled slightly, add honey. This option is recommended to put in a cold place for about 3 hours. The resulting infusion divided into two parts. One part drink before Breakfast for 30 minutes, and another part definitely before bedtime. The course of treatment should not exceed 7 days.

- A decoction of the leaves of walnut. To prepare the broth, pour 1 tbsp be sure to dried and well crushed young leaves 500 ml simple boiled water. Then the mixture should be boiled for about 15 minutes on a slow fire, after which it needs to steep for 40 minutes. After straining the decoction of the leaves of walnut can take half a Cup three times a day.
- Broth partitions walnuts. Take 40 walnuts and extract their partitions. These partitions should pour a glass of boiling water, and then then approximately one hour in a water bath. After cooling the mixture it is recommended to drain. Infusion should drink about half an hour before each meal. The optimal dosage is 1-2 tsp published
Author: Sobolenko Valentina, endocrinologist
Also interesting: the Psychosomatics of diabetes
How to cure diabetes methods of Tibetan medicine
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: www.ayzdorov.ru/lechenie_diabeta_narsredstva.php