How and why you need to soak the beans
Our ancestors have always prepared beans, grains, seeds, nuts and grains before consumption. Conventional methods were soaking in water or fermenting.
Everything changed in the age of industrialization where we no longer pay attention and not think of how food is digested in our body. In the end, we suffer from various problems and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, autoimmune diseases, deficient States such chronic diseases as diabetes, arthritis, osteoporosis.
Nature, as they say, not stupid. She supplied the beans special protective weapon antinutrients, which can be isolated in branny shell or the skin of beans. For this reason, I do not think the consumption of bran.
The antinutrients beans need to protect themselves from being eaten by animals, bacteria and fungi.
These substances begin to decompose naturally in the soil and germinate when the environment in which they find themselves, becomes warm, moist and acidic in its pH.
Soaking mimics germination medium, neutralizing the antinutrients, activating special enzymes and increases the availability of vitamins and minerals contained in the beans. If You don't soak the beans before cooking, they lose up to 80% of all the nutrients it contained.
Soaking activates a special enzyme — picazo, which helps us to digest the bean complete.
What are the antinutrients found in beans?
1. The phytic acid. This substance protects the beans from premature germination.
But if it enters our digestive tract, phytic acid binds itself to minerals such as magnesium, zinc, iron, copper, and not allowing them to be absorbed, just removes from our body. We are not cows, we do not have the enzyme, which is able to digest phytic acid.
Gradually, eating foods rich in phytic acid can cause mineral deficiencies. And there are to problems with the digestive system, immune system, musculoskeletal disorders, anemia, allergies, hormonal problems.
Especially this affects children because their growing bodies more strongly feels the lack of necessary substances. Here's one of the reasons for the development of skin problems (eczema) and various allergies.
The drenching does not destroy the phytic acid completely, but reduces the amount to 75%.
2. Lectin. This special type of protein that is present in many foods. But especially in large amounts in cereals and beans.
Lectin getting into our intestines, it sticks to the mucosa and eventually damages it.
And then develops the leaky gut syndrome — the formation of tiny tears in the mucous membrane of the intestine through which digested food particles and various decomposition products of the toxins enter the bloodstream, circulating throughout the body, weakening our immune system.
All this taken together gives a boost to allergic reactions and other serious diseases, such as Crohn's disease, goiter Hashimoto's, fibromyalgia, multiple sclerosis, arthritis.
And if the lectin when soaking beans, you can deactivate, soy products and wheat it is impossible to achieve. So I advise you to avoid wheat, which is in addition to lectio contains gluten.
3. Inhibitors of digestive enzymes. These substances protect the beans from all, who wants to try it, including us.
They inactivate trypsin is an enzyme necessary for the digestion of protein. Over time, this leads to excessive secretion of pancreatic enzymes gland, which affects its normal functions and can result in the development of benign tumors.
4. The oligosaccharides. In our bodies lack the necessary enzymes to digest these complex sugars.
Once in the intestine, these substances form carbon dioxide and methane. In the end, we feel the bloating, well, then everyone knows what's going on.
But the problem lies in the fact that continuous fermentation processes in the intestine and the formation of these gases leads to inflammation and damage of the intestinal mucosa. And welcome to the leaky gut syndrome.
How to soak Beans
The method is actually very simple. The most important thing You will need is time. So what have to plan ahead.
Ideally, beans should be soaked for 12-24 hours. If You want the beans prepared faster, you can add 1 teaspoon of baking soda.
Method of soaking beans
You will need:
I just boil water in a kettle, then pour this water to the beans. Don't forget that beans swell from water, therefore do not spare water to cover them by two inches. Then I cover with a lid and leave on the table.
On expiry of the soaking, I thoroughly washed the beans and use it in recipes.
I'm not buying canned beans and You do not advise. In addition to preservatives, the beans were hardly prepared properly — soaked.
Also, I soak all grains, nuts and peas.
I also want to add that the beans is not necessary for a healthy lifestyle and good nutrition. It does not contain substances, which we can't obtain in other foods in even greater numbers.
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If You are healthy and Your body can easily digest the beans, then safely consume it, but only pre-soaking to deactivate the antinutrients.
If You suffer from any chronic disease, I recommend You to refuse from beans because of the potential risk of sensitivity to anti-nutritional contents.published
Source: happyandnatural.com/kak-zachem-nuzhno-zamachivat-fasol/
Everything changed in the age of industrialization where we no longer pay attention and not think of how food is digested in our body. In the end, we suffer from various problems and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, autoimmune diseases, deficient States such chronic diseases as diabetes, arthritis, osteoporosis.
Nature, as they say, not stupid. She supplied the beans special protective weapon antinutrients, which can be isolated in branny shell or the skin of beans. For this reason, I do not think the consumption of bran.

The antinutrients beans need to protect themselves from being eaten by animals, bacteria and fungi.
These substances begin to decompose naturally in the soil and germinate when the environment in which they find themselves, becomes warm, moist and acidic in its pH.
Soaking mimics germination medium, neutralizing the antinutrients, activating special enzymes and increases the availability of vitamins and minerals contained in the beans. If You don't soak the beans before cooking, they lose up to 80% of all the nutrients it contained.
Soaking activates a special enzyme — picazo, which helps us to digest the bean complete.
What are the antinutrients found in beans?
1. The phytic acid. This substance protects the beans from premature germination.
But if it enters our digestive tract, phytic acid binds itself to minerals such as magnesium, zinc, iron, copper, and not allowing them to be absorbed, just removes from our body. We are not cows, we do not have the enzyme, which is able to digest phytic acid.
Gradually, eating foods rich in phytic acid can cause mineral deficiencies. And there are to problems with the digestive system, immune system, musculoskeletal disorders, anemia, allergies, hormonal problems.
Especially this affects children because their growing bodies more strongly feels the lack of necessary substances. Here's one of the reasons for the development of skin problems (eczema) and various allergies.
The drenching does not destroy the phytic acid completely, but reduces the amount to 75%.
2. Lectin. This special type of protein that is present in many foods. But especially in large amounts in cereals and beans.
Lectin getting into our intestines, it sticks to the mucosa and eventually damages it.
And then develops the leaky gut syndrome — the formation of tiny tears in the mucous membrane of the intestine through which digested food particles and various decomposition products of the toxins enter the bloodstream, circulating throughout the body, weakening our immune system.
All this taken together gives a boost to allergic reactions and other serious diseases, such as Crohn's disease, goiter Hashimoto's, fibromyalgia, multiple sclerosis, arthritis.
And if the lectin when soaking beans, you can deactivate, soy products and wheat it is impossible to achieve. So I advise you to avoid wheat, which is in addition to lectio contains gluten.

3. Inhibitors of digestive enzymes. These substances protect the beans from all, who wants to try it, including us.
They inactivate trypsin is an enzyme necessary for the digestion of protein. Over time, this leads to excessive secretion of pancreatic enzymes gland, which affects its normal functions and can result in the development of benign tumors.
4. The oligosaccharides. In our bodies lack the necessary enzymes to digest these complex sugars.
Once in the intestine, these substances form carbon dioxide and methane. In the end, we feel the bloating, well, then everyone knows what's going on.
But the problem lies in the fact that continuous fermentation processes in the intestine and the formation of these gases leads to inflammation and damage of the intestinal mucosa. And welcome to the leaky gut syndrome.
How to soak Beans
The method is actually very simple. The most important thing You will need is time. So what have to plan ahead.
Ideally, beans should be soaked for 12-24 hours. If You want the beans prepared faster, you can add 1 teaspoon of baking soda.

Method of soaking beans
You will need:
- boiled filtered water
- beans
- glass or enamelware (use plastic is always a bad idea)
I just boil water in a kettle, then pour this water to the beans. Don't forget that beans swell from water, therefore do not spare water to cover them by two inches. Then I cover with a lid and leave on the table.
On expiry of the soaking, I thoroughly washed the beans and use it in recipes.
I'm not buying canned beans and You do not advise. In addition to preservatives, the beans were hardly prepared properly — soaked.
Also, I soak all grains, nuts and peas.
I also want to add that the beans is not necessary for a healthy lifestyle and good nutrition. It does not contain substances, which we can't obtain in other foods in even greater numbers.
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If You are healthy and Your body can easily digest the beans, then safely consume it, but only pre-soaking to deactivate the antinutrients.
If You suffer from any chronic disease, I recommend You to refuse from beans because of the potential risk of sensitivity to anti-nutritional contents.published
Source: happyandnatural.com/kak-zachem-nuzhno-zamachivat-fasol/