Mother-in-law flew from Greece and showed how to cook beans without soaking in a couple of minutes
To cook beans and not spend a lot of time on it, it must be soaked first. By the way, this is not the first and not the only reason why you need to do this. But that's not it now. Flying with soaking like not all housewives – this is a fact. As it turned out, this stage can be missed if, for example, urgent cooking of red borsch is at stake. I'm going to tell you today. How to quickly cook beans without soaking.
First of all, let's figure out why the beans are soaked at all. First of all, this should be done with all beans. For example, with chickpeas, lentils, peas, mash and other species. Secondly, they do this not only to make the product cook faster.
All legumes, whole grains, nuts and seeds contain phytic acid. This substance prevents all the nutrients that are in these foods, normally absorbed in the human body. When we soak these foods (ideally overnight), the phytase enzyme is produced. It breaks down phytic acid.
By the way, due to the presence of phytic acid in legumes, the stomach can swell. Therefore, soaking these products is also worth it to avoid this. I always do this because I don’t eat animal products, and legumes are one of my main sources of protein. If you do not soak them, the protein will be absorbed much worse.
How to speed up the process of cooking beans I understand that it is not always possible to soak beans in time. Of course, it is ideal to already have blanks in the freezer. I cook a lot of beans at once, and then just pack it in containers and send it to the freezer.
If you could not worry about it in advance, and there is no time for soaking beans, catch a selection of life hacks. Next, I will tell you how to quickly cook beans here and now.
How to quickly cook beans: the editorial advice Beans is an excellent source of protein, iron, fiber, vitamins of group B, E, PP, zinc, copper, potassium, iodine, sulfur and magnesium. If your diet does not yet have this wonderful product, you need to urgently correct this misunderstanding! Especially since there are a lot of options for dishes with it.
Here, for example, a wonderful recipe for delicious soup with white beans from my colleague Ekaterina Voronina. And then you will learn how to prepare a nutritious salad with liver and beans.
A truly winter salad with beans and canned cucumbers was prepared by my colleague Nikolai Laduba. See the link for the material. And if you are ready for more, I advise you to learn how to preserve beans at home.
Tell me, do you eat beans? How do you cook it?

First of all, let's figure out why the beans are soaked at all. First of all, this should be done with all beans. For example, with chickpeas, lentils, peas, mash and other species. Secondly, they do this not only to make the product cook faster.
All legumes, whole grains, nuts and seeds contain phytic acid. This substance prevents all the nutrients that are in these foods, normally absorbed in the human body. When we soak these foods (ideally overnight), the phytase enzyme is produced. It breaks down phytic acid.

By the way, due to the presence of phytic acid in legumes, the stomach can swell. Therefore, soaking these products is also worth it to avoid this. I always do this because I don’t eat animal products, and legumes are one of my main sources of protein. If you do not soak them, the protein will be absorbed much worse.
How to speed up the process of cooking beans I understand that it is not always possible to soak beans in time. Of course, it is ideal to already have blanks in the freezer. I cook a lot of beans at once, and then just pack it in containers and send it to the freezer.
If you could not worry about it in advance, and there is no time for soaking beans, catch a selection of life hacks. Next, I will tell you how to quickly cook beans here and now.
- The first method is very simple, but effective. Wash the beans and fill them with cold water. Brew legumes in sotheinik before boiling on a medium heat. Then pour the water and pour the beans again with cold water. Repeat this until it's soft. Done!
- To speed up the cooking of beans will help baking soda. Pour the beans with water and add a pinch of this product to the sauté. At the final stage of cooking, add some lemon juice to the beans. It is needed to neutralize the effect of soda. Then pour the beans and salt to taste.
- Also before the start of cooking, you can add a little dry sheets of seaweed or other algae to the beans. Thanks to them, beans are cooked in just 40 minutes. However, nori can change the taste of the beans.
- At the highest power, you can cook beans without soaking in the microwave. To do this, legumes should be poured with cold water and put the bowl in the microwave for 10 minutes. Then it must be pulled, stirred legumes, salted and returned back for another 10-15 minutes. If you try this method, write in the comments what you have succeeded.
- And you can also accelerate the process of cooking beans using a pressure cooker or multicooker. But the beans should be salted beforehand. Convenient kitchen appliance for all occasions!
How to quickly cook beans: the editorial advice Beans is an excellent source of protein, iron, fiber, vitamins of group B, E, PP, zinc, copper, potassium, iodine, sulfur and magnesium. If your diet does not yet have this wonderful product, you need to urgently correct this misunderstanding! Especially since there are a lot of options for dishes with it.
Here, for example, a wonderful recipe for delicious soup with white beans from my colleague Ekaterina Voronina. And then you will learn how to prepare a nutritious salad with liver and beans.

A truly winter salad with beans and canned cucumbers was prepared by my colleague Nikolai Laduba. See the link for the material. And if you are ready for more, I advise you to learn how to preserve beans at home.
Tell me, do you eat beans? How do you cook it?
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