Than you can reduce the sugar level in the blood

Diabetes is a disease that requires constant and precise control. First of all, control should be implemented at the amount of sugar contained in the blood of the patient. If you don't keep the figure in norm, it is possible for dangerous complications — blindness, heart attack, amputation of hands or feet, even death.Fortunately, there are many ways how to lower blood sugar. Many ways are pleasant and useful for the General strengthening of the body.
PROPER AND BALANCED Pionieer important to maintain proper level of glucose in the blood to eat right.
Exclude from the diet should:
- Products containing sugar and carbohydrates;
- Fatty and fried foods;
- Dishes cooked in animal fats;
- Semolina;
- White bread;
- Whole and condensed milk, sour cream, mayonnaise, cream cheese;
- Goose or duck, any fatty meat;
- Butter;
- Sausages;
- Ice cream and chocolate;
- Bread with bran or brown bread wholemeal;
- Bean;
- Potatoes boiled or baked in their skins;
- Vegetables;
- Fish and vegetable soups;
- Skim milk (up 17%);
- Rabbit meat, chicken (without skin), veal;
- Any sort of white fish (skinless);
Reduce high blood sugar foods that taste sour. These include cherries and apricots, currants and cranberries, persimmon, lemon, grapefruit. Extremely useful solution for sauerkraut. You can't resist the low-fat cheese and yogurt.
NOT RELATED to FOOD Sposobem the amount of sugar in the blood will reduce the stay in the cold, physical exertion or starvation. That is, to return sugar levels to normal can, for example, take a contrast shower or a walk in the frost.If within half an hour after eating to give your body a small exercise, it will also contribute to lowering the level of glucose. If you eat less, the sugar level is significantly reduced. Please note that the increase of sugar level in blood requires quite other ways.
HERBAL medicine OR TREATMENT Travelette herbs is not dominant in diabetes. But it really helps relieve the symptoms and maintain glucose levels at a proper rate. The increase in blood sugar will cause some herbs and foods, and its reduction. It all depends on the particular intended purpose.
For example, will lower your blood sugar cherry ordinary. It uses a dry fruit from the broth. One tablespoon of dried fruit is needed to fall asleep in a glass of water. The liquid is put on fire and cook three minutes after boiling. Then leave for several hours. The treatment will bear fruit, if will last for a month. After a while, repeat.
To reduce the level of glucose and this collection. You need to take two pieces of dry leaves of bilberry, oat straw and pods of beans, part of a linen seed. All grind and brew 600 ml of boiling water. On slow fire to cook for twenty minutes. Take three tablespoons three times a day before meals.
The high content of sugar in blood or low, this indicator will help you to normalize regular cinnamon. This spice is simply a must to include in your diet, add when cooking. It helps to slow the absorption of carbohydrates. It helps the body maintain sugar levels normal. In addition, cinnamon contains a substance that enhances the action of insulin, and significantly reduces the load on the pancreas.
When type II diabetes is recommended each day to eat 7-8 baskets of dandelion. To eat dandelion is recommended two to three times a day.A large amount of inulin and fructose contains artichoke (roots of plants Jerusalem artichoke).
Use pleasant to the taste of the roots will cause metabolic processes to normal, bring the body of toxins. To reduce the sugar level roots can be consumed in raw form (1-2 per day). You can also prepare the infusion. For this the tubers pour a liter of water and boil for about 15 minutes (if the tubers are dry, then cook for 50 minutes).
Useful in this case will also be forest berry blueberries. Its leaves are glycoside mirtillin. It lowers blood sugar and regulates the activity of the pancreas, as it would make insulin. Brewing should dry the leaves of blueberries and drink a glass three times a day. Very useful this infusion also in mild form of diabetes. THAT WILL EASE THE CONDITION OF DIABETICS? Sometimes low blood sugar causes side effects: bad mood, deteriorating health, the man is on the verge of fainting. Quickly deal with such complications will also help the grass. For example, Galega officinalis is indicated for non-insulin dependent diabetes. To prepare the broth should take a tablespoon of crushed dried herbs, add warm water and leave to infuse in thermos for three hours. After a few hours the sugar level normal. The effect lasts up to ten hours.
Mulberry is also a great tool in achieving a reduction in the level of glucose. It is necessary to take equal parts leaves of the white mulberry, green beans, blueberry leaves and corn silk. Pour a glass of water a tablespoon of the mixture. A few minutes to boil and infuse for an hour. Be taken after meals.
Proper nutrition, physical activity and medicinal herbs will help people with diabetes always feel good, be full of energy and positive emotions.published
Source: nasovet.info/topics/chem-mozhno-snizit-uroven-sahara-v-krovi/