Dolce Vita or 10 things that should learn from the Italians
Seventy three million four hundred forty three thousand seven
The Italians are masters of many arts. The art of a beautiful life and art to adapt and to get out, the art of living in the moment and enjoy it. I thought, why not take some lessons? Yeah, not all that cleverly turns the Italians can "land" in another country due to various objective factors. But their attitude to many things is what makes life of an Italian in the coveted “la dolce vita”. Eating is fun, eating is a ritual Italians live on a schedule. Sounds unbelievable but it is true. Only the schedule is special. This strict adherence to the course: coffee and pastries in the morning, lunch with family afternoon – aperitif 17-19.30 – dinner at 20-21 h at home or in the restaurant.
Have to? To escape with a Cup of coffee in your hand? Fast food? All these are forced measures applied only in extreme cases. Even if the Italian has a 30 min lunch, it will be pasta in a café in the company of friends/colleagues, and not snacking at the computer screen or with your tablet/smartphone/book in hand.
The best food is the one that grew up where you are, just cooked and eaten immediately. And eating is a pleasure that you definitely need to share with someone. Because of the savoring and sharing experiences is an integral part of the ritual, it makes the food even tastier.
Communication is the engine of social life, conversation is a skill that You can freely chat with an unfamiliar person, but not labored on weather-natural themes, and so that was interesting? Italy is a place where the organizers of the networking courses is waiting for the inevitable bankruptcy, because this art all own childhood. Only last month I suddenly found myself drawn into a long conversation with the pizza maker in a tiny eatery, where they make a pizza takeaway, to the superintendent of the local library, the lady involved in Nordic walking on the beach, with the guy in the cafe who's a owner of the family workshop for sewing gloves.
Range of topics: from the harvest of citrus and comparison wines of Veneto and Abruzzo to the relationship of Caesar with Cleopatra and the dominance of Romanesque architecture in Emilia-Romagna. Such conversations provide food for thought, enriched with new knowledge, give new acquaintances and expand your boundaries. I was afraid that these conversations will leave me with a lot of energy, but no – on the contrary, they fill.
Life is not the pursuit of something. It's just life. Here and now Stop. Exhale. Look around. Note that all around you is life. Especially funny to see Americans stopped at full speed. The legs sorted out, eyes still searching for the goal, but where to go? Everyone already took the Cup of coffee and look at them as crazy: Slow down, folks! It is very difficult to switch from constant rush and feeling that can't be there-it – will miss some opportunity, in the understanding that the possibility of sitting along the road watching you rush through it.
The Italians live with a feeling that they will manage everything. And this greatly reduces the stress level around. You suddenly stop in a hurry and begin to catch. Even with a three-hour Siesta. Even with constant tardiness only and all. Just your focus shifts to other things.
Give yourself time, whatever you're doing (for food, for a long walk to the house, for a leisurely chat with a friend) and you will be surprised how quickly these costs will justify itself. Slowing down is the path to a better quality of life... and more rapid progress in many spheres of life.
Quality of life is priority number 1. No compromise Paradox: so your life has become better, does not need more money. On the contrary, in pursuit of higher earnings, the satisfaction of ambition, you start to lose quality of life. Even if everything has already been achieved and is built to maintain your status you will need to spend more forces.
The very fabric of life in Italy is such that it leaves place for pleasure and good accommodation. Remember, we talked about the schedule? It is actually made so that all those little things that form the basis of a quality of life that is already built into the daily routine. There is time for morning coffee and Newspapers; time to spend a day with the family, pick up the child from school or taking a NAP; a time to meet with friends and have a snack with an aperitif and so on.
Let it repeated a hundred times already, but not all did! Not to live in order to work, and work, in order to have time to live. And the time to live well.
To be more forgiving to yourself. "Why not?" is a philosophy of life Italy is full of temptations: delicious coffee every step of the way and exquisite desserts, excellent wine, vkusneishee ice cream (Yes, I realize that it's again about food), interior design shops and shops with accessories, where it is impossible to leave without buying. So, why not?! The idea is to not deny yourself small pleasures, and so – every day.
Important: this is not about jamming problems, this is not about excessive pampering yourself, this is a little bit, when you want to continue to feel that life is beautiful!
Spending time with my family. The family is a fortress When you have run out of money, forget your accomplishments, will disperse light friends, all that will be left is your family. Under constant political and economic instability characteristic of Italy throughout its history, the family was often the only place where you will shelter and will not betray.
Now, all is not so brutal, but family is still important. Italian Sunday dinners, which are all close and distant relatives, already proverbial, the Italians make fun of their family gatherings, but...observe. Because despite the noise, unbearable aunts, boring signature dish of the grandmother and the constant talk about the figure and the football family continues to give a sense of stability and security.
We often focusareas on quality as opposed to quantity. And the Italians believe that quality only comes after the number:)) And it is not important where to go and what your child is learning and how much time you spend together.
To walk with the children. Everywhere. Children are cool In Italy, everywhere allowed children. Of course I am not talking about formal possible/impossible, and about glad to see you with your child everywhere or only in those places that have special children's rooms. So, in Italy you glad to see everywhere. I see children in pretentious restaurants, and beauty salons, and boutiques, not to mention the usual cafes, trattorias and shops. You will quickly bring spetsstali, politiskajos with a baby will find something to occupy three years, – in General, if you have a baby, you're no outlaw, who was denied access to a decent place.
And another joy: children's menu here is the exception, not the rule. No dull chicken breast and potato puree! Kids eat the same as adults, and eat well.
A healthy lifestyle is not a choice of the individual, it's a lifestyle So pasta and pizza does not affect the figure. The average Italian eats in a year 26 kg of pasta and wears size M. interestingly, I almost have not met Italians, dieters. Himself their daily diet have, in fact, the diet. It is based on a few simple rules: keep the balance of vegetable/flour/protein foods/fruits, cook meals from fresh ingredients, use simple recipes, control the portions.
And the second aspect of the Italian Lifestyle: on foot and by bike. Machine is to travel on a massive shopping or to work if you work far away. Purchase is not weekly fills in the supermarket, the car is a daily call in a bunch of small shops and market for fresh-baked bread, prepared pesto and locally caught fish. Meeting with friends – a Park, Plaza, beach, hangout at the bar or near it – all on my feet.
Clothes make the man. Is that your way of communication the Italians are VERY concerned about the impression they make on others. And you know what? That's good. It's beautiful. People on the streets of nice to look at. They have clothes for every occasion: you don't go to the Park than go to the market or to meet with friends.
Shorts, colorful shirts, slates summer in the city centre somewhere in Rome or Florence is nonsense. If people dressed like it's 100% tourist. To be good (not necessarily expensive!) and the situation accordingly dressed is respect for themselves and others. A very special story – how they treat with scarves, scarves, hats and other accessories. As one of my friends, my soul is willing to sell to learn how to tie a scarf!
Good manners make life more enjoyable can't complain about the lack of good manners, but some things I had in Italy to remember again. Very basic stuff, but it miraculously changes the atmosphere around you.
Wherever you went, smile and say Hello to all the people that had been there. When I go to a small supermarket near the house, greets me every servant, whether he is worth at the box office or does the display – it does not matter. Now I greet first and go out each time with the feeling that was in some pleasant place, and not just buying the milk. Talking with a person, answer its look, maintain eye contact. If you pushed, say first "Excuse me", and the incident will turn into an exchange of compliments. Some would call these things social tinsel, so be it, but it is pleasant to live in than without it, and the society in General becoming kinder.published
Source: znaki-v-puti.ru/2015/03/10-veshhey-kotorym-stoit-pouchitsya-u-ital/
The Italians are masters of many arts. The art of a beautiful life and art to adapt and to get out, the art of living in the moment and enjoy it. I thought, why not take some lessons? Yeah, not all that cleverly turns the Italians can "land" in another country due to various objective factors. But their attitude to many things is what makes life of an Italian in the coveted “la dolce vita”. Eating is fun, eating is a ritual Italians live on a schedule. Sounds unbelievable but it is true. Only the schedule is special. This strict adherence to the course: coffee and pastries in the morning, lunch with family afternoon – aperitif 17-19.30 – dinner at 20-21 h at home or in the restaurant.
Have to? To escape with a Cup of coffee in your hand? Fast food? All these are forced measures applied only in extreme cases. Even if the Italian has a 30 min lunch, it will be pasta in a café in the company of friends/colleagues, and not snacking at the computer screen or with your tablet/smartphone/book in hand.
The best food is the one that grew up where you are, just cooked and eaten immediately. And eating is a pleasure that you definitely need to share with someone. Because of the savoring and sharing experiences is an integral part of the ritual, it makes the food even tastier.

Communication is the engine of social life, conversation is a skill that You can freely chat with an unfamiliar person, but not labored on weather-natural themes, and so that was interesting? Italy is a place where the organizers of the networking courses is waiting for the inevitable bankruptcy, because this art all own childhood. Only last month I suddenly found myself drawn into a long conversation with the pizza maker in a tiny eatery, where they make a pizza takeaway, to the superintendent of the local library, the lady involved in Nordic walking on the beach, with the guy in the cafe who's a owner of the family workshop for sewing gloves.
Range of topics: from the harvest of citrus and comparison wines of Veneto and Abruzzo to the relationship of Caesar with Cleopatra and the dominance of Romanesque architecture in Emilia-Romagna. Such conversations provide food for thought, enriched with new knowledge, give new acquaintances and expand your boundaries. I was afraid that these conversations will leave me with a lot of energy, but no – on the contrary, they fill.
Life is not the pursuit of something. It's just life. Here and now Stop. Exhale. Look around. Note that all around you is life. Especially funny to see Americans stopped at full speed. The legs sorted out, eyes still searching for the goal, but where to go? Everyone already took the Cup of coffee and look at them as crazy: Slow down, folks! It is very difficult to switch from constant rush and feeling that can't be there-it – will miss some opportunity, in the understanding that the possibility of sitting along the road watching you rush through it.
The Italians live with a feeling that they will manage everything. And this greatly reduces the stress level around. You suddenly stop in a hurry and begin to catch. Even with a three-hour Siesta. Even with constant tardiness only and all. Just your focus shifts to other things.
Give yourself time, whatever you're doing (for food, for a long walk to the house, for a leisurely chat with a friend) and you will be surprised how quickly these costs will justify itself. Slowing down is the path to a better quality of life... and more rapid progress in many spheres of life.
Quality of life is priority number 1. No compromise Paradox: so your life has become better, does not need more money. On the contrary, in pursuit of higher earnings, the satisfaction of ambition, you start to lose quality of life. Even if everything has already been achieved and is built to maintain your status you will need to spend more forces.
The very fabric of life in Italy is such that it leaves place for pleasure and good accommodation. Remember, we talked about the schedule? It is actually made so that all those little things that form the basis of a quality of life that is already built into the daily routine. There is time for morning coffee and Newspapers; time to spend a day with the family, pick up the child from school or taking a NAP; a time to meet with friends and have a snack with an aperitif and so on.
Let it repeated a hundred times already, but not all did! Not to live in order to work, and work, in order to have time to live. And the time to live well.
To be more forgiving to yourself. "Why not?" is a philosophy of life Italy is full of temptations: delicious coffee every step of the way and exquisite desserts, excellent wine, vkusneishee ice cream (Yes, I realize that it's again about food), interior design shops and shops with accessories, where it is impossible to leave without buying. So, why not?! The idea is to not deny yourself small pleasures, and so – every day.
Important: this is not about jamming problems, this is not about excessive pampering yourself, this is a little bit, when you want to continue to feel that life is beautiful!
Spending time with my family. The family is a fortress When you have run out of money, forget your accomplishments, will disperse light friends, all that will be left is your family. Under constant political and economic instability characteristic of Italy throughout its history, the family was often the only place where you will shelter and will not betray.
Now, all is not so brutal, but family is still important. Italian Sunday dinners, which are all close and distant relatives, already proverbial, the Italians make fun of their family gatherings, but...observe. Because despite the noise, unbearable aunts, boring signature dish of the grandmother and the constant talk about the figure and the football family continues to give a sense of stability and security.
We often focusareas on quality as opposed to quantity. And the Italians believe that quality only comes after the number:)) And it is not important where to go and what your child is learning and how much time you spend together.
To walk with the children. Everywhere. Children are cool In Italy, everywhere allowed children. Of course I am not talking about formal possible/impossible, and about glad to see you with your child everywhere or only in those places that have special children's rooms. So, in Italy you glad to see everywhere. I see children in pretentious restaurants, and beauty salons, and boutiques, not to mention the usual cafes, trattorias and shops. You will quickly bring spetsstali, politiskajos with a baby will find something to occupy three years, – in General, if you have a baby, you're no outlaw, who was denied access to a decent place.
And another joy: children's menu here is the exception, not the rule. No dull chicken breast and potato puree! Kids eat the same as adults, and eat well.
A healthy lifestyle is not a choice of the individual, it's a lifestyle So pasta and pizza does not affect the figure. The average Italian eats in a year 26 kg of pasta and wears size M. interestingly, I almost have not met Italians, dieters. Himself their daily diet have, in fact, the diet. It is based on a few simple rules: keep the balance of vegetable/flour/protein foods/fruits, cook meals from fresh ingredients, use simple recipes, control the portions.
And the second aspect of the Italian Lifestyle: on foot and by bike. Machine is to travel on a massive shopping or to work if you work far away. Purchase is not weekly fills in the supermarket, the car is a daily call in a bunch of small shops and market for fresh-baked bread, prepared pesto and locally caught fish. Meeting with friends – a Park, Plaza, beach, hangout at the bar or near it – all on my feet.
Clothes make the man. Is that your way of communication the Italians are VERY concerned about the impression they make on others. And you know what? That's good. It's beautiful. People on the streets of nice to look at. They have clothes for every occasion: you don't go to the Park than go to the market or to meet with friends.
Shorts, colorful shirts, slates summer in the city centre somewhere in Rome or Florence is nonsense. If people dressed like it's 100% tourist. To be good (not necessarily expensive!) and the situation accordingly dressed is respect for themselves and others. A very special story – how they treat with scarves, scarves, hats and other accessories. As one of my friends, my soul is willing to sell to learn how to tie a scarf!
Good manners make life more enjoyable can't complain about the lack of good manners, but some things I had in Italy to remember again. Very basic stuff, but it miraculously changes the atmosphere around you.
Wherever you went, smile and say Hello to all the people that had been there. When I go to a small supermarket near the house, greets me every servant, whether he is worth at the box office or does the display – it does not matter. Now I greet first and go out each time with the feeling that was in some pleasant place, and not just buying the milk. Talking with a person, answer its look, maintain eye contact. If you pushed, say first "Excuse me", and the incident will turn into an exchange of compliments. Some would call these things social tinsel, so be it, but it is pleasant to live in than without it, and the society in General becoming kinder.published
Source: znaki-v-puti.ru/2015/03/10-veshhey-kotorym-stoit-pouchitsya-u-ital/