Why it's not too late to head to Italy at forty-five

Many people think that 40 or 50 is the final stop, that life will not change in any way and will calmly flow to old age and retirement. And this scares many, because the prospects, in general, are rather bleak. But you can always change everything! There is always room in life for dramatic changes to turn everything upside down and be happy.

And the newsroom. "Site" I want to share with you the story of Elena Cecchini, who proved that at 40 life only begins, and even begins when you want it.

Elena told her story on her own website to share all the events that happened to her and to prove to everyone that it is never too late to start life from scratch. At the age of 45, this woman changed her life. married a foreigner She moved to Italy. And it all sounds so simple, but to decide on such a step is certainly not easy.

Elena recalls: “Agree, at the age of 45, to change the country, the language, to leave even an adult, but the only son, oh how not easy.” But it turned out that this seemingly reckless step was the only right option. And what to say, the woman never regretted it.

DepositPhotos Woman looked at her life completely differently. Especially when it comes to age. Italians don't think about age. They generally treat life a little easier than we do. I must say that life expectancy in Italy is longer, and Italians retire later. After all, a good specialist is appreciated at any age.

That’s why they don’t wait for retirement to start living. People live here and now and do what they want to do. Even if you don’t become a professional at it, you will enjoy it. Do you want to ride a motorcycle? The Italians will be chasing, even if they are behind them for a hundred years.


Elena says: “It was not possible to become a professional singer, they will sing in their spare time in the evenings.” One of my friends, a retired engineer, who has long crossed the 70-year milestone, so brews jazz compositions on Thursdays in one of the bars that they come from a neighboring town to listen to him. People live in full force without any restrictions.”

And they have a completely different attitude to work. For us, work is often life, but not for Italians. They work in order to have enough for a living. The Italian will not work overtime or on weekends for any money. It is more important to spend time with friends and family. Dinner with the family is the most valuable thing that can be.

Elena pays special attention to the moment how different women live in our country and in Italy. We have a woman who is all about caring for others, after retirement, she tries to help children, babysit grandchildren, and even to go to the dacha to raise any good there. In Italy, it looks very different.

DepositPhotos Elena says: Italian women, adoring grandchildren, will never sit with them. They will gladly take the child, but only for a couple of hours to play, walk, eat ice cream together. She has very different plans: coffee with friends, shopping, hairdresser, which she goes to at least once a week. Sometimes just to wash your head and lay your hair. And a weekly Friday dinner with friends at a favorite restaurant.

They live for themselves, but do not forget about their family. Some will call it selfishness, but I think it is the only way. Live for yourself, fulfill your plans and dreams, because life is one and it passes quickly.

Anyway, Italians look at life easier, they do not have a written stereotype in their head “what will they think of me if I do this.” An Italian woman can afford to go to the bar alone in the evening, without filling her head with the fact that someone will look at her in the wrong way.


Women there feel much more confident, freer. They wear clothes that they like, even if they are not “age-appropriate.” Who cares? They don't think about their age. Well, who said that when you step over a certain mark, you can no longer do what you want? If you want to dance, just dance. This is the view held by Italians.

There is one more thing to learn from Italians: they are obsessed with health. Perhaps this is why they live so long and keep a clear mind until old age. 90 is not their age yet. Natural products, running in the morning, cycling, walking - this is the daily set of any Italian.

At the same time, Italians never deny themselves food, they love well and eat a lot. Elena says: Italian cuisine is the most delicious in the world. Now I know the secret to eating amazing Italian pasta and not getting fat. I'll share with you. It should be eaten exclusively at lunch and never for dinner.””

And constant check-ups at the doctor. We have people go to the hospital only when it is absolutely impossible, and in Italy they take tests every six months. Just to make sure everything's okay. It is a normal way to take care of yourself and your health. Illness only complicates life. Why is that?


We do not try to compare and say that we are bad, and there is exceptionally good. Of course not, these people just have something to learn. And Elena in particular. She decided to change her life and is now completely happy. Perhaps you need to decide more often on crazy actions, to do what you have long dreamed of. Age is just a number, forget about it and be happy!


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