How to indulge in sweet idleness

After traveling, we never come back the same. But after a visit to Italy, you feel reborn: your attitude to life changes, you feel more at ease. It is not the chic architecture with a rich history, not the delicious food and not even the spirit of adventurism that hovers everywhere in this country.

Italians have the expression dolce far niente, which in Russian means “sweet doing nothing”. No, this is not laziness or ordinary idleness, it is the way to harmony and a life of pleasure.


The famous dolce far niente contains 3 very important things that are so lacking in other countries. Editorial "Site" It tells the main secrets that are inherent in Italian behavior, gait, gestures and attitude to life.

Trip to Italy
  1. Calmness and composure
    The first thing that is surprising in this country is that the Italians are not in a hurry. No one is fussing, no screaming in queues, the metro is absolutely clean and there is no usual stampede. Even when the Italians are late, they won't run wild. I observed the situation at the airport: the boarding of the flight was announced, the passengers took the queue to pass the last control and take their seats on the plane.


    The airport employee was late for 15 minutes, but when she arrived at work, she did not immediately start to let people through - she first combed her hair, adjusted her suit, changed her uncomfortable chair, and exchanged a few words with her employee. No rush or nerves. Yes, there were 10 minutes left for the landing, but everyone had time, and in the eyes of the airport worker there was no fear of being late, guilt or fuss. A casual life - that's great.


  2. Pleasure
    It feels like Italy was made for fun. Even the Colosseum was built for fun. As a tourist, you find joy everywhere: in architecture, in food, in nature. But not only visitors, but also Italians know how to enjoy all this, and not take it for granted. Italians take time for themselves to dine slowly and tasty, sleep soundly and sweetly and much more good - everyone rests in their own way.


    Siesta is not only in the hot season, but every day. From 12:00 to 16:00 no one will sit at work just because you want to have lunch or learn something. The desire to work to the limit in order to earn money is not about Italians.

    In the morning, locals can be found in cozy coffee shops, where they slowly drink coffee and read the newspaper or communicate with the interlocutor. Italians have not lost the gift of enjoying every moment. So we learned another Italian truth, dolce far niente, or sweet idleness.

    When you also start to take time for yourself and drink the same cappuccino for pleasure, and not to cheer up on the go, then there is much more energy at the end of the day.

  3. Love.
    It is not about love in its most trivial sense, although Italians know how not to hide their hot feelings. Italians respect themselves too much and dare not deny themselves anything. They take care of themselves, both women and men. Here you will not meet people with obesity, Italian women are impressive, refined, well-groomed. Men also take care of themselves and are very polite. Italians can dress in both famous brands and second, but look equally elegant. All because they know how to live beautifully and at the same time relaxed and down to earth.


They love their country, even in food support the local cuisine. Various burgers, McDonald’s and Starbucks (which appeared here only last year) are not popular with local residents.

In this country, you can clearly see the love for your work, love for children and parents, love for the same tourists (you are always willing to help and answer questions), love for life in general. Love for the best comes from love for yourself.


“Don't worry. Have fun. “Love yourself” are three simple postulates that Italians daily and unobtrusively promote and that will change your attitude to life once and for all. We are often drowned in the daily bustle. Therefore, proper planning of the day is the key to a successful and harmonious life. We need to make time simple. rules of a happy life.

We also talked about the rules of a happy life for Italians.

Photo by depositphotos preview.


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