Why Argentina attracts foreigners, but at the same time shocks its way of life

I would never have thought I would say this, but yes, I now live in Argentina and I see my future here. There are 4 types of states: poor, rich, Japan and Argentina. I can’t disagree with that, because this place is really like no other place in the world (and all at once). It's so far away from our culture that people from Eastern Europe mostly know what it is. capital of Argentina - Buenos Aires. There are thousands of things I want to tell you! I'm still in a bit of a shock, but I'm beginning to understand how things work here.

I want to share my experience of relocating and tell you why Argentina entered the TOP-10 countries for emigration. The Economist. And also about the most interesting details of the life of Argentines, what they live, what they eat and what they dream about.

Before we get to the most interesting, it is important to understand that Buenos Aires is a separate dimension. The rhythm of life of this giant city (almost 10 million along with the suburbs) is very different from that in the province. You will find all the differences below. And the question of why I personally move to the capital of Argentina He wants to, and he pricks.

From emigrating here in large numbers of Italians, Argentines took the best - the concept "la dolce vita". I have rarely met such a cheerful nation, everywhere there are only life lovers. Being in the company of Argentines is a pleasure: you begin to see the world in new colors. The abundance of holidays, festivals and family events turn life into a continuous carnival. At the same time, they will find a holiday everywhere: in wealth, in poverty, in the city and on the farm.

Slowness is another feature of Argentina, which again I want to say in Italian. "la dolce far niente"“The sweetness of doing nothing.” Argentina has one of the longest siestas in the world! It lasts from one in the afternoon to five in the evening, and at this time includes lunch, afternoon nap and afternoon, which is called here. marienda. And if in Buenos Aires people sit in cafes all day, in small provincial towns (like my Rio Tercero) the streets during the siesta are deserted, restaurants do not work, even kiosks and supermarkets do not work. No living soul or car can be seen on the street.

In addition, Argentines are great lovers of tasty and dense food. You may have heard that Argentine wine and meat are the best in the world. Well, here you can enjoy it in full, and it will not cost more than a decent lunch. The usual kebabs are nothing compared to the Argentine. asado (This is the name of the meat cooked on fire, the process, the event, and the person who cooks it all is called). layman).

And this is not about the hundreds of varieties of empanadas (Spanish cakes), pies, pastries, salami and cheeses. Only salad culture is not developed here, but this is only because vegetables are usually simply grilled. In general, on my first visit to Argentina, I gained 5 kilograms in a month and a half. And this is with my inherited thinness!

One of the best passports in the world that is easy to obtain naturalization It lasts from 3 to 5 years, but I'm lucky and my husband is Argentine. For me, the whole process fits into one year, which is what I am doing now. Let me be clear: the bureaucracy here is very complicated, you need to prepare yourself that you will have to run to different authorities back and forth, sometimes even without much sense. But it's worth it.

Unsplash Argentinian passport 17th position rating. One of the advantages is not only the visa-free regime for 162 countries, but also special loyalty programs. For example, an Argentine can apply for Work and Travel Australia, New Zealand and even the Netherlands. That is why many people migrate here to give birth to children and give them a whole world.

All the landscapes, animals and weather of the world in one country Want to see the glaciers? Go on. calafate! Penguins and whales are waiting for you in Tierra del Fuego. iguazu falls They are surrounded by rainforests where jaguars rule. There are deserts, polar nights, high mountains and lakes similar to the sea. Cougars and monkeys, scorpions and hummingbirds, iguanas and parrots live here. Enough and familiar to us pigeons, hares, foxes, eagles. The eastern part of the country washed Atlantic OceanTo the south is the Patagonia described by Jules Verne in The Children of Captain Grant. I may not have enough life to enjoy all the beauty of this country. Each province is like a different planet. The capital of Argentina can also surprise any traveler.

Unsplash Capital of Argentina and Free Views If You Ever Interested ArgentinaYou will find that freedom comes first for this nation. They elected their independence in 1816. They mixed strong genes of local Indians, hot temper of Spaniards and creative Italian nature. So freedom of choice is first and foremost, and it manifests itself in everything. You will never force an Argentine to do anything against his will, honestly.

Women are free to dress as openly as they want. So are men. Here, no one is ashamed of their body and no one will judge for a short skirt, a deep neckline or walking down the street without a T-shirt. Ladies without hesitation choose a partner for one night, not expecting anything in return: no expensive gifts or payment of the bill. Argentinians are far from our standards in courtship. They will not even think of giving flowers or an iPhone to their chosen one. Yeah. gift-culture It's kind of undeveloped here. I admit, it was hard to get used to it.

Literally everything is legalized here: drugs, strong drinks and everything that can be smoked or taken. Besides, selling It is also official and taxable, like any business activity. People in Argentina live their lives as they please. But it also has a negative side...

You see, the problem is not that there are no jobs in Argentina. No one wants to work here. About 50 years ago, the country took a special political course. peronism (On behalf of President Juan Peron in 1974) This is a sore subject for every Argentine, but I will briefly say this: since then it has been customary to pay unemployment benefits. Everyone. Sick and healthy, young and old, without restrictions, the basic condition is not to have a job. And now many Argentines face a choice: go to work for 200 euros or get a benefit of 200 euros without working. Thus, an entire generation of people on the poverty line has grown up who have never worked and do not want to. Here's the dolce vita!

From one of the richest countries in the world to inflation of 200% per year, the effects were not long in coming. Just 50 years ago, Argentina was one of the most prosperous countries in the world and one of the ten strongest and fastest growing economies. The subway was here before Tokyo! At one point, the gold reserve even broke American records. But if in the 2000s the average salary was 2,000 euros, now it barely reaches 200. Moreover, when I arrived here in 2023, the euro was worth it. 330 pesos. A year later, the course jumped to 1,000 pesos per euroAnd that's clearly not the limit. And you know what? Migrants have not lost sight of this.

In the XIX-XX century alone, more than 7 million people emigrated to Argentina, mainly Italians and Spaniards. But then they went for a different reason - for a bright and promising future, which opened up to them the growing economy of the country. Now foreigners come here for a cheap life. The fact that having earnings in dollars or euros, living here becomes very affordable. At the moment, a salary of 500 euros is a dream salary for the average Argentine.

It is important to understand that this life is very accessible only for Europeans and Americans. For me. Argentine prices It's just normal (given they've risen a lot in recent years). For example, in regional centers you can rent an apartment for 250-300 euros, but most likely it will be one-room. Food prices are also close to what I am used to: my husband and I have enough 200-300 euros per month for food. However, a small family with two children and a good income spends from 500 euros per month. Due to inflation, these numbers are rising weekly.

Unsplash Capital of Argentina and Why I Choose the Province Behind the Poverty Line 60% of the population. Can you imagine a country that only survives on taxes for the other 40 percent? Do not forget about the quality of education and living conditions of the 60 percent. That is why on the streets of big cities prudent residents tie the phone to the hand and the bag to the leg. Because at any moment, a motorcyclist can come and whistle your property. Well, if it doesn't hit the head.

But not so far away. My husband and I joke that if it weren't for Buenos Aires, local reporters wouldn't have anything to report. Most of the crime happens there. The capital of Argentina is teeming with life.

Summing up: pros and cons I want to emphasize 5 indisputable countrysidePeople and their way of life, food, nature, greater loyalty to migrants and affordable accommodation. I can see the minuses. 4 majorHigh level of crime in big cities, laziness of most of the population, difficult economic situation, inaccessibility of many imported products and world brands. The fifth is purely individual: heavy adaptation due to exotic culture and language. No one speaks English, so you have to learn quickly.

Unsplash In conclusion, I would like to note a special familyFor whom family is everything. And they are sure to take care of the new member of the family and will do everything possible to help integrate into their diverse, controversial and amazing world. Of course, this is not all interesting about Argentina, but the general view is exactly that. Would you come to visit?


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