96 facts about Argentina through the eyes of Russians
1. Argentina - official name - the Argentine Republic. It is second only to Brazil's territory and a third after Brazil and Colombia on the population of the state in Latin America.
2. Argentina is located in three climatic zones: tropical, subtropical and temperate.
3. Argentina - a country of Indians displaced by immigrants. The Argentine nation was formed in the XIX-XX centuries many European immigrants.
4. The national composition of immigrants has been and remains very diverse: dominated by Spaniards and Italians, and many French Armenians, Germans, Britons, Poles, Czechs, Roma, Serbs, Hindus, Arabs as well as representatives of the Slavic peoples.
5. In Argentina sizeable descendants of immigrants from prerevolutionary Russia, mostly Ukrainians, Belarusians, Russian, Jews, Latvians.
6. Religion: Christianity (Catholics - 90%). The population is very religious. A huge number of churches.
7. Currently, citizens of Russia and Ukraine can visit Argentina to 90 days without a visa.
8. General Jose de San Martin - Argentine Lenin. He led the army that defeated the Spanish. San Martin made a significant contribution to the struggle for the independence of Argentina. In the center of the capital city to lay wreaths at the monument to him all the foreign delegations.
9. In 2010, the country had legalized gay marriage. In July 2010, Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner in the ceremony, which was broadcast live on state television of the country, signed a law on the legalization of same-sex marriages, adopted on the eve of the parliament with the support of the government and personally spouses Kirchner. The president said it is "fundamental victory" on the road to full equality in society.
10. Between Christmas and New Year in Argentina do not make a big difference - those two festivals are celebrated almost equally. As a rule, Argentina Christmas - a family holiday, with the obligatory gifts.
11. The most popular part of the Argentine culture - Tango, plastic and music who appreciate the romance of the world.
12. Football is a national passion, not just a game. During world championships and responsible in educational institutions and schools, pupils and students are not learning, and watching football. Diego Maradona - a living icon of the country. Confrontation football clubs "River" and "Boca Juniors" are irreconcilable.
13. The Paraguayan tea mate - rather, the ritual (unsanitary) than just a drink, and his proposal - a sign of sympathy. The drink is drunk from a common vessel through a straw (bombilla) and embarks on a circle.
14. Argentina is among the ten leading countries in uranium reserves. The country is known for its scientific developments in the field of nuclear power and the uranium industry.
15. Among export industries occupies a special place slaughterhouse - traditional and country-specific industry. Argentina is one of the most important producers of meat (mainly beef) and its exporters.
16. number of cattle Argentina ranks sixth in the world for the production of meat per capita - the fifth and the consumption of it - the first. Meat - national food Argentines.
17. Opened in 1913, the Metropolitan of Buenos Aires, was the first and the largest metro in Latin America and in the southern hemisphere.
18. Argentines - cheerful, friendly, talkative and sociable people and still very optional and non-punctual. Country "Magnani" (from mañana - tomorrow).
20. Argentines drink a lot of his Argentine wine. In this regard, they are very great patriots. Spirits are not popular.
21. On the streets of Buenos Aires is not safe, so is not desirable to walk at night through the dark alleys. Children do not let go for a walk alone on the street. Frequent and robbery in broad daylight. Robberies of banks, shops, hostage-taking - part of the story on the news. Car theft - a very common crime.
22. Available, free and good socialized medicine. The doctors do not take gifts and bribes. The ratio in hospitals is very friendly. Try to imagine all this, it becomes very sad for our Russian and Ukrainian medicine. Although there are some oddities. The first thing the doctor will advise if the gastrointestinal disorder - soda «7UP». Unhealed wounds and joints sprinkle with sugar.
23. Required attribute bathroom and toilets in homes, apartments and hotels. - Bidet. The Argentines, who have visited other countries, very surprised by his absence.
24. On the streets everywhere and always a lot of beggars and homeless people. To beg even young, healthy and able-bodied.
25. Even the very old houses are kept in very good condition, porches clean and nicely furnished - flowers, reproductions, furniture (tables, chairs, sofas). On New Year's in the halls decorated tree pose. Entrance door mainly of glass, view the entire entrance hall.
26. The main priorities - football, sex, meat. Reading books - an empty pastime. Should be read only when you study and after graduation to remember the letters - see the newspapers.
27. A very important part of the female body considered to Argentina's ass. Even contests for the best ass region of the country.
28. Argentines - true patriots love their country. Argentine flag there in each family. He hung out to all national holidays from the windows and balconies.
29. The Argentines are very attached to their families, supported by a very strong relationship, even with distant relatives.
30. It is very fond of children. Children are allowed a great deal. No children are not screaming, not slaps.
31. Often in a divorce, children remain with her father, and even if the mother, the father takes children from previous marriages holiday, vacation, holiday spent with them. Communication with children is not lost. Argentines - a very caring father.
32. February - the month of carnivals all over Argentina. The main carnival takes place each year in the city of Gualeguaychú in Entre Rios province, 200 kilometers from Buenos Aires. Carnival has been held for over 30 years and is very popular among tourists. Carnival in Argentina focuses on dance and acting, its roots originate in the medieval Italian tradition.
33. In Buenos Aires, including numerous suburbs, immediately adjacent to the capital, is home to 13,356,715 (as of 2009).
34. The City of Buenos Aires is a multinational, the main division of the metropolis takes on social lines. There are areas - slums (Vigie), similar to the Brazilian "favelas", where even the police is afraid to appear.
35. Buenos Aires, ranked first in the world among all the cities for a total capacity of football stadiums.
36. In the central part of Buenos Aires, currently operates about 200 outlets Wi-Fi.
37. The President of the country - a woman, Cristina Elisabet Fernández de Kirchner (Spanish. Cristina Elisabet Fernández deKirchner). She became the second woman president of Argentina (after Isabel Peron) and the first woman - president of Argentina as a result of the election.
38. Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner approved a law under which Argentina was introduced ban on smoking in public places and tobacco advertising. In addition, we tightened the conditions of sale of cigarettes. In particular, it prohibits the sale of single cigarettes and sales through vending machines.
39. Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner made in 2010 an official visit to Moscow and get a hat of fox from Russian President Dmitry Medvedev. They also discussed issues in the fields of nuclear energy, gas industry, agriculture, the participation of Russian companies in the construction of a new gas pipeline from Argentina to Bolivia.
40. Russian President Dmitry Medvedev during his visit was surprised plugs in Buenos Aires and even experienced all the disadvantages associated with heavy traffic, on its own, but found the experience useful. I went through the city without flashing lights!
41. Malvina - a long-standing dispute between Britain and Argentina. Minister of Foreign Affairs of Argentina expressed protest in connection with the intentions of the UK production of oil off the coast of Argentina (near the disputed Falkland Islands (Malvinas)). February 21, 2010 British Ocean Guardian drilling rig arrived in the area where the oil was discovered in the north of the Falkland Islands, and started drilling.
42. Argentine woman - lazy and "armless". Houses do not cook often order food by phone at the house. Even to put gum in panties or sew a button on the clothes - rent a workshop. One is not quite young client said in a repair shop that she'd sewn a button, but it does not have a "special" needles.
43. In the city a huge amount of restaurants. Especially a lot of meat restaurants where they cook the meat on the grill - Parrilla (parrilla). Many Chinese - "free plug» (Tenedor libre), where the fee for entrance and drinks. Many restaurants with national cuisine, sushi bars.
44. Resident many Chinese, especially in the capital. The Chinese hold shops, laundries, saunas.
45. The Jewish holiday of Yom Kippur ("Day of Atonement") closed a lot of stores. On this day, you can determine who hosts the store.
46. Very good transport links. Payment on city buses through a cash machine. Entrance only through the front door, out - through the middle or back. Intercity - double-decker buses.
47. When I learned that people from Russia, sympathize, that's cold.
48. In winter, there is a couple of weeks of cold to 0 degrees. There are no headgear. Get into gloves and scarves. There are blue and shiver.
49. Girl Dress casually, do not use makeup. Basic clothing - T-shirts, jeans. High heels are just a "case." Boots, boots worn only by prostitutes during working hours or transvestites. In summer, walking with bare bellies. Particularly awful view from the protruding navel in pregnant women. Argentine "uniform" - denim bottoms, black top. Haircuts are not taken, a rarity. Go with her long hair. At the hairdresser go to hair coloring, hair removal (Well very hairy), and rectification of their "horse" hair. A great number of hairdressers.
50. Grandmothers, pensioner, as a rule, well maintained, tastefully dressed, short and neatly trimmed, manicured.
51. Men also well-groomed, well-dressed, especially when compared with ours in Russia, Ukraine and other former Soviet republics. Argentines who visited St. Petersburg, Moscow and Kiev say that women have beauty, but many dress up as ladies 'light' behavior or transvestites. But about our men respond very poorly.
52. Many repair shops for clothes (surpassed Chinese) keep our compatriots.
53. Every weekend morning on many squares and public gardens are formed Fair, which sells every kustarschina, products "gone crazy" Argentine handles, articles made of silver and semi-precious stones, knitted clothes, paintings, every Indian rubbish.
54. The Argentines are proud of their football meat, condensed milk, cakes with various fillings "empanadas».
55. 29 of each month at the restaurants and eateries - day "Nёkis." Tasteless potato dumplings. Eat a "salsa" - any gravy. The finished dough of boiled potatoes with flour and raw egg, and then pinch off a finger to get in shape, reminiscent of our pasta shells. Tasteless!
56. The Argentines are very polite, patient, never Naham, quietly listen to all visitors and clients (we have already heard enough of this!).
Even if tolknesh Argentine or stepped on the foot, he apologized. A common occurrence when apologize both sides.
57. Children starting from kindergarten age, are often asked if they have the groom or the bride?
58. School education - is weak. Draw them until graduation. In kindergartens and junior all lessons, except for sculpting and drawing, conducted on the floor. And usually, the tiled floor.
59. Sign in almost all the major museums of the country completely free or charge a symbolic - 1-2 pesos.
60. It is very fond of animals. Many people have dogs and do not necessarily thoroughbred.
In most dogs and cats are castrated. There are special people, who walk their dogs when the owners at work. You can often see the man who becomes entangled in a 10 or even a 20-lead, lead the whole pack of different-sized dogs. So many veterinary clinics and specialty stores.
61. A lot of agencies selling real estate and sёmu. Apartment without a guarantor can not be removed. 70% of Argentines live in rented apartments. Price rented housing is strongly dependent on the area. The average price of two-bedroom apartment in a decent area within 500 dollars.
62. Taxi drivers are very friendly, polite and talkative. Taxis are black with a yellow roof.
63. No black bread and yogurt. Meat eating white bread, rolls. A small selection of sausage. From the tastiest meat in the world manage to do very nasty sausage.
64. Before entering the subway always handing out free newspapers.
65. There are outbreaks of malaria and dengue.
66. In the province of Buenos, in town Lyuhan, there is a zoo where you can enter the cell with predators (tigers, lions, cougars) and photographed.
67. Participation in elections - mandatory!
68. Immigrants are good, especially the Europeans. All Argentines but Aborigines which 0, 5% of the total population - descendants of immigrants. Blood anyone, but when you ask, they call themselves the Argentines.
All very friendly, all smiles, no ethnic conflicts.
69. There is a holiday - a day of nations. There are - the day of the race, that is, local Indians.
These days are organized fairs in squares with dances and cuisine.
70. Youth - not aggressive. Not scared to pass by a group of teenagers and young people, even inadvertently hurt. In response, just apologize. Smoke asking only for reasons of smoke.
71. The era of the dollar 1: 1 lasted from the mid-90s until 2002. The economic miracle that began in Argentina in the early 1990s, did not last long. Now the dollar is 1: 4.
72. For 12 days - from December 21 2001 to January 1, 2002 - in Argentina was replaced by four presidents.
73. There are home right in the shoe. But on the street a lot of waste products of dogs, for which the owners are rarely cleaned.
74. The bus driver always comes out to help wheelchair users. Almost all buses are equipped with a special pull-out step.
75.Ochen frequent pickets and demonstrations. Cuts off the movement. They beat drums and burn tires. Very often they beat the drums at the Ministry of Labor and Congress of the building.
76. A lot of guys with gay.
77. Tattoos and piercings are very popular among women and among men.
78. In Argentina, there are several Russian churches. At Easter and Christmas are going to our parishioners. Basically, because of considerations to show themselves and others to take a look. Then, in the square near the churches, vigorously celebrate this event.
79. Have a housekeeper and nanny - the lot, not only the rich but also the people of moderate means.
80. Terms of the hostel are not respected. Celebrate very noisy - with music, crackers, fireworks and cries until dawn. And can start celebrating after 21 hours.
81. Russian jelly (jelly) makes Argentines surprise and disgust. Jelly here it can only be sweet.
82. sue the employer - a common phenomenon. As a general rule, and most of all - the employer is always a loss. The law is on the side of the worker.
83. respected man may call by adding a prefix to the name "Doctor." This does not mean that it has to do with medical or scientific degree.
84. Both men and women kissing at a meeting and parting.
85. In Argentina, you can not open an umbrella indoors - bring bad luck.
86. Iguazu Falls, located in the north of Argentina, found in 2011, one of the seven wonders of the world.
87. In the south of Argentina is the southernmost city of the world - Ushuaia, which attracts many tourists.
88. In the north-western part of Argentina has Jujuy province and the city. On the Russian sites and Wikipedia referred incorrectly - as the Jujuy.
89. Puerto Madryn - a town in the province of Chubut in the Argentine Patagonia, is another tourist attraction. Every year here swim swarms of southern whales and dolphins for traditional marriage rituals.
90. A very important event in Argentina, is considered to be the 15th anniversary of the girls. It is noted as the entry into adulthood (for boys 18 years, but do not say). It celebrated in a big way. The dress is bought for the bride.
91. The Argentine can come to the restaurant and order the fried potatoes with a fried egg.
92. In Argentina, there is a region of forests and lakes. Bariloche - Argentine Switzerland. Beautiful in all seasons. In winter - ski resorts.
93. Almost all the fish that are caught off the coast of Argentina, is exported. Argentines do not eat fish almost. Our herring and dried fish makes them wonder - how can you eat raw fish?
94. Argentina has become the cradle of a very important discovery in the field of paleontology.
2. Argentina is located in three climatic zones: tropical, subtropical and temperate.
3. Argentina - a country of Indians displaced by immigrants. The Argentine nation was formed in the XIX-XX centuries many European immigrants.

4. The national composition of immigrants has been and remains very diverse: dominated by Spaniards and Italians, and many French Armenians, Germans, Britons, Poles, Czechs, Roma, Serbs, Hindus, Arabs as well as representatives of the Slavic peoples.
5. In Argentina sizeable descendants of immigrants from prerevolutionary Russia, mostly Ukrainians, Belarusians, Russian, Jews, Latvians.
6. Religion: Christianity (Catholics - 90%). The population is very religious. A huge number of churches.
7. Currently, citizens of Russia and Ukraine can visit Argentina to 90 days without a visa.
8. General Jose de San Martin - Argentine Lenin. He led the army that defeated the Spanish. San Martin made a significant contribution to the struggle for the independence of Argentina. In the center of the capital city to lay wreaths at the monument to him all the foreign delegations.
9. In 2010, the country had legalized gay marriage. In July 2010, Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner in the ceremony, which was broadcast live on state television of the country, signed a law on the legalization of same-sex marriages, adopted on the eve of the parliament with the support of the government and personally spouses Kirchner. The president said it is "fundamental victory" on the road to full equality in society.
10. Between Christmas and New Year in Argentina do not make a big difference - those two festivals are celebrated almost equally. As a rule, Argentina Christmas - a family holiday, with the obligatory gifts.
11. The most popular part of the Argentine culture - Tango, plastic and music who appreciate the romance of the world.
12. Football is a national passion, not just a game. During world championships and responsible in educational institutions and schools, pupils and students are not learning, and watching football. Diego Maradona - a living icon of the country. Confrontation football clubs "River" and "Boca Juniors" are irreconcilable.
13. The Paraguayan tea mate - rather, the ritual (unsanitary) than just a drink, and his proposal - a sign of sympathy. The drink is drunk from a common vessel through a straw (bombilla) and embarks on a circle.
14. Argentina is among the ten leading countries in uranium reserves. The country is known for its scientific developments in the field of nuclear power and the uranium industry.
15. Among export industries occupies a special place slaughterhouse - traditional and country-specific industry. Argentina is one of the most important producers of meat (mainly beef) and its exporters.
16. number of cattle Argentina ranks sixth in the world for the production of meat per capita - the fifth and the consumption of it - the first. Meat - national food Argentines.
17. Opened in 1913, the Metropolitan of Buenos Aires, was the first and the largest metro in Latin America and in the southern hemisphere.
18. Argentines - cheerful, friendly, talkative and sociable people and still very optional and non-punctual. Country "Magnani" (from mañana - tomorrow).
20. Argentines drink a lot of his Argentine wine. In this regard, they are very great patriots. Spirits are not popular.
21. On the streets of Buenos Aires is not safe, so is not desirable to walk at night through the dark alleys. Children do not let go for a walk alone on the street. Frequent and robbery in broad daylight. Robberies of banks, shops, hostage-taking - part of the story on the news. Car theft - a very common crime.
22. Available, free and good socialized medicine. The doctors do not take gifts and bribes. The ratio in hospitals is very friendly. Try to imagine all this, it becomes very sad for our Russian and Ukrainian medicine. Although there are some oddities. The first thing the doctor will advise if the gastrointestinal disorder - soda «7UP». Unhealed wounds and joints sprinkle with sugar.
23. Required attribute bathroom and toilets in homes, apartments and hotels. - Bidet. The Argentines, who have visited other countries, very surprised by his absence.
24. On the streets everywhere and always a lot of beggars and homeless people. To beg even young, healthy and able-bodied.
25. Even the very old houses are kept in very good condition, porches clean and nicely furnished - flowers, reproductions, furniture (tables, chairs, sofas). On New Year's in the halls decorated tree pose. Entrance door mainly of glass, view the entire entrance hall.
26. The main priorities - football, sex, meat. Reading books - an empty pastime. Should be read only when you study and after graduation to remember the letters - see the newspapers.
27. A very important part of the female body considered to Argentina's ass. Even contests for the best ass region of the country.
28. Argentines - true patriots love their country. Argentine flag there in each family. He hung out to all national holidays from the windows and balconies.
29. The Argentines are very attached to their families, supported by a very strong relationship, even with distant relatives.
30. It is very fond of children. Children are allowed a great deal. No children are not screaming, not slaps.
31. Often in a divorce, children remain with her father, and even if the mother, the father takes children from previous marriages holiday, vacation, holiday spent with them. Communication with children is not lost. Argentines - a very caring father.
32. February - the month of carnivals all over Argentina. The main carnival takes place each year in the city of Gualeguaychú in Entre Rios province, 200 kilometers from Buenos Aires. Carnival has been held for over 30 years and is very popular among tourists. Carnival in Argentina focuses on dance and acting, its roots originate in the medieval Italian tradition.
33. In Buenos Aires, including numerous suburbs, immediately adjacent to the capital, is home to 13,356,715 (as of 2009).
34. The City of Buenos Aires is a multinational, the main division of the metropolis takes on social lines. There are areas - slums (Vigie), similar to the Brazilian "favelas", where even the police is afraid to appear.
35. Buenos Aires, ranked first in the world among all the cities for a total capacity of football stadiums.
36. In the central part of Buenos Aires, currently operates about 200 outlets Wi-Fi.
37. The President of the country - a woman, Cristina Elisabet Fernández de Kirchner (Spanish. Cristina Elisabet Fernández deKirchner). She became the second woman president of Argentina (after Isabel Peron) and the first woman - president of Argentina as a result of the election.
38. Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner approved a law under which Argentina was introduced ban on smoking in public places and tobacco advertising. In addition, we tightened the conditions of sale of cigarettes. In particular, it prohibits the sale of single cigarettes and sales through vending machines.
39. Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner made in 2010 an official visit to Moscow and get a hat of fox from Russian President Dmitry Medvedev. They also discussed issues in the fields of nuclear energy, gas industry, agriculture, the participation of Russian companies in the construction of a new gas pipeline from Argentina to Bolivia.
40. Russian President Dmitry Medvedev during his visit was surprised plugs in Buenos Aires and even experienced all the disadvantages associated with heavy traffic, on its own, but found the experience useful. I went through the city without flashing lights!
41. Malvina - a long-standing dispute between Britain and Argentina. Minister of Foreign Affairs of Argentina expressed protest in connection with the intentions of the UK production of oil off the coast of Argentina (near the disputed Falkland Islands (Malvinas)). February 21, 2010 British Ocean Guardian drilling rig arrived in the area where the oil was discovered in the north of the Falkland Islands, and started drilling.
42. Argentine woman - lazy and "armless". Houses do not cook often order food by phone at the house. Even to put gum in panties or sew a button on the clothes - rent a workshop. One is not quite young client said in a repair shop that she'd sewn a button, but it does not have a "special" needles.
43. In the city a huge amount of restaurants. Especially a lot of meat restaurants where they cook the meat on the grill - Parrilla (parrilla). Many Chinese - "free plug» (Tenedor libre), where the fee for entrance and drinks. Many restaurants with national cuisine, sushi bars.
44. Resident many Chinese, especially in the capital. The Chinese hold shops, laundries, saunas.
45. The Jewish holiday of Yom Kippur ("Day of Atonement") closed a lot of stores. On this day, you can determine who hosts the store.
46. Very good transport links. Payment on city buses through a cash machine. Entrance only through the front door, out - through the middle or back. Intercity - double-decker buses.
47. When I learned that people from Russia, sympathize, that's cold.
48. In winter, there is a couple of weeks of cold to 0 degrees. There are no headgear. Get into gloves and scarves. There are blue and shiver.
49. Girl Dress casually, do not use makeup. Basic clothing - T-shirts, jeans. High heels are just a "case." Boots, boots worn only by prostitutes during working hours or transvestites. In summer, walking with bare bellies. Particularly awful view from the protruding navel in pregnant women. Argentine "uniform" - denim bottoms, black top. Haircuts are not taken, a rarity. Go with her long hair. At the hairdresser go to hair coloring, hair removal (Well very hairy), and rectification of their "horse" hair. A great number of hairdressers.
50. Grandmothers, pensioner, as a rule, well maintained, tastefully dressed, short and neatly trimmed, manicured.
51. Men also well-groomed, well-dressed, especially when compared with ours in Russia, Ukraine and other former Soviet republics. Argentines who visited St. Petersburg, Moscow and Kiev say that women have beauty, but many dress up as ladies 'light' behavior or transvestites. But about our men respond very poorly.
52. Many repair shops for clothes (surpassed Chinese) keep our compatriots.
53. Every weekend morning on many squares and public gardens are formed Fair, which sells every kustarschina, products "gone crazy" Argentine handles, articles made of silver and semi-precious stones, knitted clothes, paintings, every Indian rubbish.
54. The Argentines are proud of their football meat, condensed milk, cakes with various fillings "empanadas».
55. 29 of each month at the restaurants and eateries - day "Nёkis." Tasteless potato dumplings. Eat a "salsa" - any gravy. The finished dough of boiled potatoes with flour and raw egg, and then pinch off a finger to get in shape, reminiscent of our pasta shells. Tasteless!
56. The Argentines are very polite, patient, never Naham, quietly listen to all visitors and clients (we have already heard enough of this!).
Even if tolknesh Argentine or stepped on the foot, he apologized. A common occurrence when apologize both sides.
57. Children starting from kindergarten age, are often asked if they have the groom or the bride?
58. School education - is weak. Draw them until graduation. In kindergartens and junior all lessons, except for sculpting and drawing, conducted on the floor. And usually, the tiled floor.
59. Sign in almost all the major museums of the country completely free or charge a symbolic - 1-2 pesos.
60. It is very fond of animals. Many people have dogs and do not necessarily thoroughbred.
In most dogs and cats are castrated. There are special people, who walk their dogs when the owners at work. You can often see the man who becomes entangled in a 10 or even a 20-lead, lead the whole pack of different-sized dogs. So many veterinary clinics and specialty stores.
61. A lot of agencies selling real estate and sёmu. Apartment without a guarantor can not be removed. 70% of Argentines live in rented apartments. Price rented housing is strongly dependent on the area. The average price of two-bedroom apartment in a decent area within 500 dollars.
62. Taxi drivers are very friendly, polite and talkative. Taxis are black with a yellow roof.
63. No black bread and yogurt. Meat eating white bread, rolls. A small selection of sausage. From the tastiest meat in the world manage to do very nasty sausage.
64. Before entering the subway always handing out free newspapers.
65. There are outbreaks of malaria and dengue.
66. In the province of Buenos, in town Lyuhan, there is a zoo where you can enter the cell with predators (tigers, lions, cougars) and photographed.
67. Participation in elections - mandatory!
68. Immigrants are good, especially the Europeans. All Argentines but Aborigines which 0, 5% of the total population - descendants of immigrants. Blood anyone, but when you ask, they call themselves the Argentines.
All very friendly, all smiles, no ethnic conflicts.
69. There is a holiday - a day of nations. There are - the day of the race, that is, local Indians.
These days are organized fairs in squares with dances and cuisine.
70. Youth - not aggressive. Not scared to pass by a group of teenagers and young people, even inadvertently hurt. In response, just apologize. Smoke asking only for reasons of smoke.
71. The era of the dollar 1: 1 lasted from the mid-90s until 2002. The economic miracle that began in Argentina in the early 1990s, did not last long. Now the dollar is 1: 4.
72. For 12 days - from December 21 2001 to January 1, 2002 - in Argentina was replaced by four presidents.
73. There are home right in the shoe. But on the street a lot of waste products of dogs, for which the owners are rarely cleaned.
74. The bus driver always comes out to help wheelchair users. Almost all buses are equipped with a special pull-out step.
75.Ochen frequent pickets and demonstrations. Cuts off the movement. They beat drums and burn tires. Very often they beat the drums at the Ministry of Labor and Congress of the building.
76. A lot of guys with gay.
77. Tattoos and piercings are very popular among women and among men.
78. In Argentina, there are several Russian churches. At Easter and Christmas are going to our parishioners. Basically, because of considerations to show themselves and others to take a look. Then, in the square near the churches, vigorously celebrate this event.
79. Have a housekeeper and nanny - the lot, not only the rich but also the people of moderate means.
80. Terms of the hostel are not respected. Celebrate very noisy - with music, crackers, fireworks and cries until dawn. And can start celebrating after 21 hours.
81. Russian jelly (jelly) makes Argentines surprise and disgust. Jelly here it can only be sweet.
82. sue the employer - a common phenomenon. As a general rule, and most of all - the employer is always a loss. The law is on the side of the worker.
83. respected man may call by adding a prefix to the name "Doctor." This does not mean that it has to do with medical or scientific degree.
84. Both men and women kissing at a meeting and parting.
85. In Argentina, you can not open an umbrella indoors - bring bad luck.
86. Iguazu Falls, located in the north of Argentina, found in 2011, one of the seven wonders of the world.
87. In the south of Argentina is the southernmost city of the world - Ushuaia, which attracts many tourists.
88. In the north-western part of Argentina has Jujuy province and the city. On the Russian sites and Wikipedia referred incorrectly - as the Jujuy.
89. Puerto Madryn - a town in the province of Chubut in the Argentine Patagonia, is another tourist attraction. Every year here swim swarms of southern whales and dolphins for traditional marriage rituals.
90. A very important event in Argentina, is considered to be the 15th anniversary of the girls. It is noted as the entry into adulthood (for boys 18 years, but do not say). It celebrated in a big way. The dress is bought for the bride.
91. The Argentine can come to the restaurant and order the fried potatoes with a fried egg.
92. In Argentina, there is a region of forests and lakes. Bariloche - Argentine Switzerland. Beautiful in all seasons. In winter - ski resorts.
93. Almost all the fish that are caught off the coast of Argentina, is exported. Argentines do not eat fish almost. Our herring and dried fish makes them wonder - how can you eat raw fish?
94. Argentina has become the cradle of a very important discovery in the field of paleontology.