This exercise will help you improve eyesight, relieve puffiness and remove dark circles under the eyes!
Many people have "bruises" and bags under the eyes, sleepless nights, stress, computer work... But face swelling and "bruising" visually ages a man for a few years! And cosmetics can only conceal them, but do not remove completely!
The reasons for the appearance of "bruising" and swelling under the eyes
Around the eyes is very thin the skin is separated from subcutaneous tissue by a thin membrane. If this membrane is dense, the bruises under the eyes do not form. And if thin skin bruising under the eyes appear because of thin veins in the translucent region of the subcutaneous tissue, especially if these veins swollen. It could be a congenital trait, which is passed from generation to generation.
Sometimes bruising under the eyes – an acquired defect due to fatigue, lack of sleep, improper nutrition, lack of vitamins. In these cases, there is impaired venous and lymphatic drainage on the face that affect the eyelids, where the thinnest skin.
In diseases of the internal organs (heart, kidney disease), endocrine diseases (insufficiency of thyroid gland – hypothyroidism or myxedema), – may also appear bruises under eyes.
Bruises and bags under the eyes can also be the result of alcohol consumption, often Smoking.
To begin to determine the causes of bruising and bags, perhaps several of them.
Analyze and tragulidae your daily routine.
Go to a healthy, balanced diet.
Train yourself to go to sleep before 23 o'clock. The body needs good sleep, but a deep and relaxing sleep takes place from the 23rd to the morning. Better to get up early in the morning, than to give additional load on the heart and brain.
If you have a congenital predisposition to the formation of bruises and bags under the eyes, to be engaged in their prevention need after 20 years.
And definitely quit Smoking!
Skin care age
There are many products for skin care age, it usually – greasy cream that contains special oils, non-irritating to the eye, and also collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid to tone the skin, improve the work of numerous venous and lymphatic vessels of the eyelids. To apply such a thick layer of cream can not, the skin does not breathe, starts to sweat, the liquid evaporates and the result is the result opposite of the desired effect – the formation of edema.
Therefore, causing the cream and allowing it to soak for 20-30 minutes, then the excess cream should be removed cosmetic tissue.
Do not need to drink at night a lot of liquid – the last tea party you can hold for 1.5-2 hours before bedtime.
I can't sleep without a pillow or his face buried in the bed. Sleep on your back with raised head and before you get up, lie down on a high pillow.
Place on eyelids from time to time for 15 minutes bags brewed and chilled tea (green or black), slices of cold cucumber, raw potato or cold tea (preferably silver) spoon. Its form perfectly follows the contour of the eye, and the metal retains the cold. For best effect, the spoon can hold in the fridge.
Be sure to use creams specially created for the skin, not replace them tonic and a lotion for the skin.
Exercise of Tibetan yoga
For best effect during exercise you must perform a full yoga breath, but if you can't, you can just slowly, to breathe deeply and evenly (preferably the lower part of the chest or abdomen).
– Take a breath.
– On the inhale, concentrate in the eyes and feel like a thin warm stream of energy flowing into the eyes, in bruises, nourishing them.
– When you take a breath, run delay, during which three fingers (index, middle and ring) of each hand 10 times tap on the dots under the eyes.
– During exhalation, feel as if from the eyes and from the place under the eyes is blown, all fatigue and pollution.
– Do this exercise 5 times in the morning and evening.
The effect is noticeable almost immediately! published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: kira-beauty.ru/blogs/tibetskaja-joga-ot-sinjakov-i-meshkov-pod-glazami%20.html
The reasons for the appearance of "bruising" and swelling under the eyes
Around the eyes is very thin the skin is separated from subcutaneous tissue by a thin membrane. If this membrane is dense, the bruises under the eyes do not form. And if thin skin bruising under the eyes appear because of thin veins in the translucent region of the subcutaneous tissue, especially if these veins swollen. It could be a congenital trait, which is passed from generation to generation.
Sometimes bruising under the eyes – an acquired defect due to fatigue, lack of sleep, improper nutrition, lack of vitamins. In these cases, there is impaired venous and lymphatic drainage on the face that affect the eyelids, where the thinnest skin.
In diseases of the internal organs (heart, kidney disease), endocrine diseases (insufficiency of thyroid gland – hypothyroidism or myxedema), – may also appear bruises under eyes.
Bruises and bags under the eyes can also be the result of alcohol consumption, often Smoking.
To begin to determine the causes of bruising and bags, perhaps several of them.
Analyze and tragulidae your daily routine.
Go to a healthy, balanced diet.
Train yourself to go to sleep before 23 o'clock. The body needs good sleep, but a deep and relaxing sleep takes place from the 23rd to the morning. Better to get up early in the morning, than to give additional load on the heart and brain.
If you have a congenital predisposition to the formation of bruises and bags under the eyes, to be engaged in their prevention need after 20 years.
And definitely quit Smoking!
Skin care age
There are many products for skin care age, it usually – greasy cream that contains special oils, non-irritating to the eye, and also collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid to tone the skin, improve the work of numerous venous and lymphatic vessels of the eyelids. To apply such a thick layer of cream can not, the skin does not breathe, starts to sweat, the liquid evaporates and the result is the result opposite of the desired effect – the formation of edema.
Therefore, causing the cream and allowing it to soak for 20-30 minutes, then the excess cream should be removed cosmetic tissue.
Do not need to drink at night a lot of liquid – the last tea party you can hold for 1.5-2 hours before bedtime.
I can't sleep without a pillow or his face buried in the bed. Sleep on your back with raised head and before you get up, lie down on a high pillow.
Place on eyelids from time to time for 15 minutes bags brewed and chilled tea (green or black), slices of cold cucumber, raw potato or cold tea (preferably silver) spoon. Its form perfectly follows the contour of the eye, and the metal retains the cold. For best effect, the spoon can hold in the fridge.
Be sure to use creams specially created for the skin, not replace them tonic and a lotion for the skin.

Exercise of Tibetan yoga
For best effect during exercise you must perform a full yoga breath, but if you can't, you can just slowly, to breathe deeply and evenly (preferably the lower part of the chest or abdomen).
– Take a breath.
– On the inhale, concentrate in the eyes and feel like a thin warm stream of energy flowing into the eyes, in bruises, nourishing them.
– When you take a breath, run delay, during which three fingers (index, middle and ring) of each hand 10 times tap on the dots under the eyes.
– During exhalation, feel as if from the eyes and from the place under the eyes is blown, all fatigue and pollution.
– Do this exercise 5 times in the morning and evening.
The effect is noticeable almost immediately! published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: kira-beauty.ru/blogs/tibetskaja-joga-ot-sinjakov-i-meshkov-pod-glazami%20.html