10 very quick recipes for hungry and lazy

The modern pace of life leaves little time and sometimes effort on the cooking. The more valuable and useful are those dishes, preparation of which does not eats up your resources, does not require special skills or super-rare ingredients. In our selection — pasta, scrambled eggs, muffin, pizza, cake and even sorbet. The cooking time of each dish does not exceed 15 minutes.
Quick pasta with spicy перцем

In Italian cuisine a variety of easy and delicious recipes. And even if the fridge is almost empty, there is always at least a small piece of Parmesan cheese, hot pepper and garlic.
Pasta with zucchini for 15 минут

The recipe is not quite winter, but a bit of summer right in the middle of winter can't stop us. And along with the vitamins and good mood!
Fried in vegetable колечках

Interesting and fast option to diversify your Breakfast to cook eggs in the vegetable rings of peppers or even onions.
Scrambled eggs in the microwave: recipe for the lazy and голодных

Eggs can be considered one of the most simple dishes, which is from 2 to 5 minutes, but even if that time stretches painfully long, you can do differently is to cook eggs in the microwave.
5 simple snacks from two ингредиентов

5 options a simple snack of two ingredients that don't take a lot of time. Special culinary skills are required.
How to cook a pizza in 5 минут

Very simple and quick version of the morning lover's pizza to eat, which gives complete freedom of imagination regarding the ingredients: vegetables, eggs, meat, fruit — everyone can add what he wants, or based on the contents of his refrigerator.
How to cook the cake for 5 минут

Recipe cake in a Cup, which anyone who knows how to use a microwave and knows what flour is.
Chocolate cake in 5 minutes (saving readiness for Valentine's Day. Valentina)

How to make chocolate cake in 5 minutes in the microwave.
Ice cream, pudding and pie 5 минут

3 recipe that: a) do not require a lot of time; b) do not require any special culinary skills; C) contain simple ingredients and d) prepared without using the stove!
Strawberry шоколаде

Let not the season of strawberries, but it is always possible to buy in a large supermarket and please this romantic treat to your loved ones.
Source: koko.by/foodhack/10781.html
Astronomers have discovered a new super-earths with very short year
This exercise will help you improve eyesight, relieve puffiness and remove dark circles under the eyes!