What dishes do grandchildren like best?
Every family has their favorite recipes: delicious pancakes. grandma borschtCuts and cutlets that your grandmother cooked so amazingly and the recipe you dream of finding for many years. I have long wanted to talk about the dishes of mothers, grandmothers and great-grandmothers – our closest and dearest, they cooked us in childhood, and we will never forget the taste of these dishes!
Today's edition. "Site" recall childhood. We have prepared a small selection of recipes, which once cooked our grandmothers or mothers. Remember that taste?
While writing these recipes, I remembered how my grandmother cooked, peeking at the recipes of some dishes. old-bookIt was called “Recipes of the Royal Cuisine.” When I was a child, I often flipped through this book and admired the beautiful illustrations of “such” dishes.
Now, of course, on the Internet you can see a lot of beautiful photos of various kinds of dishes, but for me, the ones that are depicted on yellowed paper in an old grandmother’s book remained special. There is no such thing now...
Buckwheat pancakes are an old dish, but many have long forgotten for the reason that it was impossible to buy buckwheat flour in the store until recently.
When I was very young, my great-grandmother made these pancakes. This is one of the warmest memories associated with it. I don’t remember her anymore, she was very old. But the taste of these pancakes seems to take me to a distant childhood. Then my mother made this recipe for me.
The ingredients
Ruby salad This recipe was found in the book Our Family, which my grandmother once gave to my parents for their wedding anniversary. A 1983 book, by the way!
The ingredients
What instagram eggs poach and toast with avocado, when there were for breakfast such toasts! They may not be as beautiful as breakfast, but they are. delicious.
Such a simple breakfast will save you even when there is nothing more in the fridge than eggs and bread. And how do you like such juicy and rosy toast children! The dish is prepared literally in 10 minutes, but requires extreme attention at the roasting stage, otherwise it can burn in half a minute.
The ingredients
Holiday croutons with eggs This option is suitable not only for breakfast, but also as a beautiful dinner. My mother taught me how to cook them. I still love these dishes and I cook them periodically. The only drawback of croutons is hard to stop, they are so tasty.
The ingredients
"Rich" porridge Before making such porridge, my grandmother and I always went fungus. Most of all, I loved picking foxes and white mushrooms. By the way, you can add a little dried white mushrooms to the porridge - this will give it a unique aroma.
"Rich" porridge can also be sweet. In this case, instead of mushrooms, use a mixture of any dried fruits and increase the number of nuts and seeds.
The ingredients
My grandfather was a military man, so my dad’s mother had to travel a lot to different parts of the Soviet Union. He and his father lived for a long time in the Sumy region, and it was there that my grandmother learned to cook a real Ukrainian. bornet.
The ingredients
Those who were born and grew up in the USSR, surely remember the delicious bagels with vid, which were sold in the school buffet. Soft, lush, fragrant, they were a favorite delicacy of children.
I suggest you find out how to prepare home bagels with bagel according to a Soviet recipe. This baking can be done with filling from vivela, poppy, nuts, or even without it!
Grandma's recipes They return forgotten traditions to families, they will make any feast original, return the charm of antiquity. I will definitely make something similar for my kids!
Of course, this is not a complete list of dishes, but while I was preparing materials for this article, I was carried away in pleasant memories. I would be glad if you would share it in the comments too. favorite My childhood. It is very interesting to read the recipes of those dishes, according to which your relatives cooked, and also to find out if you are cooking this now?
Today's edition. "Site" recall childhood. We have prepared a small selection of recipes, which once cooked our grandmothers or mothers. Remember that taste?

While writing these recipes, I remembered how my grandmother cooked, peeking at the recipes of some dishes. old-bookIt was called “Recipes of the Royal Cuisine.” When I was a child, I often flipped through this book and admired the beautiful illustrations of “such” dishes.
Now, of course, on the Internet you can see a lot of beautiful photos of various kinds of dishes, but for me, the ones that are depicted on yellowed paper in an old grandmother’s book remained special. There is no such thing now...

Buckwheat pancakes are an old dish, but many have long forgotten for the reason that it was impossible to buy buckwheat flour in the store until recently.
When I was very young, my great-grandmother made these pancakes. This is one of the warmest memories associated with it. I don’t remember her anymore, she was very old. But the taste of these pancakes seems to take me to a distant childhood. Then my mother made this recipe for me.

The ingredients
- 260g buckwheat flour
- 150g wheat flour
- 1.5 tbsp milk
- 1 egg
- 1 tbsp sugar
- 0.5 tsp salt
- 1 tbsp soda
- vegetable-oil
- Buckwheat grinder in a grinder in flour (or take ready-made). Boil the milk and pour it into buckwheat flour to make it swell.
- In a container with buckwheat flour add an egg, sugar, salt and soda for lushness. Then add some more wheat flour. Stir it up carefully.
- Mix the dough like regular pancakes.
- In the pan pour vegetable oil, lay the dough with a wooden spoon. Fry pancakes from both sides to a ruddy hue.
Ruby salad This recipe was found in the book Our Family, which my grandmother once gave to my parents for their wedding anniversary. A 1983 book, by the way!

The ingredients
- 200g radish
- 2 eggs
- 3 tbsp sour milk or sour cream
- 1 tsp powdered sugar
- 1 tsp vinegar
- 1 tbsp sunflower oil
- 40g green parsley
- salt
- Radice cut into thin circles, lay out on a dish, put thin strips of protein separated from steep eggs on top.
- Rub the yellow with a fork. Sprinkle and mix with whipped sour milk or sour cream.
- Add powdered sugar, vinegar, sunflower oil, salt. Make the mixture again and pour it on the radish.
- Decorate the salad with parsley greens.
What instagram eggs poach and toast with avocado, when there were for breakfast such toasts! They may not be as beautiful as breakfast, but they are. delicious.
Such a simple breakfast will save you even when there is nothing more in the fridge than eggs and bread. And how do you like such juicy and rosy toast children! The dish is prepared literally in 10 minutes, but requires extreme attention at the roasting stage, otherwise it can burn in half a minute.

The ingredients
- 2 eggs
- 6 slices of bread
- 4 tbsp vegetable oil
- 50 ml of cold milk
- 2 pinches of salt
- In a deep container, mix the eggs, add some salt. Beat the egg mass with a wreath or fork until lush foam (about 2-3 minutes). You can add cold milk, especially if you cook sweet toast.
- Cut the bread in slices or use already sliced pieces. Dip each of them in egg mixture on both sides.
- In the pan, heat the vegetable oil to heat and put on it slices of bread in egg mixture. Reduce the fire to medium and roast the bread on one side for about a minute.
- Then turn the toast to the other side and towel a little more time - about 2 minutes. If it is possible to cover the container with a lid, then do it, so the egg mass inside the bread slice will steam.
- Hot croutons lay out on a paper napkin, removing excess fat, and then on a plate. Serve tasty, ruddy and fragrant toast from bread and egg must be hot until they cool, with a cup of freshly brewed tea or coffee, and the filling to them everyone will choose for himself to taste.
Holiday croutons with eggs This option is suitable not only for breakfast, but also as a beautiful dinner. My mother taught me how to cook them. I still love these dishes and I cook them periodically. The only drawback of croutons is hard to stop, they are so tasty.

The ingredients
- 1 loaf of bread (any)
- 5 eggs
- mayonnaise
- garlic
- Cut the bread, take the loaf. Roast slices of bread in a frying pan with vegetable oil. Hard-boiled eggs.
- Rub each toast with a clove of garlic, and then spread a thin layer of mayonnaise.
- Put all the toast on a dish and grind the eggs directly on them. Thus, the grated egg will be distributed evenly and remain airy, which will not work if you sprinkle the grated egg with your hands.
"Rich" porridge Before making such porridge, my grandmother and I always went fungus. Most of all, I loved picking foxes and white mushrooms. By the way, you can add a little dried white mushrooms to the porridge - this will give it a unique aroma.
"Rich" porridge can also be sweet. In this case, instead of mushrooms, use a mixture of any dried fruits and increase the number of nuts and seeds.

The ingredients
- 300g pearl cereal
- 2 bulbs
- 2 carrots
- 200g boiled mushrooms
- 100g hazelnuts
- 3 tbsp pumpkin seeds
- 60g vegetable oil
- salt
- Cut the onions with rings, carrots with straws.
- At the bottom of the Cossack pour vegetable oil, then lay out onions and carrots, carcasses for about 10 minutes under the closed lid.
- Then lay on top a layer of pearl cereal, nuts and seeds, and then again a layer of pearl cereal. Carefully pour water just above the level of cereals, salty, close the lid and leave to cook for 1.5 hours.
- 15 minutes before ready add sliced boiled mushrooms (if they are small, they can not be cut), stir, cook porridge, and then remove from the fire and leave under the lid for 15 minutes.
My grandfather was a military man, so my dad’s mother had to travel a lot to different parts of the Soviet Union. He and his father lived for a long time in the Sumy region, and it was there that my grandmother learned to cook a real Ukrainian. bornet.

The ingredients
- 2 tbsp vegetable oil
- 1 bulb
- 1 carrot
- 400g pork on bone
- 4 potatoes
- 1 hard-boiled egg
- 1 tsp wheat flour
- 150g spinach
- 150g sorrel
- 2 bay leaves
- salt, pepper to taste
- Put the meat in a pan with 1.5 liters of water, bring to a boil, remove the foam and boil for about an hour. Put it in a bowl, strain the broth and bring it to a boil again.
- Clean the vegetables. Cube the potatoes, add to the soup, cook for 10 minutes.
- Onions and carrots cut with straw, roast in heated oil for 7-8 minutes. Mix it with flour. Sorrow and spinach finely fit.
- Put all the vegetables, bay leaf, salt and pepper in the broth. Cook for 6 minutes. Cut the egg in mugs, the meat in pieces. Add to the borscht and serve to the table. Bon appetit!
Those who were born and grew up in the USSR, surely remember the delicious bagels with vid, which were sold in the school buffet. Soft, lush, fragrant, they were a favorite delicacy of children.
I suggest you find out how to prepare home bagels with bagel according to a Soviet recipe. This baking can be done with filling from vivela, poppy, nuts, or even without it!

Grandma's recipes They return forgotten traditions to families, they will make any feast original, return the charm of antiquity. I will definitely make something similar for my kids!
Of course, this is not a complete list of dishes, but while I was preparing materials for this article, I was carried away in pleasant memories. I would be glad if you would share it in the comments too. favorite My childhood. It is very interesting to read the recipes of those dishes, according to which your relatives cooked, and also to find out if you are cooking this now?
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