Modern manufacturers have not mastered, Soviet products cannot be replaced, they have no analogues.

Now many people remember the Soviet Union. It was good and tasty, safe and cozy. And now, it seems, life is not bad, but there is no mischief and youth. And if it were possible to combine youth and youth from the USSR, knowledge and experience from today. I would have picked up a couple of favorite things and favorite dishes from my youth. Today's edition. "Site" tell nostalgia from our memories.

Many who lived in the USSR with special warmth and nostalgia remember food. Natural, delicious and healthy. It was hard to imagine that sausage comes from soybeans, not meat, and there is no milk in milk. The candy had real chocolate, and the juice was made from natural fruits and vegetables. For each food product, a GOST was developed, the violation of which entailed criminal liability. Of course, there were violations, but so minor that they just closed their eyes.

Yes, not everything was smooth in a great country. Not everything worked out the first time and new technologies were needed. How Soviet factories were built, we told you earlier. But people believed that there would be a bright future and walked together. Remember Soviet films, young smiling girls and guys. Sincere laughter and funny songs to the guitar. Nostalgia for those times goes to the heart. While there was no such variety of clothing, toys and products, people knew they were offered quality, natural things.

If the store sold stew, then there was no doubt that it was meat. In tin cans, the products were preserved for a very long time, because the technology of food preservation was not violated. You could not be afraid and feed these products even small children. By the way, especially carefully approached the manufacture of baby food. In the kitchen of baby food, young mothers received delicious pearls, milk porridge and yogurt for their crumbs. This diet did not cause allergic reactions and did not provoke the development of various diseases. The children grew up full and healthy.

Natural Soviet juices could be bought even in any buffet. They kept all the useful vitamins and they were very tasty. The taste of these juices is still remembered by every once resident of the Soviet Union. There was also a lot of dairy products. Milk, just kefir, fruit kefir, sour cream, fermented meat, ayran. Everyone drank milk from small to large. At production in hot shops or difficult production, milk stamps were always issued. This was an order of the Ministry of Health, which was strictly implemented by the management of any plant.

Do you remember these dishes in Soviet canteens? A special recipe so that dishes are hearty, high-calorie and useful. In the Soviet Union, people’s nutrition and health were closely monitored. Many still consider recipes of Soviet dining tables as standard dishes and cook only so. What was the choice of tea and coffee? Tea Ceylon, Indian, Krasnodar and many other types. Tea in the USSR was very much loved, so they drank it often and a lot. And the tradition of drinking coffee in the morning was already in those days and in the coffee range, too, there was something to choose.

What kind of nostalgia do you get from the phrase Soviet Union? Write your memories in the comments.


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