Why not drink coffee?
The debate about whether coffee is harmful or useful has not subsided for hundreds of years. The most popular drink in the world has been banned. In Mecca as a stimulating radical thinking, in Italy as a “bitter product of Satan,” in Prussia as “soot with water that causes disease.”
King Gustav III of Sweden, convinced that coffee is poison, conducted an ingenious experiment: he replaced the two twins with the death penalty with life imprisonment on the condition that one of them will drink three cups of tea daily, and the second – coffee.
In the end, the brothers managed to outlive the king and many of their jailers. The one who drank tea died first at the age of 83, and his twin died a few years later. In the XVIII century coffee was rehabilitated. But what does modern science say?
In 2011-2013, a large-scale study was conducted at Harvard University, which revealed that moderate consumption of natural coffee (1-2 cups per day) does not harm either hypertensive people or healthy people. Moreover, it reduces the risk of cancer, heart attack, diabetes, Parkinson's disease.
But those who drink coffee buckets, you should know that more than 300 milliliters of invigorating drink a day can lead to serious health problems. "Site" It will tell you who and why high doses of caffeine can harm you.
Why not drink coffee?
The great physician and philosopher Paracelsus in the XVI century formulated his famous principle: "Everything is poison, everything is medicine, both determine the dose." Drink coffee for health, but try not to abuse it.
Some people prefer to drink natural black coffee without additives and do not put even sugar in it, believing that it spoils the taste of the drink. Others may drink coffee only with supplements, preferring milk in most cases.
We decided to present readers with different points of view on one drink, the comparison of which will help to decide whether to start the morning with strong black coffee without additives or replace it with a softer one with milk.
The unforgettable taste and smell of coffee make it a favorite hot drink of millions of people. Cosmetologists began to look at the properties of coffee beans. Here are 6 amazing facts in favor of using coffee for beauty and health.
Flowers, leaves and stems of plants are the healthiest alternative to teas and coffee, and more diverse. Try replacing regular tea and coffee with herbal drinks. You will be surprised how quickly this will affect your health, appearance and well-being.

King Gustav III of Sweden, convinced that coffee is poison, conducted an ingenious experiment: he replaced the two twins with the death penalty with life imprisonment on the condition that one of them will drink three cups of tea daily, and the second – coffee.
In the end, the brothers managed to outlive the king and many of their jailers. The one who drank tea died first at the age of 83, and his twin died a few years later. In the XVIII century coffee was rehabilitated. But what does modern science say?

In 2011-2013, a large-scale study was conducted at Harvard University, which revealed that moderate consumption of natural coffee (1-2 cups per day) does not harm either hypertensive people or healthy people. Moreover, it reduces the risk of cancer, heart attack, diabetes, Parkinson's disease.

But those who drink coffee buckets, you should know that more than 300 milliliters of invigorating drink a day can lead to serious health problems. "Site" It will tell you who and why high doses of caffeine can harm you.
Why not drink coffee?
- Hypertensive
Previously, the question of whether it is possible to drink coffee hypertensive, doctors gave a unequivocally negative answer, but numerous studies indicate that everything depends on the genetic predisposition, dosage and method of drinking the drink.
There is a group of genes that are responsible for the rate of breakdown of caffeine in the body. The slower this process goes, the safer it is to drink coffee, since it is absorbed slowly and does not cause a sharp reaction from the nervous and cardiovascular systems.
To understand how your body perceives caffeine and how long it lasts, conduct a simple check. Measure your blood pressure in a calm state and then drink a cup of your favorite coffee. Measure the pressure again in 5 minutes.
If the upper value increases by at least 3-5 points, you should think about a less strong coffee. Next, measure the pressure after 10/15/20 minutes to find out how long the effect lasts. If the pressure does not decrease after 20 minutes, coffee is absolutely contraindicated. - Pregnant.
You can drink coffee during pregnancy, but not everyone. You can and should drink it for those women who have low blood pressure, but it is better not to do it on an empty stomach and add milk to the drink.
The diet of a pregnant woman directly affects the health of her unborn child. Coffee, like tea, helps leach calcium from bones. And during pregnancy, women already lose a lot of calcium for the growth of the skeleton of the child.
A Norwegian study found that excessive caffeine consumption during pregnancy can cause weight problems in babies. In some cases, doctors recommend pregnant women to reduce the consumption of not only coffee, but also caffeinated products: cocoa, desserts, chocolate, tea. - GI problems
Coffee should not be drunk on an empty stomach, because it stimulates the production of hydrochloric acid at a time when there is no food in the stomach. Hydrochloric acid is produced more often than prescribed, as a result of which there are problems with digestion. - Those with high cholesterol
It is worth noting that there is no cholesterol in coffee itself. And fatty and high-calorie drink can not be called. However, the level of cholesterol invigorating drink still affects. The reason is the content of cafestol - a substance that can significantly increase the level of cholesterol in the blood.
It should be noted that in instant coffee there is no cafestol at all. Cafestol is contained in oils that are released when brewing coffee. To remove them, it is enough to strain the drink through a paper filter. - Those who suffer from insomnia
Interestingly, coffee acts differently on everyone, here, as with the effect on the heart, everything is individual. Some after a cup of strong drink turn all night, can not sleep. Others sleep without feeling any impact. Still others, after drinking coffee before bedtime, fall asleep as if they had drunk sleeping pills.
Few people know that caffeine in the body is absorbed by half within six hours and completely eliminated only after 24 hours. Therefore, if you are sensitive to caffeine, you should give up coffee starting at noon. Otherwise, you may have a sleepless night. - Those with dental problems
Of the harmful manifestations of coffee, the most significant is increased urination, as a result of which calcium and to a lesser extent other minerals are washed out of the body. At the same time, bone tissue, teeth, hair and nails suffer. Therefore, those who drink coffee daily, it is recommended to add to your diet special foods with high calcium content.
The great physician and philosopher Paracelsus in the XVI century formulated his famous principle: "Everything is poison, everything is medicine, both determine the dose." Drink coffee for health, but try not to abuse it.
Some people prefer to drink natural black coffee without additives and do not put even sugar in it, believing that it spoils the taste of the drink. Others may drink coffee only with supplements, preferring milk in most cases.
We decided to present readers with different points of view on one drink, the comparison of which will help to decide whether to start the morning with strong black coffee without additives or replace it with a softer one with milk.
The unforgettable taste and smell of coffee make it a favorite hot drink of millions of people. Cosmetologists began to look at the properties of coffee beans. Here are 6 amazing facts in favor of using coffee for beauty and health.
Flowers, leaves and stems of plants are the healthiest alternative to teas and coffee, and more diverse. Try replacing regular tea and coffee with herbal drinks. You will be surprised how quickly this will affect your health, appearance and well-being.