Coffee is fashionable and terribly bad: the 10 major health threats

The question how to start a morning, they respond differently. And over the option "coffee" a annoyed smile. Going, for example, to start the car in the dead of winter. That's only really for a large number of people every morning begins with coffee. And then throughout the day drink not one Cup of this drink.
It would seem, so what is so bad. A favorite of many, the drink really has positive properties. Coffee invigorates, helps to recover after a short NAP. Is composed of many nutrients. However, the number of harmful properties of coffee much more. Someone doesn't know that. Someone who understands, but continues to drink, not to refuse. Or justifying the fact that in modern life, with its busy schedule without an invigorating Cup of can not do. But all this does not matter coffee is harmful to all without exception. The consequences can enumerate a long time. Select only the top ten home.
Coffee causes insomnia
Paradoxically, this is proven by doctors fact ordinary people use it in order not to sleep at night. Many do not have enough hours in the day, someone night schedule. And everybody understands what it can result. But to not give up. While insomnia is not only the extra Cup in the late evening. Frequent use of day also makes a significant contribution to the emergence of insomnia. A bit later the situation will deteriorate and performance will fall to a minimum.
Problems in intimate life
Not many know that coffee affects sex life. Caffeine attacks the glands that produce the hormones needed in sexual relations. Problems with these hormones, e.g., testosterone, lead to big problems in bed. Usually, you only have to give up coffee, everything comes back to normal.
The effects on pregnant women
The worst idea that may come to mind – the abuse of coffee during pregnancy. First, it is bad for the health of the unborn child. Second, problems with the hormones. The risk of miscarriage increases dramatically – by as much as 33%!
General deterioration of health
Yes, that's right. The ability to undermine health is not much lower than that of alcohol. And not only in related problems like insomnia. Caffeine directly attacks the immune system. And it does so in the most important place – the thyroid gland. So coffee can easily provoke some kind of flu. Or something worse.
The decrease in absorption by the body of nutrients
Caffeine can do this. Only a small Cup of coffee can slow the absorption of calcium for several hours. And the increase in time taken is not the main problem. In the frequent use of coffee there is leaching of many nutrients. In addition, caffeine is able to destroy many of the vitamins and minerals. Including B, zinc, iron, calcium etc.
Regular consumption of coffee increases the risk to gain extra pounds. The fact that caffeine badly affects the adrenal glands and all the metabolism. Which participates in the already injured thyroid. The result of such "attention" of caffeine to the glands is to reduce the speed of metabolism. This is followed by an accelerated process of fat deposits. The body simply does not have time to get rid of excess. After some time, the body weight begins to grow before our eyes.
Worsening of mood
Hardly a sleepless night at work will give good result. In the end, insomnia, and fatigue, and terrible mood from all of this. But caffeine and here manages to make the situation worse. Through a complex chain of causes and effects he is able by itself to significantly reduce the mood. It happens so briefly. In our body there are special substances called neurotransmitters. They are responsible for signal transmission from the nerve cells. These substances are necessary for production of serotonin the "happy hormone". Caffeine affects neurotransmitters, the result deteriorates and the production of serotonin. Frequent consumption of coffee for a long time can lead to a significant worsening of mood.
The energy source or the main brake?
Caffeine is truly tricky. Imagine the situation when for some time we have to work intensively, stopping only to sleep. And now he decides to resort to the most efficient means is coffee. But this misconception will lead to opposite results. Very soon, the body sort of "gets used" to the caffeine. And if at first for a short period of time coffee caused increased secretion of adrenaline, then it stops working. Need more drink, body burden increases and efficiency falls. In the end, the adrenaline no longer, and connected side effects which reduce performance.
Coffee and pesticides
When growing coffee, when he became a food product that uses a variety of fertilizers. Including the pesticides.