Incredible medicinal plant for longevity - amaranth

The word AMARANTH. Mara is the goddess of death (the ancient Rus of the Slavs and Aryans) and the prefix "A" means in the language of negation – e.g., moral-immoral, etc., linguists know.
So it turns out that AMARANTH literally means denying the death, or rather the bestower of immortality!!! The word AMRITA – just get the same thing – mrita is death, the prefix "a" – denial.
In addition to the wonderful culinary properties, which has Amaranth oil, it contains several unique substances, trace elements and vitamins, the benefit of which to the organism is difficult to overestimate.
Healing properties of amaranth known since ancient times. Amaranth oil is a known source of Squalene.Squalene – a substance that captures oxygen and saturates the tissues and organs of our body. Squalene is a powerful anti-cancer agent that prevents cancer destructive effects on the cells of free radicals. In addition, Squalene is easily absorbed through the skin into the body, affects the entire body and is a powerful immunostimulant.
The unique chemical composition of amaranth identified the immensity of its use as a therapeutic agent.
Ancient Slavs and Aryans used amaranth for feeding newborns, grain amaranth soldiers took with them in heavy Hiking as a source of strength and health. As of this pharmacy, amaranth has been used for treatment in ancient Tartary (land of the Aryans).
Currently amaranth is successfully applied in different countries for the treatment of inflammatory processes of the genitourinary system in women and men, hemorrhoids, anemia, beriberi, loss of strength, diabetes, obesity, nervousness, various skin diseases and burns, stomatitis, periodontitis, ulcer stomach and duodenal ulcers, atherosclerosis.
Products containing amaranth oil, reduce the amount of cholesterol in the blood, protect the body from the effects of radiation exposure, contribute to the resorption of malignant tumors, thanks to squalene – a unique substance included in the composition.
Healing properties of amaranth known since ancient times. In ancient Slavic medicine, amaranth was used as a tool against aging. He knew the ancient peoples of Central America – the Incas and Aztecs. The ancient Etruscans and the Greeks it was a symbol of immortality. Indeed, amaranth blossoms never fade.
The name amaranth from ancient farmers of the Maya, Aztecs and American Indians – Ki-AK Bled Huatli. Indian name amaranth – Ramadan ( God-given ).
Amaranth is a vivid demonstration of the truth: new is long forgotten old.
The plant, which is eight thousand years fed the population of the American continent, now stands before us as a stranger. Came to us some facts about the economic value of amaranth for the last of the Aztec Empire, ruled by Montezuma in the early 16th century ad. The Emperor received in the form of tax 9 thousand tons of amaranth.
Amaranth has become an integral part of many ritual actions, which used paint made from it.
Obviously this was the reason that the Inquisition declared plant one hell of a potion, the result of the Spanish conquistadors literally burned the crops huatli, destroyed seeds was death disobedient. In the result, amaranth disappeared in Central America.
European civilization trampled someone else, unknown to her culture, often significantly higher on intelligence. No fear of the invaders could not force the Indian tribes to abandon the cultivation huatli. Especially in hard accessible mountain villages. And it's not even speaking rituals. Bread, maize ( corn ) suppressed hunger, but cause intestinal inflammation and pain. Additive in the dough huatli deprived peasants suffering.
Not surprisingly, Mexico, USA, Central and South America began to cultivate amaranth on large areas.
Food at the UN Commission for nutritional and medicinal properties of amaranth is recognized by the culture of the XXI century.
Honestly, I personally know this plant, but always thought it was decorative...
What a surprise!!! Amaranth, but still right on my bed!!!
Good and tasty make bread and add to soups, especially mushroom — yum, nesiseka in small plates as it is very rich, but not popravlyajsya with him, but on the contrary there is a feeling of lightness in the body.
But is a cultivated plant brought from America by accident with the seeds of other plants in the 30-ies of our century. Amaranth seeds are tiny, like poppy seeds, and plant height more than 2 m. But if he grows lonely, that one plant covers an area of almost 1 m. is this not a miracle of small grain 3.5 months grows so luxurious, with a garland of precious seed, reddish or Golden giant! The yield of amaranth is fantastic — in the fertile lands of up to 2 thousand kg of high quality green mass and up to 50 kg of seeds per hectare.
Amaranth is drought - and frost-resistant in the presence of high soil fertility does not need feeding, and the animals eat it completely. He is a champion of the protein. No wonder green amaranth equate to the most nutritious products of the sea — the meat of the squid, because, in addition to protein, the most valuable for the human organism amino acids — lysine in it is 2.5 times more than wheat, eve 3.5 times more than in corn and other cereals vysokoriskovyh.
Amaranth is a wonderful food for Pets and birds. If you feed him green mass (up to 25% of the other feed), piglets grow 2.5, and rabbits, nutria and chickens — 2-3 times faster, the cows and goats significantly increased milk yield and milk fat content. The green mass of amaranth fed to pigs with a small amount of dirty, and the animals grow quickly, gaining za4 months to 60 kg live weight.

Large amounts of vitamin C and carotene from food makes amaranth particularly valuable and good for the animals and the birds, so they don't hurt.
Amaranth silouette well, but better to do it in mixture with maize, sorghum. Since the green mass of corn a lot of sugar and in green mass of amaranth is full of protein, silage from them is much more nutritious than the amaranth.
But amaranth is also a wonderful product. It is used in the first and second dishes, dried, salted and fermented like sauerkraut, pickled for winter, preparing soft drinks, which are more expensive than Pepsi and Coca-Cola.
Amaranth oil has the highest price among vegetable oils and animal fats, all indicators exceeds sea buckthorn oil 2 times and used during the complex treatment of radiation sickness, and sprouted seeds by its composition similar to breast milk.
Scientists have found that amaranth has effective healing properties. Scientists explain this by the fact that the seeds of amaranth are inherent particularly strong biofield, which cause its miraculous healing properties. Or such a fact. Raketnye chickens after two days of feeding amaranth ostatkami of seeds (chaff) is immediately recovered. And again. All owners of rabbits in the neighborhood was the loss of animals and adults, and calves. And those who used as fodder amaranth, no.
Amaranth is particularly effective for the successful conduct of beekeeping.
Pantry protein, the culture of today and the future — biologists of the world call this plant. The Food experts of the UN Commission acknowledged its culture, which will help provide a growing population with high quality protein.
Sowing amaranth green mass is advantageously carried out with aisles of 45 cm, then progresiva crops after they reach a height of 20 - 25cm, leave for 10-12растений on the meter. If seeds with a row spacing of 70 cm, leaving a 4-5растений on the meter. The timing of seeding are the same as for corn, when the soil warms up to 8-10 gr. C heat.
After emergence, the main concern is to not let the weeds choke them. Care is needed three weeks, and then Amarant himself oppressing all their "enemies." His roots are strong and can penetrate to the soil water, taking out not only moisture, but also the necessary mineral elements, promotes the formation of a huge biomass. Thus, amaranth may play a role meliorant and to provide valuable food with high quality protein.
For the regions of risky agriculture it is very promising because in drought conditions are able to give constant yields, and in optimal conditions — high yields of biomass and grain.Collecting amaranth with curative intent, we must bear in mind that the herbs it can be used when the plants reach a height of 25-30 cm; leaves can be assembled with the lower tier plants throughout the summer until late autumn, while it is still growing, to consume, to prepare for the winter and for the manufacture of medicinal preparations
The grain should be collected when the top leaves become cream colored and the seeds are signs of slight fraying. To dry herbs should be under the canopy on the drafts, without access to sunlight.
Store amaranth in a dry, dark and ventilated place better hung in a linen or paper bags.
In one of the journals there was a topic about the reforms of Peter I, about the fact that he, among other things, banned the cultivation of amaranth and use aparantly bread was previously the main food of the Russian people than destroyed longevity on the Earth, which remained then in Russia (according to the legends the elders had lived a very long time even mentions the figure of 300 years..)
Amaranth is the real bread of the Slavs and the Aztecs, forbidden by Peter the great
Amrita – the drink of gods, nectar of immortality, as the grass from which it is made.
Nowadays amaranth is successfully used by different countries for the treatment of hemorrhoids, inflammation of the urogenital system in men, women, anemia, fatigue, obesity, diabetes, nervousness, periodontitis, stomatitis, and various skin diseases, burns, atherosclerosis, peptic ulcer disease.

Drugs in their composition with amaranth oil, helps to reduce blood cholesterol, protect from radiation, resolves a malignant tumor, because the composition of the amaranth is part of a unique substance squalene.
Studies have found that amaranth oil squalene has more beans (8-10% solids), it is more than contains the liver of deep sea sharks!
Amaranth oil has wound healing properties, easy cures such skin diseases as psoriasis, eczema, burns and trophic ulcers.
You can increase the dose without the risk of radiation burns if the skin area over the tumor, oil of amaranth. Significantly squalene activates regenerative processes in tissues of internal organs, so the use of amaranth oil inside before and after radiation therapy accelerates recovery of patients.
Summing up foreign and domestic experience of application of amaranth oil, it can be argued that it is a powerful tool for the treatment, rehabilitation and prevention of various diseases. Influencing the whole body, amaranth oil normalizes metabolism, restores the protective forces of the body, which leads to long-lasting positive results.
Amaranth leaves contain a lot of vitamin C, carotene, tannins, flavonoids, calcium, potassium, zinc, manganese.
The seeds and leaves of plants used for the treatment of pancreatitis, gastritis, diabetes mellitus, tumors, kidney diseases and liver.
Source: rodovid.me