Amaranth Recipes

Recipes Amaranth
Cooks are appreciated flavoring qualities of amaranth. From the tender leaves of young plants, harvested before flowering, prepare a variety of salads, side dishes, snacks, seasoning for soups and borscht, pickled and the young stem. When canning or pickling cucumbers add a few leaves of amaranth, the cucumbers until the spring retain freshness and elasticity.
Biscuits with rye mukoyMuka amaranth amaranth has excellent baking qualities. Bread and pastries are obtained by air, lush, long stale. To amaranth flour baking gave an exquisite nutty smell and taste of amaranth grain before grinding into flour should be lightly fry in a skillet. A mixture of amaranth flour with rye, wheat or corn flour provides a very tasty cakes are high in protein, nutritionally appropriate nutritional value of meat. Not milled grain amaranth in small amounts can also be used in baking. For the best flavor and taste of baking grain is lightly fry before adding to the batter.
Amaranth grain bread
Ingredients: 1 teaspoon of baking soda, 1 cup whole wheat flour, 1 egg white, 3/4 cup vysokolizinnoy wheat flour, 3/4 cup of grain amaranth, 1 tablespoon melted margarine, 1 cup low-fat cream
Preparation: Sift the soda with the flour and mix with other dry ingredients. Beat the egg and add it to the milk and melted margarine. Mix well and combine with dry products. Then put the resulting mass into a greased tin dish and bake in a hot oven for about 25 minutes.
Amaranth, oat bread
Ingredients: 2 cups oat / amaranth flour mixture, 2 cups of boiling water, 2 teaspoons salt, 1/4 cup sugar and 1/2 cup molasses 1 package dry yeast 1/4 cup lukewarm water, 4-4, 5 cups full of flour.
Preparation: Mix the flour and the dissolved sugar with 2 cups of hot water. All aside until cool. Dissolve the yeast in warm water. In a large saucepan, mix the yeast and flour mixture. Gradually add 4 cups flour. Knead until a homogeneous mass of dough on a floured board or in a kneader until the dough no longer sticks to the hands. Divide and form 2 rolls and put them on a greased baking sheet. Give them up twice, and then lower. Once again let rise twice. Bake at moderate temperature of 200 degrees 50-60 minutes.
Banana-amaranth bread with nuts
Ingredients: 1 cup flour, 1/2 cup amaranth flour, 1 teaspoon soda, 2 eggs, beaten 1/2 cup melted butter, 1/2 cup honey, 1 teaspoon vanilla, 1 cup mashed ripe banana, 1 cup of nuts.
Preparation: Connect the amaranth flour and wheat, add soda and stir. To add the beaten eggs and honey butter. Again the whip. Connect with flour, add in vanilla and banana puree. All mix thoroughly until a uniform mass. Thereafter mass Pour nuts. Bake in a form or in a frying pan for 1 hour at 175 ° C.
Cookies (biscuits) of toasted amaranth
Ingredients: 2, 5 cups flour amaranth seed, 1, 5 cups of corn starch, 100g butter or margarine, 1, 5 cups of sugar, 2 eggs, 3 teaspoons of powder (powder), yeast (ferment), essences vanillin
Preparation: Sift the maize starch (corn flour) with yeast powder and place in a bowl, fry until flush (in some cases, roasting can be done with whole amaranth flour). Separately mix oil and well mixed with sugar. Then, one after another, combined with the eggs and add the vanilla essence. If the mass obtained is very thick, add a little milk. The mass is rolled out and cut molds. Oil smeared baking cookies and place, leaving a distance therebetween. Bake until browned and almost immediately separate them. Baking Powder is prepared from 25 g of baking soda, 25g cream vinokalinnoy acid and 12g of corn starch.
Cutlets from amaranth seeds
Ingredients: 50g toasted amaranth seeds, 30g finely grated carrots, 30g cooked or natural (raw) peas (mashed), 20 g boiled potatoes (mashed), 2 eggs, salt
. Preparation: All the ingredients are thoroughly mixed, form patties, roll in breadcrumbs and fry in butter
. Meatballs from amaranth seeds
Ingredients: 150g chopped meat, 200g of toasted amaranth seeds (whole flour amaranth can be used), 4 eggs, salt
. Preparation: Mix all to obtain a homogeneous mass. Form meatballs within 4cm in diameter, with unsharp cook tomato sauce.
Apples with amaranth
Ingredients: 8 apples (sliced) without the peel, 1 tablespoon honey, 1 teaspoon cinnamon, 1/4 cup amaranth flour, 1/4 cup water, 1/2 cup tapioca
. Preparation: Cook the apples in water. When the water evaporates, add honey, cinnamon, flour and tapioca. Put in a greased baking dish. Top lightly sprinkled amaranth flakes. Oven for 20 minutes at a temperature of 220 ° C.
Cake of green amaranth (size 30cm in diameter)
Ingredients for the dough: 2 cups flour, 0, 5, Art. milk, 0, 5, Art. water, 0, 5, Art. vegetable oils, margarine 25g, salt; For the filling: 75g dried amaranth or amaranth 300g of fresh leaves, 1 large onion, salt and pepper (to taste)
. Preparation: Mix all the ingredients for the dough, forming a confectionery form and leave about 15 minutes. Not stirring again put the dough in a baking dish. Bake for 20 minutes at medium temperature.
Separately, prepare the stuffing, which pre-mixed stew simmered onions and amaranth. If using dried amaranth, it must be at the beginning soak in cold water for 45 minutes. Leaves must purchase a "fresh" look. In some cases, they are boiled for 20 minutes and allowed to drain from them broth. Fill with pie filling and then bake for 20 minutes at medium heat. Serve it hot or cold.
The soup (broth) from amaranth
Ingredients: 1 liter of boiling water (broth) of meat or vegetables, 1/4 liter milk, 2 tbsp. tablespoons corn flour to be mixed with 1 large onion, finely pounded and fried in vegetable oil, 100g of dried leaves of amaranth, pounded in a mortar or crushed in a blender or coffee grinder, dissolved in broth (boiling water).
Method: Add boiling water (broth), milk and onions. Bring to the boil again. Add 2 tbsp. tablespoons corn flour and stir until creamy state. Add amaranth, season to taste with salt, pepper, nutmeg and other spices.
Cereal grains of amaranth
Ingredients: 1 cup amaranth, 1 small clove garlic, peeled and chopped 1 medium onion, peeled and chopped 3 cups water or vegetable broth, sea salt or tamari soy sauce to taste hot sauce to taste (optimal). Garnish: 2 tomato cream and 1 large meaty tomato
. Preparation: Mix amaranth, garlic, onion and broth in a 2, 5-liter pot. Bring to the boil and simmer for about 20-25 minutes, until most of the liquid is absorbed. Mix well. If the resulting mixture is too liquid, or not fully pomyak amaranth (it should be crispy, but not too hard), boil gently, stirring constantly, until thickened, about 30 seconds. Add salt or tamari to taste. Serve with a little hot sauce, if you like, and chopped tomatoes as a garnish.
Amaranth fruit cake
Ingredients: 1/2 cup chopped dates, figs 1/4 cup, 1/2 cup amaranth, 1 cup of boiled water, 2 egg whites, 1/4 cup margarine 1/4 cup pineapple pieces, 2 cups whole wheat flour, 2 teaspoons baking powder for the dough 1/2 cup crushed walnuts, 1/2 cup crushed pecans 1 teaspoon vanilla extract.
Preparation: Soak the dates, figs and amaranth in hot water. Beat eggs well, add honey and margarine. Again, a good beat. Mix in the remaining ingredients and knead well. Put the resulting mass in the form of buttered cake. Bake at 350 ° F 1 hour 15 minutes.
Soup dressing of leaf amaranth
Young leaves are dried and milled amaranth. Use for filling soups rate of 1 teaspoon.. Refills for 1 serving of soup.
Fresh leaves of amaranth
Wash 200 g young leaves of amaranth, cut into strips, put in a salad bowl, add 30 g of chopped green onion and 20 g of chopped parsley. Season with 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil.
Omelette with amaranth
2 eggs mixed with finely chopped young leaves of amaranth. Pour into the pan and cook until ready.
Cutlets from the leaves of amaranth
Ingredients: Boiled amaranth shredded or finely comminuted 200g, 2 eggs, 1 onion sredneizmelchennaya, 2 crushed garlic cloves (minced in a mortar or grated), 2 tablespoons grated cheese 2 tablespoons chopped bread, 2 tbsp. tablespoons of sifted flour, the dough made from them, black pepper, salt to taste, the required amount of vegetable oil for frying chops.
Preparation: Mix all ingredients. If the cooked mass is very thick, add a little milk. To form patties, roll in bread crumbs and fry. Serve with lemon juice (to taste).
Cutlets from the leaves of amaranth
Boil 200 g of young leaves of amaranth for 5 minutes, chop, add 2 eggs, 1 chopped onion, 2 cloves minced garlic, 2 tbsp. l. grated cheese, 2 tbsp. l. flour, 1 tbsp. l. small wheat. Salt and black pepper added to taste. From the resulting mass formed into patties, roll in breadcrumbs and fry in vegetable oil on both sides. Add 1 cup water or vegetable broth, bring to a boil, cover and simmer on low heat for 5-10 minutes.
Dumplings from the leaves of amaranth
Rub with one egg 3 tbsp. l. flour, adding a little water, knead the dough elastic. The dough for the dumplings admixed finely chopped leaves of amaranth, chopped green onions, dill and parsley. Salt and black pepper - to taste. In the boiling broth to lower test pieces, using a wet teaspoon. After the dumplings float, they are brought to readiness.
Tea made from the leaves and seeds of amaranth
Fresh or dried leaves can be brewed tea in a thermos, a wild rose. The seeds are used as follows: 1 tbsp. l. panicles with seeds crushed and boiled water, 20 minutes, filter and drink a quarter cup 3 times a day for half an hour before meals and at bedtime.

AMARANTH treats,
Recipes from the book. Svetlana Ladoga
"Amaranth - so immortal»
Not only the ancient Aztecs used to eat amaranth productive. Cultivated all over the globe amaranth species - mostly spinach plants, what often say their names in different countries: African spinach, Indian spinach, Chinese spinach, pork and spinach. But in some areas of the world grown for amaranth grains. They are tiny, but on the same plant contained about half a million of them. Love and appreciate amaranth in Japan, comparing green plants with fish meat. Amaranth is bound to have a daily diet of the inhabitants of Latin America, Africa and Southeast Asia. In some countries, amaranth became profitable commercial product. In China, bacon, in which thin strips of bacon sandwiched tender and juicy meat, prepared on the farms exclusively due to additives in pig feed amaranth.
Especially common amaranth manufacture products in America (the ancestral home of the Aztecs), which produced more than a hundred different foods with the addition of amaranth. To the delight of diehard vegetarians in the United States, you can feast on "meat" stuffing from amaranth, and easy to find in stores a lot of products with the addition of amaranth: flour, oil, starch, clean grain and other food
. We know amaranth as a food plant and our ancestors Slavs and prepared from it salads, cooked hot and cold soups and borscht. People are attracted by the pleasant taste and nutritional properties of amaranth.
Currently, there emerges a clear fascination with amaranth. One hundred percent vegetable protein amaranth industrially processed into white powder. This derived from the leaves and seeds of the protein is not only well-assimilated by the human body, but still contributes to the absorption of nutrients from other foods that a person eats. It is believed that humanity is experiencing a protein hunger because not mastered amaranth. Therefore, nutritionists were invited to use the concentrated mass of protein extracted from the grain amaranth as a valuable protein supplement in human nutrition. The fact that the grain amaranth unlike other cereal contains very little glutelins. It is important for the power of those who have hypersensitivity to the grain due to lack of enzymes that hydrolyze glutelin, and therefore in need of aglyutelinovoy diet.
Amaranth seeds taste like a nut and can be used for baking bread. The addition of amaranth flour to wheat flour, not only improves the taste of baked goods, but also makes them more useful. Currently, amaranth flour cooked a very tasty porridge, bake cakes, pastries, prepared refreshments. Technologists also suggested recipes use amaranth flour in the manufacture of dairy products such as sour cream, yogurt and kefir. Many people like to roast and popcorn. When heated, the seeds of amaranth, they also turn into crunchy product, better than popcorn. The leaves and young shoots of amaranth can fry, stew, cook, prepare them for future use by freezing, canning and drying. Amaranthus cruentus and all broadleaf used as Amaranth vegetable plants, mainly in salads, rich in vitamin C, iron, calcium and certain trace elements.
Recipes given here make it possible to use amaranth itself in fresh, boiled and fried, remove the useful properties.
Appetizers and salads
In many European countries are eating sandwiches (bread and butter) with sage and find a way to use it best. Nutritionists believe that sage can be used instead of amaranth greens, the taste is similar to spinach. Recall that in Russia in olden times ate handfuls of grass. This is useful, nutritious, plants have also required a general tonic effect.
Appetizing pieces of amaranth greens on a spit
Option 1: fish, radishes, onions, amaranth greens, pickled cucumbers
. Option 2: fresh tomatoes, boiled root vegetables edible flowers, rings marinated onions, amaranth greens
. Option 3: cheese, marinated mushrooms, white bread, fresh green amaranth
. Option 4: tomatoes, boiled beets, amaranth leaves, pickled onions, carrots (cooked or raw)
. This is a relatively new kind of snack. It looks very attractive on the table. To prepare the "pieces on a skewer," you can use a wide variety of products, picking up the pieces by color, shape. It is necessary to remember the flavor combinations of products. There are time-tested, the right product combination (see. Formulated).
As a spit, you can use a thin wooden stick (the pin) a length of about 15-20 cm. It must be thoroughly sanded and sharpen the tip. At the beginning and end of the spit put the pieces more tightly, so they kept the other skewering products. Fragile and sensitive to deformation of products (egg et al. Components) strung in the middle. If you alternate between different sliced products (round and oblong), it is possible to achieve an excellent aesthetic effect, which will contribute to the appetite. Skewered Products can be poured mayonnaise or a suitable sauce.
Salad of amaranth in egg sauce with herbs
400 g amaranth leaves, 1 tbsp. spoon vegetable oil, 1 egg, 2 h. spoons of sugar, 0, 5 lemon, 0, 5 cups of chopped dill, parsley and green onions.
Amaranth leaves boil in salted boiling water, allow to dry. Prepare the sauce: Beat egg, mix it with lemon juice, salt and sugar. Drizzle salad oil, then dressing, sprinkle with herbs.
First and second courses
Cabbage green sorrel leaves and amaranth
Boil the broth from the roots, bulbs, green beam and 2-3 dried mushrooms. Take half a pound young sorrel, if it is old and has become acidic, then take it in half with leaves of amaranth. In varying degrees, depending on personal taste, that is, 3/4 pound sorrel and 3/4 pound of amaranth, sorrel, or a half-pound and pound amaranth.
Iterate sorrel, wash it, squeeze and finely chop, shift with the juice in a pan, put half a spoon of butter, put sorrel in its own juice, it can rub through a sieve.
When adding amaranth leaves bust, rinse several times with water, pour boiling water steep salt and a quarter teaspoon of baking soda. Boil in an open pan, tilt, pour cold water. When the water drain, rub through a sieve, mix with sorrel, fry in a spoonful of butter with half a spoon of flour, add half a cup of sour cream. For a quarter of an hour until ready to dilute the filtered broth, uncovered, to boil twice.
Serve with cabbage soup: buckwheat steep, steep or stuffed eggs, pies of all kinds of dough, pancake pies, donuts, tarts with cottage cheese
. This recipe offered by Elena Molokhovetz.
Soup of different greens "Botanical»
1 liter of water, 4 tbsp. ложки геркулеса, 1, 5 стакана нарезанных трав (амарант, крапива, борщевик, спорыш, просвирник, сныть), 1 ст. ложка масла.
Сварить геркулес в воде в течение 7–10 минут. Затем добавить вымытые и мелко нарезанные травы в любых пропорциях. Варить ещё 10–15 минут.
Перед подачей на стол заправить сливочным маслом или сметаной и посыпать зеленью укропа или петрушки.
Лепёшки с амарантом
Кукурузную, пшеничную или ячневую мелкую крупу смешать с мукой в пропорции 1:1. Добавить мелко нарубленную краснокочанную капусту и листья амаранта. Капусты и листьев амаранта должно быть примерно вдвое больше, чем смеси крупы с мукой. Посолить и вымешивать тщательно, постепенно подливая холодную воду до образования теста средней плотности.
Полученное тесто выбивать о деревянную доску до тех пор, пока оно не перестанет прилипать к доске и рукам. Переложить тесто в тарелку, накрыть чистым полотенцем и выдержать в течение 15-20 минут. Из теста сформовать небольшие лепешки, уложить их на чистый противень и выпекать в разогретом до 230-250°С духовом шкафу 10-15 минут.
Готовые лепешки смазать сливочным маслом. Подавать к чаю, к первым блюдам.
Биточки из листьев амаранта
0, 5 кг листьев амаранта, 0, 5 стакана молока, 1 стакан муки, 50 г тёртого сыра, 2 яйца, 1, 5 ст. ложки растительного масла (лучше оливкового).
Листья амаранта вымыть, порубить, положить в разогретое масло, прогреть до полного испарения воды. Приготовить жидкое тесто из муки, молока и сыра. Дать постоять один час. Соединить с амарантом. Брать столовой ложкой тесто и жарить как оладьи. Перед подачей украсить свежей зеленью.
Картофельные котлеты с зеленью амаранта
Картофель отварить в мундире, очистить, натереть на крупной терке. Отварить в небольшом количестве воды зеленые молодые листья амаранта, крапивы, иван-чая, отжать, мелко нашинковать. В смесь картофеля и зелени добавить измельченные репчатый лук и чеснок, сырое яйцо, всё хорошо перемешать.
Обычным способом приготовить котлеты, запанировать их в сухарях или ржаной муке, обжарить в оливковом масле до золотистой корочки. Подавать с грибным соусом.
Из кн. Светланы Ладожской. «Амарант – значит бессмертный»