In Siberia created a new variety of amaranth
Amaranth is a very interesting plant that was cultivated by the inhabitants of Central and South America until the 16th century. In the 70-ies of the last century, the attention to amaranth as food and fodder culture increased again. Many researchers have evaluated it as a rich source of protein and essential amino acids, deficiency of which can't make up for traditional agricultural crops.
At the Institute of Cytology and genetics SB RAS, with the participation of the Siberian Institute of agriculture (Omsk) created a new variety of amaranth "cherginskaya" the first in Siberia, Amarant cherginskaya" has high plasticity, which allows for its cultivation in a variety of conditions.
A remarkable feature of amaranth "cherginskaya" his precocity and allows to obtain viable seeds in the conditions of Western Siberia. The chemical composition of the amaranth "cherginskaya" is not inferior to the homologated varieties, as well as many forage crops. In absolutely dry substance contains 15% crude protein, 19% fat, 45% nitrogen-free extractives and 13% sugar.
Greens amaranth "cherginskaya" in the Altai experimental farm was prepared with pellets and silage. The pellets were better than granules of peas-oats mixture. Silage made from green mass of amaranth in this class had good organoleptic characteristics, contained 3.5% protein, 16% fiber, 1.9% fat, 36% BEV. The content of organic acids: lactic acid 68%, acetic acid 32%. Butyric acid was not. In grain amaranth "cherginskaya" contains 6% oil, a valuable medicinal substances with antioxidant action.
Agricultural production of Siberia was replenished with new species of plants, the cultivation of which will increase forage production and improve their quality.
The yield of green mass, dry matter and grain amaranth "cherginskaya"
For food additives, the creation of new drugs and perfumery; in livestock production the use of silage amaranth more effectively than the use of corn silage
The content of protein in grain of amaranth "cherginskaya" in the zoned varieties of the major cereals
Amarant cherginskaya" zoned in five regions of Western Siberia (Kemerovo, Novosibirsk, Omsk, Tomsk region and Altai Krai). The variety is characterized by precocity, high yields of green mass (up to 85 t/ha), dry matter and grain. Silage made from green mass has a high protein content (18%) and essential amino acids (lysine 0.44 g/100 g).
The variety of amaranth "cherginskaya" protected by the copyright certificate No. 6680 published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
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Source: sdelanounas.ru/blogs/73830/
At the Institute of Cytology and genetics SB RAS, with the participation of the Siberian Institute of agriculture (Omsk) created a new variety of amaranth "cherginskaya" the first in Siberia, Amarant cherginskaya" has high plasticity, which allows for its cultivation in a variety of conditions.
A remarkable feature of amaranth "cherginskaya" his precocity and allows to obtain viable seeds in the conditions of Western Siberia. The chemical composition of the amaranth "cherginskaya" is not inferior to the homologated varieties, as well as many forage crops. In absolutely dry substance contains 15% crude protein, 19% fat, 45% nitrogen-free extractives and 13% sugar.

Greens amaranth "cherginskaya" in the Altai experimental farm was prepared with pellets and silage. The pellets were better than granules of peas-oats mixture. Silage made from green mass of amaranth in this class had good organoleptic characteristics, contained 3.5% protein, 16% fiber, 1.9% fat, 36% BEV. The content of organic acids: lactic acid 68%, acetic acid 32%. Butyric acid was not. In grain amaranth "cherginskaya" contains 6% oil, a valuable medicinal substances with antioxidant action.
Agricultural production of Siberia was replenished with new species of plants, the cultivation of which will increase forage production and improve their quality.

The yield of green mass, dry matter and grain amaranth "cherginskaya"
For food additives, the creation of new drugs and perfumery; in livestock production the use of silage amaranth more effectively than the use of corn silage

The content of protein in grain of amaranth "cherginskaya" in the zoned varieties of the major cereals
Amarant cherginskaya" zoned in five regions of Western Siberia (Kemerovo, Novosibirsk, Omsk, Tomsk region and Altai Krai). The variety is characterized by precocity, high yields of green mass (up to 85 t/ha), dry matter and grain. Silage made from green mass has a high protein content (18%) and essential amino acids (lysine 0.44 g/100 g).

The variety of amaranth "cherginskaya" protected by the copyright certificate No. 6680 published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
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Source: sdelanounas.ru/blogs/73830/