How to care for dracaena

In nature there are many types of dracaena, most of them grows in the wild. In nature it often happens that the dracaena grows to the size of the tree, but in indoor horticulture use only a few low-growing species.
Room species of dracaenaDracaena Marginata or dracaena marginata borderedThis kind can be considered the most common and widely used in landscaping of the premises, and not just residential. The dracaena marginata and marginata can be found in offices and shopping centres as an integral element of the decor of the room.
This species of dracaena is also called liepollo and that such appearance, the plant owes its popularity. Looks like a marginata palm: long bare trunk okazivaetsa lush bunch of long narrow leaves. The plant can grow up to 2 metres in length. Quite often the top of the dracaena bordered by trimming split into several shoots, so it looks more lush and attractive.
Sander dracaena or bamboo happiness Is a plant in appearance is really similar to bamboo, you've probably noticed in the Windows of flower shops associated with stems, placed in a transparent container of water. Quite often the stems give the appearance of a spiral. The tip ends of shoots of bright green leaves, and the trunk, like the preceding species, still naked.
Fragrant dracaena, or Dracaena fragrans, This plant has a pleasant aroma, which bore him flowers. In bloom this species is rather rare, but its stems can grow very long, sometimes even up to 1 meter in length.
Dracaena fragrant plant grows powerful, but its trunk in spite of its thickness is quite fragile and unstable. So when the plant grows to a certain length, should take care of the erection of the cribbing.
The leaves of this species can be quite wide, from 8 to 10cm in width, there are plants with solid leaves and variegated forms.
Dracaena dereskyThis type can be safely attributed to a tall, as room conditions the plant can reach a height of 3 meters. The trunk of the tree is powerful and thick, branching is not committed. The crown is quite dense, the leaves are thin, but long, reaching lengths of 50 cm and width 5cm. the growth of the plants the lower leaves die.
In young plants the leaves sticking up like a bundle, and in adulthood droop. This species of dracaena can bloom, but rarely. The flowers at the outside plants have a dark red colour, and internally white, look very decorative, but they have one drawback – it is very nice smell.
Dracaena diseases and their treatmentThough dracaena plant does not require special conditions of humidity all the problems arising in the farming associated with a lack of or excess moisture. With a long presence in the room with dry air the plant is unable to reach such pests as spider mites, thrips and scale insects.
Spider mites If you notice that the plant settled spider mites should hold the processing of a soap solution. Such processing is carried out three times at intervals of 7-10 days. The easiest way to do this: take a piece of ordinary soap, Bush dipped into the water and lather on a bar of soap. The resulting emulsion paint over the surface of the leaves.
Thrips and scale insects , these pests it is best to cope insecticides, such as Fitoverm, decis or Inovera. The medicines are diluted as written on the package and sprayed the plants with an interval of 8-10 days three times.
Why turn yellow and fall off the leaves of dracaenaThis issue is most common when growing this plant. The process of mass yellowing and dropping of leaves is very clearly visible in the species of the Marginata, plants of other species is not so clearly and not so noticeable.
Dracaena dry leavesis Not always the drying of the leaves indicates plant diseases, udruzene the species of the Marginata, the lower leaves turn yellow and fall off often because its own time. From the description you probably remember that the Mature plant has tresniowski bare trunk, with a tuft of leaves at the top.
Pay attention to the process of yellowing and drying of leaves, if the leaf first turns yellow and then turns brown, withers and falls, it is a sure sign that it is not a manifestation of any disease.
But there are several reasons why yellow leaves of the dracaena, one such reason is lack of moisture. When long-term drying clod of earth, all the plant begins slowly to dry up, but of course it all starts with drying the leaves. If the sheets nachinayuschemu and does not dry out, fall off, then the plant need moisture, you just forget its time to water. In this case, you should establish a watering.
If you notice that your plants are falling green leaves, an urgent need to take action, otherwise the plant will die.This problem arises from sadagamidaga lowering the temperature below 15 °C, or if your plant is in a draft, and it hits cold air.The plant will survive if you notice the problem immediately, if hypothermia was long-term, dracaena, most likely die.
There is another reason why the plant can dump green leaves, this reason is an overflow of plants and stagnant water in the pot.If the abscission of green leaves occurs too fast, is to examine the trunk, in case of stagnant water, the trunk will become soft. To save the plant, you need to extract it from the old pot, inspect the roots and remove Sapodilla.Then you need to dry the roots of plants and then planted in a new land. Next should be moderate watering, until the plant is fully recovered.
Dry leaf tips for growing dracaena second most popular you can consider the question: dracaena dry leaf tips – what to do? The plant from this problem will not die, just suffer its appearance. The tips of the leaves dry with low humidity, and this problem is increasing the humidity in the room where the dracaena.
Why blacken the leaves of dracaenaIf your plants leaves have started to turn black, this indicates serious problems with the plant and if not to pay attention as soon as possible dracaena, is likely to die.
The most common cause of the blackening of the leaves of dracaena can be called the stagnant water in the pot and the continuous overflow of the plant. Remember that when watering plants you need to wait until the soil ball is slightly dry. Black leaves are a Testament to the fact that plants begin to rot the root system, this is due to the lack of access of air to the roots,
The second reason for the blackening of the leaves is prolonged exposure of a plant in a draft or in a room with temperature below 15 °C, in this case, you should immediately take measures otherwise the plant may die. Dracaena cannot tolerate prolonged hypothermia, and if all the leaves turned black, the plant is unlikely to survive. In this case, the only possibility of saving the plants is pruning and rooting the top.
Basic errors in the care of dracaenaIncorrect wateringWatering dracaena should be done after drying earthen coma, and in any case can not allow stagnation of water in the pot.Otherwise, the plant may die as the result of the overflow or stagnation of water, the root system begins to rot.
Draftsthe Plant does not tolerate being on the air is cold, so a place for a pot of dracaena should be located away from Windows that are opened for ventilation, especially for the cold season.
The soilFor good growth and development of the plant nogalera waterproof and breathable soil. It is not necessary to grow the dracaena in peat substrates as they are quite a long time retain moisture. published
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Source: www.art-pen.ru/
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