What plants cleanse the house of unfavorable energy
Since ancient times, it is believed that some plants can bring peace and harmony to the house. Even those who are indifferent to folk signs will not leave indifferent the spectacular beauty of exotic trees and shrubs. That's why the editorial board "Site" I decided to tell you which ones houseplants It's worth growing houses.
In addition to the fact that these representatives of the flora are able to stop quarrels in the house, they also low-key. At the same time, their delightful appearance received the highest marks of florists around the world.
What plants clean the house of negativity
It's up to you whether or not you believe in the ability of these plants to stop conflicts and protect space from negative energy. Anyway, Every plant on this list can be a beautiful decoration. any home. Let your green pets always please the eye, and mutual understanding and peace reign in the house. Good luck!

In addition to the fact that these representatives of the flora are able to stop quarrels in the house, they also low-key. At the same time, their delightful appearance received the highest marks of florists around the world.
What plants clean the house of negativity
- Uzambara violet The color of the inflorescences of such violet depends on the variety, but blue and purple flowers are most often found. Petals can be both smooth and slightly corrugated. Under favorable conditions, the Uzbekbara violet can bloom for almost a year. It can be found in the mountainous regions of Tanzania and Kenya near waterfalls and streams.
Growing a violet at home, sprayingThis can damage the delicate leaves of the plant. It is best to put a pot with holes in a pallet with warm settled water. In addition, violets do not like temperature fluctuations, drafts and direct sunlight. - Orange tree This wonderful tree is not difficult to place on a windowsill in an ordinary apartment. Among the infinite number of varieties, experts recommend choosing Marheul orange tree. It reaches 1 meter in height, and with good care can bring up to 40 fruits per season.
Citrus fruits love abundantly moist soil and air. Therefore, in summer you need to water an orange every day, and at other times of the year about once a week. In addition, the plants are sprayed several times a day. Lighting should be intense but diffuse. - marina There are dozens of species of this plant. They bear the name of the Venetian physician who first described them. In nature, maranta grows in tropical swamps of Central and South America. At home, it is often Place in winter gardens private houses and public premises.
Maranta leaves are usually green, but sometimes their surface is decorated with bizarre patterns. Flowers rarely in small white inflorescences. It is believed that this plant protects housing from negative energy and relieves unnecessary tension in relations between households. - dracena Now the dracena is one of the most popular exotic trees for apartments and offices. In summer, the optimal temperature for dracaena ranges from 18 to 25 ° C, but in winter it should not fall below 15 ° C. To avoid damage from dry air in any weather, the tree is sprayed.
You can put a pot with dracaena on the balcony, but remember that direct sunlight should not fall on it. Lighting should be intense enough, otherwise the color of the leaves will lose its appeal. In addition, in the shadow of the dracaena develops much more slowly. - laurel Everyone is familiar with this plant since childhood. Laurel greens have long been used in the preparation of soups, snacks and many other dishes. In nature, the height of the laurel can reach 10 m. In the apartment, it will be possible to grow only low-growth species.
Laurel is multiplied with cuttings and seeds. However, the process of obtaining seedlings is quite laborious, since laurel seeds germinate within about 3 months. - Monster. The name of this evergreen liana comes from the word “monster”. It is not surprising, because the leaves of monsters in natural conditions reach an impressive size (1.5 m in diameter). In apartments, this tropical resident is usually placed near the walls, thus providing a reliable support.
Experts believe that Monster ozonizes the surrounding air. Probably due to this property, its impressive appearance and extremely simple care, it is becoming increasingly popular among gardeners.
It's up to you whether or not you believe in the ability of these plants to stop conflicts and protect space from negative energy. Anyway, Every plant on this list can be a beautiful decoration. any home. Let your green pets always please the eye, and mutual understanding and peace reign in the house. Good luck!
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