Why plants wither and how to help them
Sometimes even the most experienced growers are faced with the fact that their already beloved plants do not take root and dry up right in pots. Unfortunately, most often this outcome leads to the wrong care.
To minimize the likelihood of such situations, the "Site" I will tell you about the most common mistakes in planting and how to avoid them.
How to water plants Let’s start with the most elementary and most important component plant-care - watering. Beginner flower growers are quite difficult to guess with watering. To do this, you need to competently study all the features of a single plant.
Consider the 3 most common mistakes in watering
Other Common Care Mistakes and Solutions
In addition to the above, since ancient times there are signs and superstitions about the causes of fading of domestic plants. It is believed that it is not always in the wrong care. Often. Plants are negatively affected by loud sounds. So you can see that some vases may not take root in the house, where scandals are a frequent phenomenon.
Curiously, With the help of flowers, you can determine the energy negative zones of the home. For example, if the plant felt good before moving, and then began to wither, then it is worth less time to spend in this place. For the same reason, plants sometimes do not take root in a new home, which indicates poor energy at home.
Whether or not these signs are true, a plant is more likely to look good if it is behind it. carefully and lovingly. I'm sure these tips will help you grow a whole green oasis in your home. Good luck!
To minimize the likelihood of such situations, the "Site" I will tell you about the most common mistakes in planting and how to avoid them.

How to water plants Let’s start with the most elementary and most important component plant-care - watering. Beginner flower growers are quite difficult to guess with watering. To do this, you need to competently study all the features of a single plant.

Consider the 3 most common mistakes in watering
- The water in the pallet is good. Much to the surprise of many housewives, moisture reserves and stagnation are two completely different things. It is important to remember that if the water lingered in the pot, then it is excessive. It's necessary. pour out half an hour after wateringInstead of waiting for days or weeks hoping it will soak up.
As an exception, you can leave a small supply of water in the pallet if you are going to leave the plants unattended for several days. But even then, it is safer to buy or build an automatic irrigation system or to entrust this mission to neighbors. - It is necessary to water if the ground is dry from above. The fact that the top layer of soil dries in the first place is quite logical. But in the middle of the pot, most likely, there is still enough moisture. To check this is most convenient with a thin stick. Pierce the soil with it, trying not to touch the roots, and stretch out. If the stick is two-thirds raw, it is too early to water the plant.
- Watering off schedule When the plant receives moisture with a certain frequency, it gradually builds up the internal synthesis of nutrients and thus strengthens its own immunity, less exposed to ailments. Therefore, it is highly recommended to make a watering schedule or use special applications for a smartphone that will remind you of this.
Other Common Care Mistakes and Solutions
- Excess heat This problem is relevant in the winter, when all the heating works. Too warm environment for most plants, which are comfortable with a temperature of 10-15 degrees, is a source of stress. So the mode of life of the flower is confused, and it weakens.
If the plant is tropical, they need heat constantly. Especially those whose flowering period falls in the winter. However, such plants are quite moisture-loving, and heating devices dry the air. Therefore, you should often spray them or for convenience install a humidifier in the room. - Little light. The first sign that the plant lacks light is that the greens begin to lose color saturation. In this case, you need to find a place in the house where there will be more sunlight. Sometimes the situation is corrected by installing special lamps.
- Overabundance of light And that happens too. With an excess amount of light, the decorative purple or red leaves of plants begin to actively turn green. But capricious orchids in the sun and completely shed the leaves from the received sunburn. If you notice this in your green pets, it is better to move them deep into the room, away from the windows.
- Inattention to pests The size of most of them is so tiny that it is almost impossible to see them with the naked eye. Houseplants, like street plants, are also attacked by aphids, spider mites, shields and whiteflies. In order to prevent the effects of pests, inspect plants every 2-3 weeks.
But if the “uninvited guests” are too small, the plant can tell you about their presence by the following signs: twisting of the leaves, the appearance of dots, spiders or sticky secretions on them. Catching skodniks or removing them mechanically is almost impossible. In this case, it is necessary to identify the type of pest, and then apply a special tool. The treatment will not affect the laid eggs, so the procedure should be carried out twice. - Incorrect feeding or its absence When choosing feeding, you need to strictly take into account the individual characteristics of the plant. General recommendations call for alternating mineral and organic. In order not to get confused, it is worth supplementing the irrigation schedule with a fertilizer application schedule.
In addition to the above, since ancient times there are signs and superstitions about the causes of fading of domestic plants. It is believed that it is not always in the wrong care. Often. Plants are negatively affected by loud sounds. So you can see that some vases may not take root in the house, where scandals are a frequent phenomenon.
Curiously, With the help of flowers, you can determine the energy negative zones of the home. For example, if the plant felt good before moving, and then began to wither, then it is worth less time to spend in this place. For the same reason, plants sometimes do not take root in a new home, which indicates poor energy at home.

Whether or not these signs are true, a plant is more likely to look good if it is behind it. carefully and lovingly. I'm sure these tips will help you grow a whole green oasis in your home. Good luck!
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