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Selection of plants for the garden on the windowsill

Everyone has a hobby at home, especially when they have to stay in the apartment for a long time. Some put the living space in order with a drill and a punch. Others watch TV shows or play video games. Someone quietly collects puzzles and draws pictures.

We advise you to remember that it is spring outside the window, which means that all living things wake up from winter hibernation. Including plants. And did you know that even houseplants have healing properties and not only heroically purify the oxygen in your room, but also have a number of vitamins and nutrients that can be shared with you?

If you are not aware, read this article and get acquainted with the amazing properties of ordinary ficus, aloe or basil.

Growing basil sage
This plant contains vitamins C and A. It is also rich in magnesium, sodium, calcium, iron, zinc, potassium, organic acids, carotene and various resin compounds.

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The 8th Marathon Day by @orchid_hunter72 is dedicated to edible plants. Planned to plant a garden on a windowsill, but the aliexpress lamp still hasn't come. It's been a little over 2 months on the road. Is this what happens when you want to save money? Therefore, nothing edible grows, but sage grows, which can be added to tea. Delicious and log!? #plantaholic_marathon #plantaholic_day8 #sage #sage #flowers #flowers #flowers #flowers #flowers #houseplants #houseplants #houseplants #winterflowers #roomflowers #flowerpots #flowers #flowers #flowerpots #flowers #flowers #flowers #flowerpools #flowers #plants for home #flowers #flowers #flowers #flowers #flowers #flowers #flowers #flowers #flowers

A post shared by? Flowers? Plants? Coziness (@love_green_decor) on Feb 3, 2020 at 2:46am PST

It has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effects. That is why it is often used for irritation of the skin, mild inflammation or itching.

Melissa medicated
Melissa has a calming effect. It perfectly improves sleep, relieves pain during menstruation, helps with nausea, perfectly concentrates attention and improves memory.

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Melissa officinalis is a soft drink in summer, hot tea in winter, and seasoning all year round, and all this #Melissa grabbed seeds in Auchan, just out of greed, well, because she did not plant spices this year. The seeds were planted on March 17. How do I like it? with a beautiful, thick hat. Of course, it will have to be seated... although if you do an experiment and not plant it? ?? What do you think??... #melissadrug #melissa #melissaoficinalis #etheromaslenie #herbaceous #clearflow #lemonnamelissa #happy harvest #melissaswedison #tea #lemon fragrance #tea

A post shared by Houseplants (@plants_in_my_house_milausti) on Apr 27, 2019 at 10:02am PDT

In addition, it has a good antifungal effect.

Basil fragrant
Basil contains a lot of vitamin A and C. It has a calming, anti-inflammatory effect and activates the production of digestive enzymes.

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Basil has grown #urban windowsill#basil#basillimon#summer#basil#basil#basil

A post shared by Liliya Kletkina (@lililiyak72) on Jun 9, 2019 at 12:30am PDT

Growing basil helps with coughing and various non-serious inflammatory processes. Home basilicaOf course, it cannot boast exactly the same properties, but it calms well, improves appetite and purifies the air in the room.

Mint leaves contain many useful substances. This plant helps with nausea, vomiting, digestive disorders, abdominal pain and other symptoms.

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How do you grow mint from seeds? Easy! The main thing is to sow mint on the surface of moist soil and spray seeds from the sprayer. Then cover a pot or container with mint with a lid (it is desirable to choose a container or a box wide, the roots of the mint grow precisely in breadth). I planted mint a week ago. There are two exits. As soon as another week passes, I'll post the results. I planted a variety of mint spirmint. It is suitable for growing in an apartment. Please write comments if something is not clear or there are questions. #mintsseeds #garden windows #garden window #mint #peppermint #spirmint #gardeners #gardener #gardener #gardener #gardenplants #plants #roomplants #comment #supplants?

A post shared by marina devyatova (@mdshakv) on Mar 29, 2020 at 7:06am PDT

It also has a calming effect and helps with certain types of rashes.

aloe vera
The leaves of this medicinal plant contain barbaloin, aloin and aloemodin. Thanks to these substances, aloe regenerates small sores, wounds and burns, and also treats allergies, boosts immunity and lowers blood sugar levels. Benefits of aloe Obviously.

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Aloe Vera. Price 329 rub-diameter 10 cm. And Big Aloe Price 990 rubles. The diameter of the pot is 20 cm, the height is 50-60 cm The therapeutic properties and contraindications of aloe vera were known in ancient Egypt. This plant was considered not only healing, but also sacred. It symbolized longevity and prosperity. It was depicted on the walls of the Egyptian tombs, it was made of incense and brought as a sacrifice to the pharaohs. And, of course, the famous cream of Cleopatra was prepared on the basis of aloe juice. The plant was also well known in the ancient cultures of India and China. Shamans of South America wore dried leaves around their necks as protective amulets. In the modern world, aloe is officially recognized as a valuable medicinal raw material, it is widely used in cosmetology and pharmacology, traditional and folk medicine. #folk medicine #aloevera#aloegel#hound#healthypodolsk#young skin#healthy skin#healthyskin#healthyplants#youngpodolsk#aloedoma#healthypills#forskin#lowforwomen#beautifulskin#usefulflowers#secretlongevity#secretyouth#buyaloe#healthymedicine#naturalmedicalmedicine#cremizaloe#prosprosperity#festry#womensexpansion#womensexpansion#sexpansion

A post shared by Shartova Flower (@shartovaev) on Oct 17, 2019 at 10:45pm PDT

The use of this plant strengthens the skin of the face, makes it lighter. However, this does not mean that it can be used too often or in large quantities.

Kalanchoe contains a lot of vitamin C and minerals. It has regenerative, anti-inflammatory and antifungal properties, and also breaks down the metabolic products of pathogenic microflora and increases immunity.

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My first baby blossomed all over, I thought he wouldn't live long with me, I guess I can look after flowers pretty well. #flowers#nature#kalanchoe#flowers#plants#pink

A post shared by Irina Kashaed ?? (@mme.irina) on May 2, 2019 at 7:27am PDT

It is used to treat colds, inflammatory processes, fresh and infected wounds of varying complexity.

Perfectly copes with the healing of wounds, cuts and scratches. Improves the condition of the gums, if you regularly rub the juice into them or chew its leaves. Tradescant cleans and humidifies the air in a room or just in a small room.

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Good mood, everyone! Did I notice today what kind of roof the house has grown over the winter? #my flowers #tradescantia

A post shared by Indira (@indirasadykova) on Jan 10, 2019 at 12:13am PST

Aquarium fish can get the right amount of vitamins from it. Even cats like to chew the leaves of this pot.

Unpretentious inhabitant of many apartments. Very well able to clean the air in the room. It is a kind of marker: if the air in the room is too dry, its leaves begin to turn yellow and dry at the edges.

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One of my giants ... is absolutely not a capricious man?? Favourite ficus? Who grows it? You can order woven bochats from our store @yut_home_. #ficus#flowers#roomflowers#plants#garden#garden#garden#cities#flowering#cozyhome

A post shared by Home? Garden? UYUT) (@reggiofficial) on Apr 1, 2020 at 2:49am PDT

Juice from ficus is mixed with rye flour and such flatbreads are used as compresses when hematomas occur.

This plant helps well with reduced immunity and general loss of strength.

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A post shared by @ lana_70rus on Mar 27, 2020 at 4:47am PDT

Echinacea flowers are able to cope with many different fungi and other health problems.

Indian onions
A plant with potent medicinal properties on one side, but very poisonous on the other. Attention.! You can use it. externally. For example, with frequent headaches, it is recommended to rub whiskey with juice squeezed from the mature foliage of such a plant.

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#Indian bow in its prime? Analgesic, antimicrobial, wound healing agent. Mature leaves have healing properties. They're rich in colchicine. In the juice of the plant there are compounds of calcium oxalate. They treat wounds, bruises, joint pain. It is effective for headache, will help with ARI, viral diseases. To obtain therapeutic juice, you need to take an old leaf and squeeze out the necessary amount of healing agent. If the tips of the leaf are dried, it is necessary to remove the dry part. To make the juice stand out better, you can make a serif on the leaf with a knife. It's not suitable for internal reception. Indian onion is a plant-phytoncide. It can be used to disinfect indoor air. #plant #plants #green #flowers_54nsk #flora #flowers #novosibirsk #plants #plantsinterior #plants #plants #plantsyhouse #houses #houses #flowers #flowers #flowers #flowers #flowers #flowers #flowers #comfort homes #novosibirsk

A post shared by plants in space? (@planet_of_flowers_) on Nov 4, 2019 at 1:07am PST

Warts and rashes pass after they are anointed with mucus of this plant. Compresses are also not considered superfluous. Even if you do not use its juice or leaves, it cleans the air from pests.

Now you know what makes your home feel better. However, remember: homemade vases can only be used externally or for air purification. In any case, do not self-medicate and consult a doctor before using them! We wish you good health and all the best.