What Happens in Homes Where Aloe Grows
Ordinary homemade aloe, modestly standing on the windowsill, is actually an amazing plant. Okay,aloe Few people saw with their own eyes, and meanwhile, this plant with high energy, which will save the residents of the house from damage, diseases, envy and misfortune.
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Mistakes and myths in the care of plants. Landing in the kashpo. Kashpo is a decorative element, a simple plastic pot with drainage holes is inserted into it. Otherwise, you risk getting root rot. Why complicate your life? – Watering on a schedule. The evaporation of moisture is affected by many factors, water when the soil dries from above by 1-2 cm. Illumination with ordinary lamps for rooms. Phytolumps have a certain power, spectrum and wavelength, which helps plants. Folk remedies. Tea brewing, vodka?, coffee cake, etc. You can greatly increase the acidity of the soil and attract mold and flies. I see no sense in these methods when there are proven and budget complexes. Too bad to cut. Sometimes a haircut can not only return a lush appearance to the plant, but also save it from death. Use fertilizer too often. The plant cannot consume more than it needs and the excess is deposited in the soil. In addition, you can burn the roots or poison the plant. Stands by the window. If behind the curtain, it does not count and the sun is not there. Plants won’t help you clean the air, that’s a myth. And there are no plants with poor energy (only if you did not reward them with such energy). I don't believe in omens and superstitions, I believe in love and nature.
A post shared by Plant Care? (@nastya_s_cvetamy) on May 11, 2020 at 5:28am PDT
Unpretentious plant can please with its presence for a very long time. Jokingly, Aloe can live to 100 years or more. Such “centenarians” are often inherited from generation to generation and become something of a talisman for the family.
As we said earlier, aloe is a highly positive plant. It always has a positive effect on the “weather in the house” and the internal state of each family member. It is because of the light energy of plants that many plant it at home.
Aloe health is a symbol of healing and purification. Therefore, it can be planted in the room where the sick person is. It doesn’t matter physically or spiritually. It is believed that aloe can even help with prolonged depression, because the light and heat that this plant contains are transmitted to humans over time, and the disease can recede.
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What is aloe vera, and what are its benefits for the body? Aloe vera is an evergreen home plant. Its useful properties have long been noticed by folk healers. Aloe vera is appreciated for unpretentiousness in care and healing juice, which is used for home preparation of medicinal formulations, as well as for the production of cosmetics and pharmacological preparations. Does our store offer the best aloe-based cosmetics?? Ask Direct any questions, you will be sure to answer альная #gelsaloe#aloe#aloevera#aloespb#cosmeticsspb#naturalcosmeticsspb#Peter#cosmeticasaloe#aloespb
A post shared by @ aloe_boom on Jul 1, 2020 at 1:16pm PDT
In fact, irrelevantlyWhat is the size and age of this succulent? Aloe will help only by its presence, it is not necessary that it has large dimensions.
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“Find a living place in my heart and close your eyes to his protests Put a sprig of aloe in it and it will be filled with love in the morning.” Where does this plant put everything alive and fills and complements? I love Aloe Woody! Well, I will not list all its useful properties. Ask your grandparents, they are experts in this field. They lack communication. But the fact that in wildlife this species of Aloe reaches 3 meters in height, a fact little known to the people. The diameter of the barrel can be up to 30 cm in girth. That's the size! ? What flowers! Like torches red. It is a pity only at home blooms rarely. For this, conditions close to natural ones should be created. He's a South African. ?? Although they say that the Centenary is not very whimsical ... But like all succulents, it is easier for him to live in: GROUNT for cacti + PERLIT (white granules similar to foam) + VERMICULIT + zeOLIT (cat filler "badger") Fill the pot with a third keramzit, and then on top of our prepared mixture. Sadim aloe. Watch the growth point It should be above ground. Specialists generally plant in a clean pebble fraction of 3-5 mm. That's what I'm aiming for. The most important ingredient is the sun! I wish you success in growing.
A post shared by Maria Vedyushchenko (@mariavediushchenko) on Jun 30, 2020 at 6:54am PDT
In ancient times, precisely aloe It was used as a means to eliminate severe pain and accelerated wound healing. Interestingly, the leaves of aloe were dried and only then used as a talisman. It was hung around the neck of the patient, and the role of leaves in the treatment ended.
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Aloe blossoming on the Atlantic coast #around the world asmikhailomkoval #Azores #azors #Portugal #Atlantic #bay #scenic #Atlanticocean #island #island #islando #islando #fayal #fayal #volcano #aloe #bloomingloe #atlantic #atlanticohe #Azores #Portugal #isocean #islands #nazorean #azorean #Açoreanislands #Açores #Faalloe #Fa #Falloe #Falloe #Falfay #Falfay #Falfayalfay #Falfayalfay #Fa #Falfayalfayalfayalfayalfay #Fa #Falfayalfayalfayalfayalfayalfay #Falfayalfayalfay #Fa #Fa #Falfayalfayalloe #Azore
A post shared by Mikhail Kovalev (@michel_kovaleff) on Jan 24, 2018 at 4:34am PST
It is believed that if the leaves of adult aloe began to dry, and the mode of its irrigation and soil quality have not changed, something will happen in the house or apartment. bad. Even a flower can talk about things like this: it will change color and shape. While the plant takes on some of the negative energy, residents need to quickly find out the root of the problem.
The symbol of the goddess Venus - yes, yes, our native aloe. Therefore, it is believed that the plant gives beauty, freshness and strengthens romantic relationships between people. There are even sequenceWhat a young woman had to do for her love In my life:
At the wedding in some countries it is customary to give aloe instead of classic bouquets. The newlyweds plant it in a convenient place and it is considered that as long as it grows and develops, their marriage is not afraid!
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Aloe can be used as a fortifying agent, for diseases of the lungs, gastrointestinal tract, for sprains and bruises, various skin diseases. Kalanchoe juice has a bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effect. It is practically non-toxic, quickly cleanses wounds and ulcers from necrotic tissues. #aloealmata #aloe #flowersalmata #roomflowersAlmata
A post shared by Aigul Kolobetova (@bakhtalo_chia) on Jun 29, 2020 at 9:31pm PDT
At home, aloe vera blooms very rarely. But if the plant shoots an arrow with small but frequent flowers at the top, it is believed that the house is very good energy and a suitable aura for full development. Development of family, relationships, spiritual or career growth.
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#bloomingloe #liguria#sanremo#fiori#italy??
A post shared by ?Olga (@olgapushkarevaz) on Mar 30, 2019 at 4:53am PDT
Some even say that the guardian angel helped. And if, for example, you want to know how long this grace will last, just count the number of petals on one flower. The number will mean the number of years, how long everything will go well.
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#Blossomingloe #umamidoma#floweringevery year
A post shared by Aizhan (@aizhanrysmendeeva) on Nov 24, 2017 at 12:21am PST
Even where you put a pot of aloe blooming makes a difference. East side It promises the normalization of family relations, the prevention of quarrels and conflicts, as well as financial harmony. If Aloe is standing on southIts owners soon expect improvement in their personal life or the emergence of new romantic feelings for the right person.
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Aloe is a unique plant in its healing properties. It has an astringent and analgesic effect, affects the metabolism. Independently successfully used to treat all immunodeficiency conditions, skin diseases, tuberculosis, increase appetite, improve digestion, regulate menstruation. Refers to bitter tonics that do not nourish tissues, but clean them and remove toxins. Aloe reduces fever and fever, especially with inflammation of the internal organs. Fresh aloe juice balances all three doshas, but it is primarily indicated for elevated Pitta. This action is due to the fact that aloe enhances Agni (digestive fire), thus improving digestion and helping to cleanse the body of toxins. In addition, aloe simultaneously cools Pitta. Aloe is an excellent laxative. Fresh aloe juice has a weaker laxative effect. Aloe perfectly tones the liver, including the treatment of acute and chronic hepatitis, gallstone disease and cholecystitis. ← Secrets of women’s health on the link in the profile @ekolmed ке #ayurveda #aloe #health #medicine #Tibet #herbs
A post shared by HEAL YOU HOPE (@semenovanadesda) on Jun 28, 2020 at 1:00am PDT
In the room where they put a pot of aloe, you feel that breathing has become much easier, it is more comfortable to work and relax, thoughts finally come to one denominator. "Site" He wants to never leave you no matter where you are. We wish you a pleasant summer and a carload of health in our troubled times.
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Mistakes and myths in the care of plants. Landing in the kashpo. Kashpo is a decorative element, a simple plastic pot with drainage holes is inserted into it. Otherwise, you risk getting root rot. Why complicate your life? – Watering on a schedule. The evaporation of moisture is affected by many factors, water when the soil dries from above by 1-2 cm. Illumination with ordinary lamps for rooms. Phytolumps have a certain power, spectrum and wavelength, which helps plants. Folk remedies. Tea brewing, vodka?, coffee cake, etc. You can greatly increase the acidity of the soil and attract mold and flies. I see no sense in these methods when there are proven and budget complexes. Too bad to cut. Sometimes a haircut can not only return a lush appearance to the plant, but also save it from death. Use fertilizer too often. The plant cannot consume more than it needs and the excess is deposited in the soil. In addition, you can burn the roots or poison the plant. Stands by the window. If behind the curtain, it does not count and the sun is not there. Plants won’t help you clean the air, that’s a myth. And there are no plants with poor energy (only if you did not reward them with such energy). I don't believe in omens and superstitions, I believe in love and nature.
A post shared by Plant Care? (@nastya_s_cvetamy) on May 11, 2020 at 5:28am PDT
Unpretentious plant can please with its presence for a very long time. Jokingly, Aloe can live to 100 years or more. Such “centenarians” are often inherited from generation to generation and become something of a talisman for the family.
As we said earlier, aloe is a highly positive plant. It always has a positive effect on the “weather in the house” and the internal state of each family member. It is because of the light energy of plants that many plant it at home.
Aloe health is a symbol of healing and purification. Therefore, it can be planted in the room where the sick person is. It doesn’t matter physically or spiritually. It is believed that aloe can even help with prolonged depression, because the light and heat that this plant contains are transmitted to humans over time, and the disease can recede.
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What is aloe vera, and what are its benefits for the body? Aloe vera is an evergreen home plant. Its useful properties have long been noticed by folk healers. Aloe vera is appreciated for unpretentiousness in care and healing juice, which is used for home preparation of medicinal formulations, as well as for the production of cosmetics and pharmacological preparations. Does our store offer the best aloe-based cosmetics?? Ask Direct any questions, you will be sure to answer альная #gelsaloe#aloe#aloevera#aloespb#cosmeticsspb#naturalcosmeticsspb#Peter#cosmeticasaloe#aloespb
A post shared by @ aloe_boom on Jul 1, 2020 at 1:16pm PDT
In fact, irrelevantlyWhat is the size and age of this succulent? Aloe will help only by its presence, it is not necessary that it has large dimensions.
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“Find a living place in my heart and close your eyes to his protests Put a sprig of aloe in it and it will be filled with love in the morning.” Where does this plant put everything alive and fills and complements? I love Aloe Woody! Well, I will not list all its useful properties. Ask your grandparents, they are experts in this field. They lack communication. But the fact that in wildlife this species of Aloe reaches 3 meters in height, a fact little known to the people. The diameter of the barrel can be up to 30 cm in girth. That's the size! ? What flowers! Like torches red. It is a pity only at home blooms rarely. For this, conditions close to natural ones should be created. He's a South African. ?? Although they say that the Centenary is not very whimsical ... But like all succulents, it is easier for him to live in: GROUNT for cacti + PERLIT (white granules similar to foam) + VERMICULIT + zeOLIT (cat filler "badger") Fill the pot with a third keramzit, and then on top of our prepared mixture. Sadim aloe. Watch the growth point It should be above ground. Specialists generally plant in a clean pebble fraction of 3-5 mm. That's what I'm aiming for. The most important ingredient is the sun! I wish you success in growing.
A post shared by Maria Vedyushchenko (@mariavediushchenko) on Jun 30, 2020 at 6:54am PDT
In ancient times, precisely aloe It was used as a means to eliminate severe pain and accelerated wound healing. Interestingly, the leaves of aloe were dried and only then used as a talisman. It was hung around the neck of the patient, and the role of leaves in the treatment ended.
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Aloe blossoming on the Atlantic coast #around the world asmikhailomkoval #Azores #azors #Portugal #Atlantic #bay #scenic #Atlanticocean #island #island #islando #islando #fayal #fayal #volcano #aloe #bloomingloe #atlantic #atlanticohe #Azores #Portugal #isocean #islands #nazorean #azorean #Açoreanislands #Açores #Faalloe #Fa #Falloe #Falloe #Falfay #Falfay #Falfayalfay #Falfayalfay #Fa #Falfayalfayalfayalfayalfay #Fa #Falfayalfayalfayalfayalfayalfay #Falfayalfayalfay #Fa #Fa #Falfayalfayalloe #Azore
A post shared by Mikhail Kovalev (@michel_kovaleff) on Jan 24, 2018 at 4:34am PST
It is believed that if the leaves of adult aloe began to dry, and the mode of its irrigation and soil quality have not changed, something will happen in the house or apartment. bad. Even a flower can talk about things like this: it will change color and shape. While the plant takes on some of the negative energy, residents need to quickly find out the root of the problem.
The symbol of the goddess Venus - yes, yes, our native aloe. Therefore, it is believed that the plant gives beauty, freshness and strengthens romantic relationships between people. There are even sequenceWhat a young woman had to do for her love In my life:
- Pick 13 leaves from a strong and adult aloe plant so that it is not stressful.
- Mentally ask the plant for forgiveness.
- Remove the leaves in a dark clean place for 12 days.
- On day 13, take out the aloe leaves and burn them.
- Dispel the ashes near the threshold of the house of a loved one.
At the wedding in some countries it is customary to give aloe instead of classic bouquets. The newlyweds plant it in a convenient place and it is considered that as long as it grows and develops, their marriage is not afraid!
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Aloe can be used as a fortifying agent, for diseases of the lungs, gastrointestinal tract, for sprains and bruises, various skin diseases. Kalanchoe juice has a bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effect. It is practically non-toxic, quickly cleanses wounds and ulcers from necrotic tissues. #aloealmata #aloe #flowersalmata #roomflowersAlmata
A post shared by Aigul Kolobetova (@bakhtalo_chia) on Jun 29, 2020 at 9:31pm PDT
At home, aloe vera blooms very rarely. But if the plant shoots an arrow with small but frequent flowers at the top, it is believed that the house is very good energy and a suitable aura for full development. Development of family, relationships, spiritual or career growth.
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#bloomingloe #liguria#sanremo#fiori#italy??
A post shared by ?Olga (@olgapushkarevaz) on Mar 30, 2019 at 4:53am PDT
Some even say that the guardian angel helped. And if, for example, you want to know how long this grace will last, just count the number of petals on one flower. The number will mean the number of years, how long everything will go well.
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#Blossomingloe #umamidoma#floweringevery year
A post shared by Aizhan (@aizhanrysmendeeva) on Nov 24, 2017 at 12:21am PST
Even where you put a pot of aloe blooming makes a difference. East side It promises the normalization of family relations, the prevention of quarrels and conflicts, as well as financial harmony. If Aloe is standing on southIts owners soon expect improvement in their personal life or the emergence of new romantic feelings for the right person.
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Aloe is a unique plant in its healing properties. It has an astringent and analgesic effect, affects the metabolism. Independently successfully used to treat all immunodeficiency conditions, skin diseases, tuberculosis, increase appetite, improve digestion, regulate menstruation. Refers to bitter tonics that do not nourish tissues, but clean them and remove toxins. Aloe reduces fever and fever, especially with inflammation of the internal organs. Fresh aloe juice balances all three doshas, but it is primarily indicated for elevated Pitta. This action is due to the fact that aloe enhances Agni (digestive fire), thus improving digestion and helping to cleanse the body of toxins. In addition, aloe simultaneously cools Pitta. Aloe is an excellent laxative. Fresh aloe juice has a weaker laxative effect. Aloe perfectly tones the liver, including the treatment of acute and chronic hepatitis, gallstone disease and cholecystitis. ← Secrets of women’s health on the link in the profile @ekolmed ке #ayurveda #aloe #health #medicine #Tibet #herbs
A post shared by HEAL YOU HOPE (@semenovanadesda) on Jun 28, 2020 at 1:00am PDT
In the room where they put a pot of aloe, you feel that breathing has become much easier, it is more comfortable to work and relax, thoughts finally come to one denominator. "Site" He wants to never leave you no matter where you are. We wish you a pleasant summer and a carload of health in our troubled times.