Contraindications aloe Vera — what you need to know
Healing effect of aloe recognizes not only popular, but also official medicine. This undemanding plant has long been stuck on our window sills, and helps in the treatment of many ailments. Tincture and aloe juice are used for skin lesions and mucous membranes, diseases of the upper respiratory tract, neuralgia, tuberculosis. Aloe is used for the recovery of the body after infectious diseases, and also for General weakness. Given the powerful effect of aloe mindlessly accept it in any case impossible. You must take into account contraindications to its use, to avoid serious negative consequences. It should be noted that contraindications in the majority of cases belong to the medications that are taken inside, including as intramuscular injections.
It is forbidden to take aloe during pregnancy and during breastfeeding. Women should not take aloe during menstruation, as it can increase bleeding. Acids contained in aloe can strengthen menstrual abdominal pain.
Should not take aloe in the period of exacerbation of the disease. For example, when the worsening of hemorrhoids drugs aloe can cause excessive blood filling of the vessels in the rectum, leading to bleeding hemorrhoids and appearance of varicose nodes. Also contraindicated drugs aloe with acute cholecystitis, as the gallbladder are sensitive to herbal preparations, and especially during exacerbation of the disease.
Not advised to use aloe Vera for liver, kidneys, gastrointestinal tract. Shouldn't take aloe Vera for inflammation of the brain, cardiovascular diseases, especially with symptoms of decompensation.
Extreme caution is necessary to take aloe Vera for children up to 14 years, as it can adversely affect the formation of the cardiovascular valve system, cause disturbances in the immune and circulatory system.
So as not to cause sleeplessness, do not take drugs based on aloe after 19 hours.
Keep in mind that aloe can be an individual intolerance.
To avoid negative consequences, prior to ingestion of drugs based on aloe always consult with your doctor. published