What housewives do not know about who do not flower aloe
I have always been indifferent to houseplants. But when I began to live apart from my parents, my hand somehow reached out to plant an avocado. And then they gave me another pot, and I went... I am not ready to make a flower garden out of the apartment yet. I still want to make a couple more green friends. My choice fell on a very unpretentious and very popular plant. I'm going to tell you today. how to grow aloe And also to make it bloom. Yes, yes, it happens!
How to grow aloe aloe is an unpretentious plant that is used for medicinal and cosmetic purposes. People call him a home doctor. And this is not surprising, because evergreen succulent has a lot of useful properties.
From competent care for aloe depends on the appearance of the plant, namely the thickness of the leaves. The thinner and weaker they are, the harder it is to extract juice from them. Since Aloe is growing quite activelyIt is necessary to cut and transplant young shoots in time. They appear on the main stem of the plant.
To do this, just cut the cutting right under the root. Then ideally it needs to be dried a little (30 minutes to 3 hours). But if this is not possible, then the first thing to do is remove the bottom leaves from the escape. It is necessary that the root zone was larger. Prepare for landing. clear-glass. So you can watch the development of aloe roots and see how humid the ground is.
This is a very important point, as very often aloe rots. This is due to heavy watering. Drought-tolerant plantBecause his homeland is Africa. The aloe leaf is covered with vegetable wax. This helps him keep the moisture inside him. Therefore, if you are not sure whether to water aloe, it is better not to water it again.
Place a little drainage at the bottom of the cup, and fill the rest of the space with soil. Then deepen the cut cutting, fix it in the ground. If the ground is dry, pour aloe. Experienced gardeners recommend using phytosporine after transplanting any plant. It's universalThis will prevent the onset of disease. For 1 liter of water you will need only 1 tsp.
If you are transplanting aloe for the first time, keep some good advice. First, Don't put it on a cold window sill.. It is best to place it in a more or less warm place. Second, cover the plant with a package for 1-2 weeks. These conditions will help the cutting to take root faster.
So that the plant accumulates more useful substances, he needs to be fed. Since aloe is considered a medicinal plant, fertilizing should only be organic. For example, pay attention to specialized soft fertilizer Gumi-Omi. It is suitable for cacti and succulents.
The main thing is not to overdo it with feeding. Aloe is used to poor soil, so it's best for it low-dose. Then you won't lose out! By the way, it is also advised to wipe each leaf from dust from time to time. Yes, it's a tedious occupation, but it will make the life of the plant a little better.
Aloe blooms? Aloe is also known as a centenary. It is believed that this name came from the fact that aloe blooms once every 100 years. Few people have seen this plant bloom, because it is extremely difficult to make it bloom at home. However, in nature, aloe blooms every year. Amazing!
It is all about the conditions in which aloe grows. For the plant to bloom, it must receive regular sunlight (12-16 hours). Agree that on the windowsill the plant can hardly get so much light and sun.
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But don’t get upset before the time! If you want to flower, first you have to create the conditions. closest to natural. Start your preparations in the winter. The temperature in the room should be from 10 to 14 degrees Celsius. The flower needs a lot of light. Use additional lighting in the form of a fluorescent lamp.
Water aloe 1 time a month, but make sure that the soil is completely dry before watering. It is also important to have dry air in the room. When stable warm weather replaces cold, it is best to take the plant outside. For example, you can place it on the balcony on the south side.
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Aloe should get used to the sun gradually. First, you can take it to warm up for half an hour, then for an hour, and then gradually lengthen the time in the sun. If it is very warm outside, in spring aloe can be left on the balcony for the whole day. And in the summer, even overnight.
In order for the succulent to bloom, the air temperature during the day should be within 21-29 degrees Celsius, and at night - not below 15 degrees. In the warm season, the plant should be watered 1 time a week. However, unfortunately, all these conditions do not guarantee that aloe will definitely bloom. Flowering can occur at any time: in March and October.
As you can see, there is no universal working scheme, following which you will make aloe bloom. But it's worth a try! It will be great if the succulent pleases you with its unusual red or orange pine flower. He looks just fine.
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A post shared by Elena (@artdikoobraz)
And if you've managed to do it. Aloe flowering at homeBe sure to share your photos with us. I want to enjoy this magical beauty!

How to grow aloe aloe is an unpretentious plant that is used for medicinal and cosmetic purposes. People call him a home doctor. And this is not surprising, because evergreen succulent has a lot of useful properties.
From competent care for aloe depends on the appearance of the plant, namely the thickness of the leaves. The thinner and weaker they are, the harder it is to extract juice from them. Since Aloe is growing quite activelyIt is necessary to cut and transplant young shoots in time. They appear on the main stem of the plant.

To do this, just cut the cutting right under the root. Then ideally it needs to be dried a little (30 minutes to 3 hours). But if this is not possible, then the first thing to do is remove the bottom leaves from the escape. It is necessary that the root zone was larger. Prepare for landing. clear-glass. So you can watch the development of aloe roots and see how humid the ground is.
This is a very important point, as very often aloe rots. This is due to heavy watering. Drought-tolerant plantBecause his homeland is Africa. The aloe leaf is covered with vegetable wax. This helps him keep the moisture inside him. Therefore, if you are not sure whether to water aloe, it is better not to water it again.

Place a little drainage at the bottom of the cup, and fill the rest of the space with soil. Then deepen the cut cutting, fix it in the ground. If the ground is dry, pour aloe. Experienced gardeners recommend using phytosporine after transplanting any plant. It's universalThis will prevent the onset of disease. For 1 liter of water you will need only 1 tsp.
If you are transplanting aloe for the first time, keep some good advice. First, Don't put it on a cold window sill.. It is best to place it in a more or less warm place. Second, cover the plant with a package for 1-2 weeks. These conditions will help the cutting to take root faster.

So that the plant accumulates more useful substances, he needs to be fed. Since aloe is considered a medicinal plant, fertilizing should only be organic. For example, pay attention to specialized soft fertilizer Gumi-Omi. It is suitable for cacti and succulents.
The main thing is not to overdo it with feeding. Aloe is used to poor soil, so it's best for it low-dose. Then you won't lose out! By the way, it is also advised to wipe each leaf from dust from time to time. Yes, it's a tedious occupation, but it will make the life of the plant a little better.
Aloe blooms? Aloe is also known as a centenary. It is believed that this name came from the fact that aloe blooms once every 100 years. Few people have seen this plant bloom, because it is extremely difficult to make it bloom at home. However, in nature, aloe blooms every year. Amazing!

It is all about the conditions in which aloe grows. For the plant to bloom, it must receive regular sunlight (12-16 hours). Agree that on the windowsill the plant can hardly get so much light and sun.
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A post shared by Enjoying Life (@magicalsunrise_)
But don’t get upset before the time! If you want to flower, first you have to create the conditions. closest to natural. Start your preparations in the winter. The temperature in the room should be from 10 to 14 degrees Celsius. The flower needs a lot of light. Use additional lighting in the form of a fluorescent lamp.
Water aloe 1 time a month, but make sure that the soil is completely dry before watering. It is also important to have dry air in the room. When stable warm weather replaces cold, it is best to take the plant outside. For example, you can place it on the balcony on the south side.
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A post shared by Tamara (@tamarisk2016)
Aloe should get used to the sun gradually. First, you can take it to warm up for half an hour, then for an hour, and then gradually lengthen the time in the sun. If it is very warm outside, in spring aloe can be left on the balcony for the whole day. And in the summer, even overnight.
In order for the succulent to bloom, the air temperature during the day should be within 21-29 degrees Celsius, and at night - not below 15 degrees. In the warm season, the plant should be watered 1 time a week. However, unfortunately, all these conditions do not guarantee that aloe will definitely bloom. Flowering can occur at any time: in March and October.
As you can see, there is no universal working scheme, following which you will make aloe bloom. But it's worth a try! It will be great if the succulent pleases you with its unusual red or orange pine flower. He looks just fine.
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A post shared by Elena (@artdikoobraz)
And if you've managed to do it. Aloe flowering at homeBe sure to share your photos with us. I want to enjoy this magical beauty!
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