How to care for peonies
Tips for caring for peonies
The peony amazingly beautiful flowers that are in season will change colour and can be yellow, pink, red, bronze or green, depending on variety. A very important period of life of peonies — a month and a half after flowering. At this time there is the tab and the development of kidneys resume those that will bloom next year or two years. From your concern about the plant at this time, depends how it will be in subsequent years.
How to select varieties of peonies to garden longer was decorated with blooming peonies:
One area many years can grow and bloom very early hybrid peony officinalis 'rubra Officinalis Captivity' (red) 'Officinalis, Rosia Captivity' (pink), 'Alba Officinalis Captivity' (white).
Of the early best are the following: 'Longfellow', 'Dr R. Barnsby', 'Philip Revoir' (red) 'Edulis Superba', 'Eugene Verdier' (rose), 'FESTIVA maxima', 'Blanc', 'Joan of Arc' (white).
Later in the garden peonies bloom: 'Karl Rosenfeld', 'MS Martin Cahuzac', 'Felix Kruss', 'Inspector Lavergne' (red), 'Claire Dubois', 'Monsieur Jules Elie', 'Madame Rosa Rundate' (pink), 'Duchesse de Nemours', 'Mrs. Edward Harding', 'Baroness Schroeder', 'Le Blue' (white).
Finish blooming: 'Napoleon', 'Nigricans', 'Marshal MacMahon', 'Okinawa' (red), 'Sarah Bernhardt', 'Solange', 'Cornelia Shaylor', 'Clemenceau' (pink), 'Enchantress', 'Moonglow', 'Denise' (white). published
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: vk.com/bg.garden?w=wall-83256494_38853
The peony amazingly beautiful flowers that are in season will change colour and can be yellow, pink, red, bronze or green, depending on variety. A very important period of life of peonies — a month and a half after flowering. At this time there is the tab and the development of kidneys resume those that will bloom next year or two years. From your concern about the plant at this time, depends how it will be in subsequent years.
- Within two years after planting peonies do not give bloom. In the early years they must develop the root system. Therefore, when the buds on young plantings reach the size of a pea, their pluck.In the third year, depending on the strength of the Bush, you can leave some of the buds for flowering.

- Peony have a large mass of leaves, so evaporate a lot of moisture. They need to be watered rare, but abundant two or three buckets on the Bush. Watering is especially needed in the early summer — the period of active growth and budding, and in the second half of July — beginning of August — during the formation of the kidneys resume.
- Necessarily it is necessary to spend preventive spraying peonies: against Botrytis twice before flowering and twice after flowering — against spots. Better to spray with copper oxychloride (40 g/10 l of water).
- In the winter all the leaves are cut to ground level, but only after after the first frost, the stems of peonies polyagut. Up to this point is the outflow of nutrients from leaves to roots.

- We must remember that the Bush can be cut no more than 1/3 of flowering stems, always keeping two of the bottom leaf on the Bush.
- To the bushes of peonies after flowering and looked beautiful, faded flower heads cut to level the top of the leaves.
- Plant care involves periodic weeding, hoeing, watering is mandatory during the drought (preferably the entire depth of the roots) and double glaze with phosphorus and potassium before and after flowering to strengthen the tissues and the establishment of new flower buds.
- At the base of each stalk is laid several kidneys resume is the key to a powerful development and abundant flowering plants in subsequent years. Cut flowers for a bouquet can be no more than one third of the Bush, be sure while keeping on the stem one or two of the bottom sheet
- It is desirable to prevent the petal fall on the leaves, as the leaves immediately (in damp weather or with dew) staining of Botrytis is a very dangerous disease of peonies. If the flowers are lost decorative — withered, cut off their heads before the first green leaves and remove them from the area, to avoid rot.
- Peony does not tolerate shade and draughts. With a strong shading of even just two or three hours a day the plant will grow poorly and will cease to bloom altogether. I can't plant them under trees and near buildings. Landing in any case should not be wet with stagnant water, even for a short time in spring and autumn. This is a very hardy plant, it can tolerate fairly severe frosts, and drought. But filled with water the roots rot and the plant dies.
- Peony can grow in one place without change for decades and bloom beautifully every year.
- Peony is a plant that really responds well to organic fertilizer and watering. A particularly useful fertilizing and watering during planting and the formation of the kidneys resume that occurs shortly after flowering. So to take care of plants is necessary and in the second half of summer, while the peonies are not blooming already.

- One of the main conditions of good peonies flowering is regular and abundant watering, especially in late summer, usually accompanied by dry weather. During the summer, the peonies are watered at least four times at the rate of 10 liters of water per Bush. Mandatory watering two weeks before flowering (end of may — beginning of June) and during the laying of the kidney (July). Watering is stopped in early September. In the summer after heavy rains or heavy watering the soil loosened. Peonies respond well to micronutrient —boron (pinch in a bucket of water) and manganese (bucket of water, a pink solution).
- Abundant watering ("swamping") helps calm the overwintering plants. Late fall shoots of the peony should be close to 5 cm in humus or peat.
- Liquid feeding (infusion of mullein mixed with potash and phosphate fertilizers) are given for two weeks before flowering at the rate of one bucket of mortar on the Bush.
- Fully remove faded blossoms. Fallen leaves and flowers will cause fungal diseases (e.g. Botrytis).
- Watered regularly, promazyvaya the ground to a depth of roots. The older the hive, the greater the amount of water needed for irrigation (up to 30 l or more).
- Preventive spraying against fungal diseases with a solution of any fungicide (Hom, Bordeaux mixture, copper sulphate in accordance with the instructions). Can be watered from watering the leaves and soil around the bushes.
- Last autumn fertilizing with a solution of complete fertilizer with a predominance of phosphorus and potassium (50 g per hive, than later, the feeding, the less nitrogen can be in the fertilizer, in August, the nitrogen is not used).
- Pruning of the stems in late September (the later crop will do more harm than good). Of course, we are talking about healthy leaves.
- Preparing plants for winter: Check the depth of the kidney (the optimal depth of 3-5 cm). If necessary, pour the soil. Mulch if snow cover is insufficient in the winter. The division of the bushes peony is recommended only in August, starting with the middle of the month. In this case, before the cold weather Zelenka have time to take root. At the same time carried out and transplant to a permanent place.
- Remember that peonies are very painful change at any age and drop them off should, if possible, from a permanent place. The depth of planting rhizomes should be strictly certain (kidney regeneration have no deeper than 5 cm taking into account the subsidence of soil in the landing pit).
- The same varieties planted in different corners of the garden. In full sun plants bloom for 4-6 days earlier (I write in the Garden and giving-a great success!), than placed in partial shade. A side-shoot removing the Central buds delayed flowering of some copies of 8 to 10 days. So achieve a long flowering peonies.
- To increase the size of the flowers Terry varieties recommended to remove the side buds when they reach the size of a pea.
- When the shoots reach the height of 8-10 cm, carried out the first fertilizer nitrogen fertilizer or extract of mullein (1:4) with addition of 200 g of ash in a bucket of solution. Before feeding and after it – copious irrigation with water. The next day, hoeing. The second feeding is carried out in the beginning of budding, about two weeks after the first complete mineral fertilizer at the rates specified in the regulations, or an extract of mullein, but the addition of superphosphate and potash fertilizers (3:1). Third feeding – at the beginning of flowering, fourth – after flowering. The composition and rules are the same as the second. Each dressing is made from 1 bucket of solution on a Bush.
- Top dressing with dry fertilizers is best done before the rain or immediately after it.
- Regular watering peonies should be done in dry weather, and definitely before flowering.
- Peonies are very responsive to micronutrient – manganese (pink solution) and boron (1-1,5 g per bucket of water).
- Abundant watering in late autumn ensures a good winter.

How to select varieties of peonies to garden longer was decorated with blooming peonies:
One area many years can grow and bloom very early hybrid peony officinalis 'rubra Officinalis Captivity' (red) 'Officinalis, Rosia Captivity' (pink), 'Alba Officinalis Captivity' (white).
Of the early best are the following: 'Longfellow', 'Dr R. Barnsby', 'Philip Revoir' (red) 'Edulis Superba', 'Eugene Verdier' (rose), 'FESTIVA maxima', 'Blanc', 'Joan of Arc' (white).
Later in the garden peonies bloom: 'Karl Rosenfeld', 'MS Martin Cahuzac', 'Felix Kruss', 'Inspector Lavergne' (red), 'Claire Dubois', 'Monsieur Jules Elie', 'Madame Rosa Rundate' (pink), 'Duchesse de Nemours', 'Mrs. Edward Harding', 'Baroness Schroeder', 'Le Blue' (white).
Finish blooming: 'Napoleon', 'Nigricans', 'Marshal MacMahon', 'Okinawa' (red), 'Sarah Bernhardt', 'Solange', 'Cornelia Shaylor', 'Clemenceau' (pink), 'Enchantress', 'Moonglow', 'Denise' (white). published
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Source: vk.com/bg.garden?w=wall-83256494_38853
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