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How to grow autumn strawberries - everbearing varieties


Everbearing strawberries on their beds is the ability to eat your favorite fragrant and tasty berries from early summer to the first frosts. If you also love this wonderful berry, you should definitely plant everbearing strawberries, and even better its different varieties, to provide themselves with the strawberry variety. Cultivation, planting, care and propagation of everbearing strawberries, in this article you will find all you need to know the gardener-lover.

The benefits of remontant strawberries over conventional in that it is characterized by continuous flowering, and, therefore, long fruiting and high yield. Such features are explained by the ability to lay flowers (scientifically — generative) buds in the spring, which in the same year, developing, forming flowers, and then berries.


The types of everbearing strawberries.Strawberry everbearing is of two types:

  • small-fruited everbearing strawberry, resembling wild strawberry which is the main character of this article;
  • remontant large-fruited strawberry, which is usually called a strawberry.
A small digression to clarify terminology. What we used to call strawberries, from a scientific point of view, not the strawberries, and the usual large-fruited garden strawberries. But I grew accustomed to that big berry is strawberries and small strawberries. And I'm not alone, because most of the people exactly divides them. Well it's easier to say one word than three.

This culture is descended from wild strawberries and inherited from her size and taste of berries. Strawberries everbearing have a variety of colors (white, yellow, cream, dark red).

Everbearing strawberries have a long and continuous period of fructification, which lasts from June to September—October (prior to frost). Among the variety of varieties meet Bezus, which are very popular and varieties, forming a moustache.

Growing everbearing strawberriesthese plants are Grown mainly by the seedling method.

Seedlings produced from seeds which are sown from February to may in containers with fertile soil. Sown seeds sprinkled with humus or compost. But there is an opinion that they do not need to sprinkle. Containers cover the top with film or glass, is kept in a room with air temperature +18...+20 ° C before germination.

Seedlings dive as usual. The appearance of 5-6 leaves of the strawberries planted in the open ground.

The most difficult in the cultivation of everbearing strawberries is the production of seedlings. But this point can be simplified if during the summer, scatter a few berries to not mulch the garden, and from time to time to pour her small "rain" from a watering can. There is a high probability of sprouting, which you can then transplant to a permanent bed. This method eliminates the difficulties of growing seedlings at home in the winter-spring period. But the option of growing only if you already have fruit bushes with everbearing strawberries.

Reproduction of remontant strawberries perhaps both seeds and vegetative method. Of the vegetative methods used by the division of the Bush (beardless varieties) and propagation of whiskers, which are the organs of vegetative reproduction.

Planting everbearing strawberries

For planting everbearing strawberries, you can use a variety of techniques. But, as experience shows, it is better to use a spray two-line method. It allows you to avoid thickening of the landings and to protect the strawberries from fungal diseases. And also to produce a combined sowing/planting of other crops (e.g. garlic, which is a very good companion to strawberries and strawberries, as it helps to drive away the slugs).

The strawberries are better planted on a narrow patch width from 90 cm to 110 cm at a distance of about 40-50 cm between the bushes (in the traditional farming practices it is recommended that a distance of 20-25, but it turn out very dense planting). Select for Queen Sunny place and then she will thank you more sweet and more flavorful berries.

Before planting, the soil will vzryhlite (ploskorez Fokine), make holes 25×25 cm and a depth of about 25 cm and pour them thoroughly with water. Also when planting in the hole, you need to add organic fertilizer. An exemplary mixture of such supplements: 1 bucket of earth from the garden to take 2 cups of ash, 1 bucket of compost mixed with 2 liters of vermicompost.

Planting seedlings you must make sure that the roots of the plants are bent and zaglublenie vertically, and apical Bud were placed on the soil surface, but not very high. Plants should be immediately watered. And I would advise them immediately to mulch with a thin layer of mulch. It fit slightly slightly dried leaves, grass, needles, not fresh (dry) sawdust, compost. Coarse straw is not very good immediately after planting, as it is very hard for young leaves.

Who said that the strawberries — summer only treat. Grow these varieties and enjoy it before the first snow! How to do it — see story.

I recommend to watch the below video on how to grown strawberry in natural farming. This is really good information. By the way, there is more detail about growing strawberries from seed.

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Care of everbearing strawberries

Proper care of strawberries involves mulching. As mulch for strong plants can also use dry grass (hay), straw and sawdust (but also better not fresh). Mulch not only improves soil structure and retains moisture, but also prevents the growth of weeds and protects the berries from rotting.

In hot weather the soil dries up quickly, and the lack of moisture leads to a reduction in yield. Why strawberries need regular watering. It is especially important to provide the necessary level of humidity in the phase of growth and development of plants that determine productivity (i.e. need to be watered all summer if no rain). To reduce watering can through the mulch, which you already know.

In traditional agriculture it is recommended that a loosening between the rows to help retain moisture in the soil and to provide access of air to the roots. Before the ripening of berries is recommended three loosening. During fruiting cultivation is not recommended. But in organic farming, with which we are acquainted is all, you can simplify it is through mulching. You don't need to rake up the mulch and do the hoeing. Let them just grow strawberries and mulch will ensure the preservation of soil moisture and access of air to the roots. Most importantly make sure that the mulch was in the garden.

Weeds strawberry won't kill, but it will affect the quality of the berries. Therefore, weeding should still be carried out, do it as needed. But again, in organic farming, the containment of the weeds carries mulch. But if some and it will break through it, then tear it up and that's it. Moreover, the garden you have a narrow and you quietly reach even to the middle of her not bothering your favorite remontant strawberries.

While weeding with weeds, you also remove the old leaves reddish. This technique helps to rejuvenate the bushes. Some suggest to leave the same leaves in the garden as mulch, but I'm not sure that's a good decision. Probably still better to send to the compost.

But the fertilizers have to be careful. In case of need in the soil you can make a small amount of rotted organic matter (compost). Better to do it before or during planting strawberries. For plant nutrition and protection from pests you can use the ash, which is sprinkled with leaves.

The beginnings of a mustache must be periodically removed, not allowing them to take root. Because timely removal of the mustache is the key to high yields.

Some fundamental differences in the cultivation and care of strawberries Bezus and one that forms a mustache, no.

Preparing for winter

Care is very important in the autumn for everbearing strawberries, and preparing for winter which include:

  • the reduction in irrigation (closer to winter);
  • sanitization of the bushes – trimming moustache and sick leaves (healthy leaves should leave).
From these activities depends on the crop of berries next year.

Varieties of strawberries everbearingVarieties everbearing strawberries differ primarily by the presence or absence of a mustache and maturing.

Small-fruited beardless cultivars of domestic selection:

  • sort of Ali Baba
    Forms a powerful semi-spreading bushes up to 15 cm with a large number of inflorescences. The berries are an intense red conical shape. The flesh is white with a forest aroma. Berries weight is 3-5 g. the Variety is unrivalled productivity, high resistance to drought, diseases and pests. Perfect winters.
  • strawberry everbearing Alexandria
    Forms neat bushes. Berries are a fragrant traditional red color. Lots of berries reaches 5-8 g. the Variety is productive, unpretentious, responsive to care. Has a high decorative effect.
    Alexandria variety, like everbearing strawberry ' Ali Baba are among the best varieties of Alpine strawberries.
  • grade Lesnaya Skazka
    Forms a compact shrub of medium size with numerous stems. Is characterized by continuous flowering. Berries red are tapered. The flesh is sweet and sour. Lots of berries about 5 g. high-yielding Variety.
Small-fruited beardless varieties of the world selection:

  • variety of Ruyan
    Forms compact clumps and gives large berries with a bright red color and juicy flesh. The berries have a rich flavor of wild strawberries, ripen earlier than other varieties (for two weeks). The variety has a high yield and continuous fruiting during the season. Variety is winters and resistant to drought, diseases and pests.
  • sort of rügen
    Different early flowering and fruiting, continuing without interruption. The berries are red, conical, larger than those of wild strawberries with a unique taste and aroma. The flesh is yellowish-white. Rügen is a dessert cultivar.
  • variety Baron Solemacher
    Early variety with continuous fruiting. Berries with convex inclusions have intense red color and a weight of 4 g. the Flesh is sweet, without the sourness. The variety has excellent flavor and resistance to diseases.
From the variety of cultivars here are only the best varieties of everbearing strawberries.

That's all for today. I think everbearing strawberries will become your favorite, it's so nice to eat the berries all summer and till the frost. Yes, and actually it is not so difficult to care for, so feel free to buy seeds or seedlings of remontant strawberry, plant and varnish her beautiful berries. I wish you high yields! published


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Source: www.7dach.ru