Varieties and characteristics of growing everbearing strawberries
Everbearing strawberries in the garden
What is a garden without strawberries? Not once had to hear gardeners complain: remontant strawberries though and bears fruit to the cold weather, but gives a poor crop. Sometimes the Bush is hanging only 3-4 berries. However, with proper selection of varieties and proper care for everbearing strawberries gives yields 2-3 times more than usual.
In addition, everbearing strawberries are healthier, as retained the best properties of wood strawberries, which was bred by crossing with garden varieties. Everbearing strawberries less damaged by pests and diseases. However, it only bears fruit 2-3 years, then it should be replaced by young bushes. From old bushes have a good crop you will not wait. As it will not be and in that case, if you plant everbearing strawberries next to the garden or to the place where growing potatoes. To increase the yield of everbearing strawberries, all of the first stalks should be cut. But which varieties to choose?
Especially plenty of fruit everbearing variety of strawberry Hell. This variety of strawberry is well propagated vegetatively. Seedlings grown from early rosettes, blooms this summer and fruiting in August-September. But Ada has the disadvantage of too much mustache. To obtain high crops, their growth should be limited. About nursery plants ukurennaya the earliest outlet, and then pinch the mustache. But the distance between the young plants in the strip must be at least 10 cm, and the width of the strip — up to 40 cm
High yield is different and the variety Arpagos - American selection. The second fruiting begins in August and continues until the first frost.
Large yields in the spring, summer and late autumn gives us a sort of Brighton. In the period of fruiting mustache is almost not formed. So it is very convenient for maintenance. The largest berries from Brighton weigh 40-45 g, and the average is 25-30 g.
Of domestic varieties of high yield differs remontant Chesnokov. Each Bush gives from 20 to 50 stems. The yield in the second year of life — about 2 kg of grapes from each square meter.
In recent years a very popular variety Elizabeth II. In Europe, with already existing technologies and applications film shelters, total harvest of strawberries for the year from 1 square meter is 10-15 lbs. And even with early planting in April in the first year to collect up to 10 kg from 1 sq. m. Berries are very large, some weighing up to 100 — 110 gr., fruiting from June to October.
To obtain this crop, in the spring and early fall on the landings need to put the arc and stretch the film — in case of sudden cold snaps and short frost. When the strawberries will begin to flower in the day time for better pollination of flowers film don't forget to raise it.
Everbearing strawberries require fertile and always slightly moist soil.
For weed control it is best to use a covering material agrosan black. They need to lay the ground under bushes and between rows. Have lutrasil pervious to moisture and air, and weed through it can not get.
In the winter planting should warm fir spruce branches, straw and snow. If autumn will be cold and snowless, cover the strawberries for the frozen soil humus. Take your time in the spring to remove frozen clumps. In the summer they grow back well from the rhizomes and give a full harvest. published
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! © econet
Source: floweryvale.ru/our-garden/strawberries-two-crops-in-one-season.html
What is a garden without strawberries? Not once had to hear gardeners complain: remontant strawberries though and bears fruit to the cold weather, but gives a poor crop. Sometimes the Bush is hanging only 3-4 berries. However, with proper selection of varieties and proper care for everbearing strawberries gives yields 2-3 times more than usual.

In addition, everbearing strawberries are healthier, as retained the best properties of wood strawberries, which was bred by crossing with garden varieties. Everbearing strawberries less damaged by pests and diseases. However, it only bears fruit 2-3 years, then it should be replaced by young bushes. From old bushes have a good crop you will not wait. As it will not be and in that case, if you plant everbearing strawberries next to the garden or to the place where growing potatoes. To increase the yield of everbearing strawberries, all of the first stalks should be cut. But which varieties to choose?
Especially plenty of fruit everbearing variety of strawberry Hell. This variety of strawberry is well propagated vegetatively. Seedlings grown from early rosettes, blooms this summer and fruiting in August-September. But Ada has the disadvantage of too much mustache. To obtain high crops, their growth should be limited. About nursery plants ukurennaya the earliest outlet, and then pinch the mustache. But the distance between the young plants in the strip must be at least 10 cm, and the width of the strip — up to 40 cm
High yield is different and the variety Arpagos - American selection. The second fruiting begins in August and continues until the first frost.
Large yields in the spring, summer and late autumn gives us a sort of Brighton. In the period of fruiting mustache is almost not formed. So it is very convenient for maintenance. The largest berries from Brighton weigh 40-45 g, and the average is 25-30 g.
Of domestic varieties of high yield differs remontant Chesnokov. Each Bush gives from 20 to 50 stems. The yield in the second year of life — about 2 kg of grapes from each square meter.
In recent years a very popular variety Elizabeth II. In Europe, with already existing technologies and applications film shelters, total harvest of strawberries for the year from 1 square meter is 10-15 lbs. And even with early planting in April in the first year to collect up to 10 kg from 1 sq. m. Berries are very large, some weighing up to 100 — 110 gr., fruiting from June to October.

To obtain this crop, in the spring and early fall on the landings need to put the arc and stretch the film — in case of sudden cold snaps and short frost. When the strawberries will begin to flower in the day time for better pollination of flowers film don't forget to raise it.
Everbearing strawberries require fertile and always slightly moist soil.
For weed control it is best to use a covering material agrosan black. They need to lay the ground under bushes and between rows. Have lutrasil pervious to moisture and air, and weed through it can not get.
In the winter planting should warm fir spruce branches, straw and snow. If autumn will be cold and snowless, cover the strawberries for the frozen soil humus. Take your time in the spring to remove frozen clumps. In the summer they grow back well from the rhizomes and give a full harvest. published
P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! © econet
Source: floweryvale.ru/our-garden/strawberries-two-crops-in-one-season.html
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Varieties and characteristics of growing everbearing strawberries