Incredible white strawberry
What do you think of when you hear the word "strawberry?" You represent sweet red strawberry fruit with fine aroma, isn't it? Strawberry is synonymous with the color red. However, there are varieties of white strawberry with a fragrant and juicy fruits. It is possible to meet such names white strawberry-white strawberry taste of pineapple, strawberry pineapple, pineapple strawberries, etc. Why white strawberries are white? Let's first understand why the usual strawberry red. In the life cycle of strawberries the berries are first green. But when the fruits ripen, the work includes special proteins Fra a1 (Fragaria allergen 1) and berry blush. White strawberries are either partially or totally devoid of this protein. Thus, even when the berries are ripe, they remain white instead of becoming red. Genetics white strawberries not allow it to become red! White strawberries and strawberry Allergy Many studies have shown that allergic to strawberries can cause special protein, which is involved in the maturation of the berries. For people who suffer from an Allergy to wild strawberries, the consumption of white strawberries, which is not Fra a1 protein. Varieties of White strawberries
The sort of white strawberry — Enablence. New and very rare French variety of white strawberries (Fragaria). Berries not very large 5-8, but a lot of them. Bushes compact, so you can use compacted planting to obtain a good yield per unit area. The fruit is sweet and juicy with white flesh, studded with attractive seed red. Berry is very aromatic with pineapple notes.
If the fruits ripen in direct sunlight, they can purchase a slightly pink hue. When the berries appear numerous dark red seeds, they are considered ripe. High resistance to pests and diseases.
Many gardeners believe that Alablanca the best variety of white strawberry with a delicate taste and unique aroma. The variety is prone to remontantne and can give another re-harvest.
The Swede white — large-fruited variety of the strawberry white. The fruits are large(20-25g), correct conical shape. The berries are white with a pale pink tint. The pulp is sour-sweet taste with a pleasant aroma of wild strawberries. The variety is resistant to diseases of foliage.
Strawberry, Pineberry (White pineapple). The white variety of strawberry is a native of the Netherlands, which was obtained by crossing the Chilean and virgin strawberry. The second name — "pineapple strawberry". The color of the flesh may vary from white to orange. To taste the berries resemble a pineapple, and at the same time, the fruits retain the texture of the strawberries. The Pineberry variety is resistant to most common diseases of strawberry.
Berries are not large, the average size from 15 to 23 mm. Unripe fruit, pineberry green, then turn white. Berries are considered ripe when the strawberry appear dark red seeds.
White soul (White soul) is a high yielding small-fruited variety of strawberry with a creamy-white berries. Cultivar was bred in Holland by the famous breeder Hans de Jong. Fruiting begins in spring and lasts until late autumn. For the season, from one Bush can collect up to 0.5 kg of sweet strawberries. The berries are delicious with a delightful fragrance that quickly spreads all over the garden. When fully ripe the taste is complemented by notes of pineapple and become unforgettable. After the autumn temperature drop of the taste and aroma remains intact.
Compact bushes with a height of 15-20 cm, the optimum planting density of 10 seedlings per square meter. Can be grown in partial shade and in full sun. The sort of White soul is disease resistance and winter-hardiness, tolerates drought.
Wild strawberry White soul attributed to hypoallergenic varieties that do not cause allergic reactions. Recommend the white variety for home growing business exclusive strawberries and small strawberries. For the implementation it is convenient to use small trays of 250 g
Source: www.biznesselo.com/%D0%B1%D0%B5%D0%BB%D0%B0%D1%8F-%D0%BA%D0%BB%D1%83%D0%B1%D0%BD%D0%B8%D0%BA%D0%B0/
The sort of white strawberry — Enablence. New and very rare French variety of white strawberries (Fragaria). Berries not very large 5-8, but a lot of them. Bushes compact, so you can use compacted planting to obtain a good yield per unit area. The fruit is sweet and juicy with white flesh, studded with attractive seed red. Berry is very aromatic with pineapple notes.
If the fruits ripen in direct sunlight, they can purchase a slightly pink hue. When the berries appear numerous dark red seeds, they are considered ripe. High resistance to pests and diseases.
Many gardeners believe that Alablanca the best variety of white strawberry with a delicate taste and unique aroma. The variety is prone to remontantne and can give another re-harvest.

The Swede white — large-fruited variety of the strawberry white. The fruits are large(20-25g), correct conical shape. The berries are white with a pale pink tint. The pulp is sour-sweet taste with a pleasant aroma of wild strawberries. The variety is resistant to diseases of foliage.

Strawberry, Pineberry (White pineapple). The white variety of strawberry is a native of the Netherlands, which was obtained by crossing the Chilean and virgin strawberry. The second name — "pineapple strawberry". The color of the flesh may vary from white to orange. To taste the berries resemble a pineapple, and at the same time, the fruits retain the texture of the strawberries. The Pineberry variety is resistant to most common diseases of strawberry.
Berries are not large, the average size from 15 to 23 mm. Unripe fruit, pineberry green, then turn white. Berries are considered ripe when the strawberry appear dark red seeds.

White soul (White soul) is a high yielding small-fruited variety of strawberry with a creamy-white berries. Cultivar was bred in Holland by the famous breeder Hans de Jong. Fruiting begins in spring and lasts until late autumn. For the season, from one Bush can collect up to 0.5 kg of sweet strawberries. The berries are delicious with a delightful fragrance that quickly spreads all over the garden. When fully ripe the taste is complemented by notes of pineapple and become unforgettable. After the autumn temperature drop of the taste and aroma remains intact.
Compact bushes with a height of 15-20 cm, the optimum planting density of 10 seedlings per square meter. Can be grown in partial shade and in full sun. The sort of White soul is disease resistance and winter-hardiness, tolerates drought.
Wild strawberry White soul attributed to hypoallergenic varieties that do not cause allergic reactions. Recommend the white variety for home growing business exclusive strawberries and small strawberries. For the implementation it is convenient to use small trays of 250 g
Source: www.biznesselo.com/%D0%B1%D0%B5%D0%BB%D0%B0%D1%8F-%D0%BA%D0%BB%D1%83%D0%B1%D0%BD%D0%B8%D0%BA%D0%B0/