High-performance concentrating solar panels on the roofs of our houses

Solar concentrators ultra-high efficiency, similar to those used on spacecraft will soon be available for installation on the roofs of residential and administrative buildings, through new micro-scale technology of concentration of the sunlight developed by an international team of researchers.
Electricity generating solar concentrators (CPV systems) have a high profitability because it combines a high-performance multi-contact solar cells with inexpensive optics, which concentrates on the solar light.
In order to adapt the CPV system for use on rooftops, the researchers combined miniature solar cells based on gallium arsenide, the 3D-printed plastic lens and a movable focusing mechanism. The combination of these components allowed to reduce the size, weight and cost of the CPV system, and make it look like a traditional roof solar panels, which are usually placed on the South side of the building.
Designed for the system of solar cells, measuring less than 1 sq mm, were placed in parallel in a large array, which was then mounted on a thin sheet of glass or transparent plastic. To focus the sunlight an array of solar cells placed between two 3D-printed plastic lenses, one of which acts as a magnifying glass, and the other is a concave mirror. It is possible to increase the output of solar energy from each solar cell 200 times.
In addition, placing the solar cells between the lenses, the researchers were able to solve another problem – the problem of shifting the focus lens with the solar cell during the movement of the sun throughout the day. If in such systems the highest concentration of light is achieved within two hours, when the sun stood at Zenith, the new system allows you to efficiently collect and concentrate the sun's rays 8 hours a day. Increase the time of effective work of a new CPV system contributes to the use of small motors-trackers for machine tracking.
Source: www.cheburek.net