Strawberries — planting and care

Strawberry – bright Queen among country berries. Attractive as its color and taste, it can lift your mood in the most overcast day. Despite all its qualities, strawberries are quite undemanding, care and cultivation of it is not require high professionalism from the grower, you need only the right approach.
Growing strawberries in the open grantsdale strawberries are best planted in the period from July to September. In this case, you will be able to harvest next spring and summer. However, if you fall to such entertainment time is not found, then you can start growing strawberries in the open ground in spring.
The strawberry depends on the method of planting this crop.
The main methods of planting strawberries is one-line and two-line type.
Under the method of planting you know the location of future strawberry bushes in the garden.
The first method is in one line mean the distance between rows of one meter, the plants in the row 15 to 20 cm, two-line method shortens the distance between the rows 30 cm and between bushes up to 15 cm Distance, 70 cm is now saved between pairs of rows.
Two-line method is attractive because it requires little attention to growth and intertwining of tendrils, rather than a single line.
Care for strawberries
Other important factors of a good harvest is a laborious and thoughtful care for strawberries:
the soil must be sufficiently friable and moist. Neutral acidity of the medium. After planting as seedlings and seeds, strawberries must be kept in a humid environment. Watering is required daily, if the yard is dry weather.
lighting. The sun's rays should not be straight and, as a consequence, the scorching. Despite this, the bed should be well lit.
follow whiskers and stalks. The first mustache is subjected to cutting to obtain a delicious and large berries. At strawberry Bush, leave no more than 4 stems, otherwise the crop can lose all. Remove the stalks should be a sharp tool such as garden shears.
Important: In a literal translation from English strawberries "straw-berry" and not in vain, because strawberry than any other berry mulch depends on soil litter, such as straw or non-woven material. In the result, berries are not wet soil and dry and clean mulch.
Care strawberry veseys spring inspect the strawberry plants, planted in open ground last year, to identify dead plants, remove them. Dry leaves also should be cleaned. The number of pests can be drastically reduced if not removed the layer of soil that was spiked in the fall. If the mulch to leave, warn the pests will fail, as well as to provide sufficient heat to the root system.
Care and cultivation of strawberries in the spring should not do without fertilizing and sod of soil on the soil surface:
loosen soil, do not neglect nitrogen fertilizers. Don't skimp on the peat, compost, straw, sawdust after vzryhlite beds
water, but not preobladaet soil. Excess moisture can lead to root rot, watery, damage and flavor loss of future fruit.
make fertilizer in early may. This simple tool, such as copper sulphate will help prevent common diseases. Spray the beds before blooming of strawberry buds.
Spring watering is required:
once a week pretty warm water. The best time for watering is in the morning.
before flowering, the strawberries can be safely watered from a watering can, blooming flowers after the water gets on the ovary is not allowed.
Gentle care for strawberries in the spring will lead to a significant increase in yield. Remember that the summer work is designed to strengthen the result and not to the bookmark.
Source: www.mil-sad.ru
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