10 amazing facts about the "queen of taste" - strawberries
Strawberry - one of the most favorite fruit in our latitudes. Many appreciate its exquisite taste, for which Berry called the "queen of taste", but have you heard about the medicinal properties of red berries? Strawberries not only has a powerful healing effect on the human body, but can also serve as natural cosmetics and help you look better.
Medbooking.com Website lists useful and beneficial properties of strawberry.
1. Strawberries make your teeth whiter The next time you decide to visit a dentist to whiten your teeth, it is better to do otherwise. Save your time and just enjoy strawberries. Thanks to a strong concentration of vitamin C in the composition, it is able to destroy the plaque due to which and yellow teeth. Periodically using a potion of strawberries, you will very quickly notice a significant improvement in the color of your teeth.
2. Strawberry reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease Nowadays cardiovascular disease - the number one killer, so ignore them in any case impossible. Included in the daily diet of strawberries can significantly reduce the risk of such diseases. The information contained in it ellagic acid controls the level of cholesterol. In addition, vitamin C helps to strengthen your blood vessels and arteries, and strawberries just filled with them!
3. Strawberry slows aging We grow old because of the fact that the aging of our cells. Strawberries help slow down this process. Contained in its berries powerful antioxidants effectively counteract free radicals - the main "culprit" of aging. Studies have shown that effective action every day is enough to eat a few strawberries in half an hour after lunch.
4. Strawberry fruit are really effective against acne If you're fed up with skin problems like acne and pimples - enough to spend an hour on the preparation and use of masks from strawberry fruit, and you will be impressed with the results. While strawberry mask is placed on the face, its member antioxidants effectively cope with skin problems.
5. strawberries lighten freckles if you do not like overexposed freckles, do not spend on expensive creams - use strawberry fruit. Used regularly, strawberry shake applied to the freckles, able to lighten their cool. The greatest effect is achieved in combination with other products - lemon juice, sour cream and papaya fruits
6.. Eat strawberries and fight with asthma and allergies If you are tired of fighting with asthma or allergy medication, it may be time to try something else. Due to its anti-inflammatory effect exerted by strawberries, they can help to combat all kinds of allergy symptoms - such as runny nose, hives and watery eyes. Various studies show that you can really reduce the incidence of asthma by changing your diet.
7. Strawberries help your body in the production of hormones of happiness Scientific studies have shown that depression depends on the mental state of a person, but that does not mean that we can not deal with it by consuming natural ingredients. If there are signs of depression try to eat strawberries - berries inhibit the formation of homocysteine in unhealthy quantities so allow blood to freely deliver nutrients to the brain
8.. strawberries - a delicious dessert with antionkologicheskim effect contained in the fruits of strawberry antioxidants will also help in the prevention of cancer. The next time you decide to cook a homemade dessert, do not forget to add a few of these magical berries.
9. Strawberry takes care of your vision and help you to get rid of bags under the eyes miraculous properties of strawberries can be used for aesthetic purposes. If you have a problem with dark bags under the eyes, you should know that strawberries help get rid of them. Its anti-inflammatory effect and whitening properties - an ideal combination to fight with circles under his eyes. In addition, Vitamin C contained in the berries helps in the prevention of eye diseases such as cataracts.
10. In anticipation of the child should not limit your cravings for strawberry If you - the expectant mother, during pregnancy, consumption of a balanced number of strawberries will be very useful. These miracle berries contain a sufficient amount of vitamins and minerals needed for the growth of the child.
via factroom.ru

Medbooking.com Website lists useful and beneficial properties of strawberry.
1. Strawberries make your teeth whiter The next time you decide to visit a dentist to whiten your teeth, it is better to do otherwise. Save your time and just enjoy strawberries. Thanks to a strong concentration of vitamin C in the composition, it is able to destroy the plaque due to which and yellow teeth. Periodically using a potion of strawberries, you will very quickly notice a significant improvement in the color of your teeth.
2. Strawberry reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease Nowadays cardiovascular disease - the number one killer, so ignore them in any case impossible. Included in the daily diet of strawberries can significantly reduce the risk of such diseases. The information contained in it ellagic acid controls the level of cholesterol. In addition, vitamin C helps to strengthen your blood vessels and arteries, and strawberries just filled with them!
3. Strawberry slows aging We grow old because of the fact that the aging of our cells. Strawberries help slow down this process. Contained in its berries powerful antioxidants effectively counteract free radicals - the main "culprit" of aging. Studies have shown that effective action every day is enough to eat a few strawberries in half an hour after lunch.
4. Strawberry fruit are really effective against acne If you're fed up with skin problems like acne and pimples - enough to spend an hour on the preparation and use of masks from strawberry fruit, and you will be impressed with the results. While strawberry mask is placed on the face, its member antioxidants effectively cope with skin problems.
5. strawberries lighten freckles if you do not like overexposed freckles, do not spend on expensive creams - use strawberry fruit. Used regularly, strawberry shake applied to the freckles, able to lighten their cool. The greatest effect is achieved in combination with other products - lemon juice, sour cream and papaya fruits
6.. Eat strawberries and fight with asthma and allergies If you are tired of fighting with asthma or allergy medication, it may be time to try something else. Due to its anti-inflammatory effect exerted by strawberries, they can help to combat all kinds of allergy symptoms - such as runny nose, hives and watery eyes. Various studies show that you can really reduce the incidence of asthma by changing your diet.
7. Strawberries help your body in the production of hormones of happiness Scientific studies have shown that depression depends on the mental state of a person, but that does not mean that we can not deal with it by consuming natural ingredients. If there are signs of depression try to eat strawberries - berries inhibit the formation of homocysteine in unhealthy quantities so allow blood to freely deliver nutrients to the brain
8.. strawberries - a delicious dessert with antionkologicheskim effect contained in the fruits of strawberry antioxidants will also help in the prevention of cancer. The next time you decide to cook a homemade dessert, do not forget to add a few of these magical berries.
9. Strawberry takes care of your vision and help you to get rid of bags under the eyes miraculous properties of strawberries can be used for aesthetic purposes. If you have a problem with dark bags under the eyes, you should know that strawberries help get rid of them. Its anti-inflammatory effect and whitening properties - an ideal combination to fight with circles under his eyes. In addition, Vitamin C contained in the berries helps in the prevention of eye diseases such as cataracts.
10. In anticipation of the child should not limit your cravings for strawberry If you - the expectant mother, during pregnancy, consumption of a balanced number of strawberries will be very useful. These miracle berries contain a sufficient amount of vitamins and minerals needed for the growth of the child.
via factroom.ru
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