Remontant roses

Remontant roses originated from crossing the Bengal with damask rose and olive. Roses in this group have inherited the ability from tea (although smaller) to re-bloom (remontants), but they are more hardy, though in need of artificial winter insulation. The bushes are large (height 1.5-2 m). Bloom on one-year shoots. Flower color is very diverse: from white and pale pink to red, purple-red and almost black. There are varieties with pale yellow and yellow flowers. Such a variety of colors enjoyed by no other group of roses.
Dark red varieties fade in the sun and turn blue. The aroma from mild to strong. Some varieties, for example, "Frau Karl Drushki", completely devoid of flavor. Flower Cup-shaped, doubleness — 30-120 petals. The lack of remontant roses is a relatively scarce re-flowering and strong susceptibility to diseases. In this regard, they have recently began to lose their original meaning and their propagation is rarely, except for a few pauletich varieties.

"Frau Karl Drushki" — Frau Karl Druschki. A synonym for varieties of snow Queen. The flowers are snow-white, sometimes on the outside edges of the petals with Carmine strokes, solitary or in inflorescences of up to 14 flowers, Cup-shaped, no flavor, very large, diameter 12-15 cm, Terry. Very abundant flowering begins in mid-June. Peduncles long, strong, straight. Bush height 0.8-1.2 m, sometimes old shrubs reach a height of 1.5-2 m. However, in wet and cold weather the flowers do not bloom and fall off. Recommended as Stam culture for growing on the cut, landing in a single of plants on lawns for ground landing, as well as for the design of the ridges and distillation.

"Mrs. John Laing" — Mrs. John Laing. Flowering begins in mid or late June. Flowers Cup-shaped, large, diameter 6.5-7.5 cm, dark pink, solitary, rarely 2-3 flowers per inflorescence, with a strong flavor, gustomahrovye, fade in the sun. Bush height 1-1,3 m.

"George Dixon" — Georges Dickson. The flowers are dark blood-red, solitary, rarely 2-3 flowers on a spike, shirokopolosnoi shape, large, 9-10 cm in diameter, double, with a strong flavor. Flowering begins in mid-June, the flower stalks are long lasting, but the stem wilts. Bush height of 70-90cm.

"George Lease" — Georg Arends. Variety has an elongated pointed Bud shape. Large flowers are on long peduncles. Petals cotton, satin pink color. Aroma fragrant. Leathery leaves of dark color. Strong shrub blooms profusely in late spring, re-blooming occurs in the summer.published
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Source: www.sadovoda.ru