Black Rose
Roses growing in the Turkish town of Halfeti, are extremely rare. In form they are no different from the usual roses, the color is different: all roses - coal-black as if someone specially painted them. However, it is their natural color.
Although roses seem to be completely black, in fact, their color - maroon. Roses bloom only in the summer in very small quantities and only in Halfeti. His devilish shade of rose gained due to the unique soil of the region and the desired pH level of underground rivers originating in the Euphrates. Flowering begins in early spring - this time dark red rose, but by the end of summer gradually darken and become completely black.
Locals refer to their roses in two ways: they consider the flowers a symbol of mystery, hope, passion, and at the same time a symbol of death and grief. Unfortunately, black halfetskie rose - an endangered species. They are threatened with extinction since the residents of the town in 1990 left the "old Halfeti" when a dam was built Beredzhikskaya.
Old Halfeti and several other small towns were flooded by the waters of the Euphrates when a dam was built. New Halfeti was built on the site where once was a village Karaotlak, just ten kilometers away from the previous place.
These few kilometers of black roses were fatal: residents transplanted them into their new gardens, but the colors are not well adapted to the new environment, and the number of black rose steadily decreasing. District officials have made significant efforts to save them. They collected plants from village houses and transplanted them into specially built closer to the first place of the greenhouse. Since then the situation has improved slightly.
Perhaps black roses see with your own eyes soon become impossible. Do not miss this chance, if you find yourself in a Turkish summer.
Source: oxyxo.ru

Although roses seem to be completely black, in fact, their color - maroon. Roses bloom only in the summer in very small quantities and only in Halfeti. His devilish shade of rose gained due to the unique soil of the region and the desired pH level of underground rivers originating in the Euphrates. Flowering begins in early spring - this time dark red rose, but by the end of summer gradually darken and become completely black.
Locals refer to their roses in two ways: they consider the flowers a symbol of mystery, hope, passion, and at the same time a symbol of death and grief. Unfortunately, black halfetskie rose - an endangered species. They are threatened with extinction since the residents of the town in 1990 left the "old Halfeti" when a dam was built Beredzhikskaya.

Old Halfeti and several other small towns were flooded by the waters of the Euphrates when a dam was built. New Halfeti was built on the site where once was a village Karaotlak, just ten kilometers away from the previous place.

These few kilometers of black roses were fatal: residents transplanted them into their new gardens, but the colors are not well adapted to the new environment, and the number of black rose steadily decreasing. District officials have made significant efforts to save them. They collected plants from village houses and transplanted them into specially built closer to the first place of the greenhouse. Since then the situation has improved slightly.

Perhaps black roses see with your own eyes soon become impossible. Do not miss this chance, if you find yourself in a Turkish summer.
Source: oxyxo.ru