How to get rid of aphids on roses
Aphid is perhaps the most hideous and tenacious pest that can settle in your garden. Apparently, opposites attract, so she often chooses delightfully beautiful roses as the object of her attack.
How to deal with aphids so as not to harm the flowers? Experienced gardeners have many tricks that will help our readers carefully grow roses, protecting them from pests and diseases.
First of all, roses should be strong and healthy, then aphid settle on them. That is why it is important to fertilize roses in a timely manner, loosen the soil, remove weeds around the flowers. With the invasion of aphids also help to cope with some folk remedies.
Gardener's allies in the fight against aphids
"Site" It will tell you how to care for the plucky rose, a special kind of garden rose that has long shoots. These flowers are a gift for the gardener, as they do not require special care, and bloom abundantly and brightly.
Do you like unusual flowers? Watch this video, and you will see that you can make rainbow roses yourself with very little effort. But the result...
Gentle and fragrant roses touch any heart, but I must confess that the sweetest rose of yeast dough and apples. Apple pie “Tea Rose”, the recipe of which we offer readers, got its name for a reason: the drawing from apple lobes is strikingly similar to rose petals, and there we will, as you can guess, with tea.

How to deal with aphids so as not to harm the flowers? Experienced gardeners have many tricks that will help our readers carefully grow roses, protecting them from pests and diseases.
First of all, roses should be strong and healthy, then aphid settle on them. That is why it is important to fertilize roses in a timely manner, loosen the soil, remove weeds around the flowers. With the invasion of aphids also help to cope with some folk remedies.

- Iodine and milk
You're gonna need a bottle of iodine, a sprayer, a syringe and half a glass of milk. Put a liter of water in the sprayer, and a half cube of iodine in the syringe. Mix iodine and milk in a glass. The milk will turn yellowish. Then pour it into the sprayer, where there is already a liter of water. Shake it well and you can spray the roses.
This composition is excellent for fighting aphids, and also serves as a preventive agent against fungal diseases (phytophthora, floury dew). They, for example, can be processed from phytophthora tomatoes. - Soap solution
Take a tablespoon of household soap, grated on the grater, and dilute a liter of water. Carefully moisten the rose buds with this solution. Then spray the plants with soap solution for several days in a row. - Garlic infusion
Pass through the meat grinder 300 grams of garlic or onions. Pour the mixture with three liters of water, insist 6-8 hours, then strain and add another 7 liters of water and 40 grams of grated household soap. Spray this rose composition as needed. - Potato-soap infusion
Take a pound of potato peels and fill them with two liters of boiling water. Insist for 48 hours, then strain and add 50 grams of grated household soap. Stir and three times with a break a week spray the rose bushes affected by aphids. - Onion husks
Pour the husk of onions with hot water, insist for a day, and then treat the resulting infusion of rose bushes. - Tobacco broth
Mix 400 g of tobacco and 9 liters of water. Then boil the mixture for half an hour, insist 2 days, strain through gauze. Dissolve 40 grams of household soap in a liter of water, mix with prepared tobacco broth. Spray the roses with the mixture.
Gardener's allies in the fight against aphids
- Companion plants
Plants that “friend” and grow better together are called companion plants. The strong aroma of velvets, basil, lavender or onions scares away aphids and other pests.
If we are talking about a room rose, then it is worth placing vases with geranium nearby. But the neighborhood with citrus fruits is undesirable, because they attract various pests. - Natural enemies of aphids
Evil. aphid - Ladybug. Enemies of aphids are also earwigs, gold-eyed and murmurers, which can be lured into the garden, growing mustard, dill, cumin, daisies, violets on it. - Birds.
Lunch aphids do not miss the case of sparrows, foams and blues, which can be lured to the beds if you install feeders and waterings on them. So you will bring out the aphids, and you will rejoice in the singing of birds.
"Site" It will tell you how to care for the plucky rose, a special kind of garden rose that has long shoots. These flowers are a gift for the gardener, as they do not require special care, and bloom abundantly and brightly.
Do you like unusual flowers? Watch this video, and you will see that you can make rainbow roses yourself with very little effort. But the result...
Gentle and fragrant roses touch any heart, but I must confess that the sweetest rose of yeast dough and apples. Apple pie “Tea Rose”, the recipe of which we offer readers, got its name for a reason: the drawing from apple lobes is strikingly similar to rose petals, and there we will, as you can guess, with tea.