Roses in your garden— growing and care

Roses – Moody, all the time they have the green thumb to the test. Often after removing the winter shelter is healthy and strong bushes are mere bushes. But in spite of everything, they often still grow back. And soon to them will definitely increase a new vivid varieties... it's so hard to stop when there's an opportunity on occasion to buy a brand new, most beautiful rose Bush!
Rose appears in our garden like a timid guest. Novice grower doesn't know how to take care of it and how to save in winter. But over time, when the experience, rose will take a worthy place in the garden.
The highlight of the garden
If the roses you have and a little of the rose garden is not enough, makes sense to disperse them throughout the site. Moreover, in this arrangement has an important advantage: each hive will not be lost in the total floral mass, but instead will be the highlight of your garden.
If rose becomes more and more, you will have to provide them with an area proudly known as the rose garden.
The classic rose garden
If you're a fan of classics at all, and your rose garden can obviously be created in the appropriate style. It needs to be laid out in a regular style – better in the form of modules, where reign only full of roses.
To see this rosary does not become too monotonous or, on the contrary, too bright, you need to dilute it a lawn – it will smooth too bright colors. And, of course, do not forget that if all your rose bushes roughly the same height, you'll get no rose garden, and the most common pink ridge. To avoid this, enter the rosary in different height groups of roses along the edges of planted dwarf varieties in the center is higher.
Spectacular setting
In addition to roses and lawn this rosary requires appropriate hardscape. In the southern countries in such rosaiah often use low sheared border of boxwood. He is really handsome, and most importantly, it is fairly easy to cut – after all, it very slowly grows. Unfortunately, boxwood is a fairly heat-loving and often much frosting, though, provided a good layer of snow under him could be saved. However, in Central Russia is still a border of boxwood is a waste of time and money.
You can choose more suitable for our climate plants. For example, compact varieties of Japanese spirea can be an excellent option. Most importantly – place them so that they neither interfere with an autumn cover roses. Good border and can get shearedof Kohei broomcorn.
Our advice
• In the rose garden should be vertical. This requires a variety of props in the form of arches, pergolas and pyramids for climbing roses.
• A real highlight in this rosary will become standard roses, but keep them in winter in the open ground very difficult.
A mixture of styles
Actually today in Europe and Americafashion mixed compositionwith the roses, albeit the main, but not the only participants. And this is understandable. Rose as royalty requires an entourage. And it can be very diverse.
The main goal of any flower garden is to delight its creators throughout the season, and even better – the entire year. Therefore, suchcombined rosaries include almost anything: evergreen shrubs – the sameas boxwood, mahonia Holm, evergreen species of barberry (we have absolutely not hibernating).
To add spring flowering bulbs – tulips, daffodils, Muscari, Bluebell, primrose and Badal. Summer add rose geranium, lady's mantle, peonies, shrubby cinquefoil and astilba, delphinium, clematis, hydrangeas and day lilies. And in the autumn of this variety will definitely make the company melkotsvetkovyh chrysanthemums, autumn asters, ornamental grasses (various varieties of miscanthus Chinese), Sedum prominent. However, these flower beds, though bright, but the rose garden is still not pulled. After all, the beauty of roses is lost on a bright carpet of other plants.
Now in Vogue – mixed arrangement of roses and other showy plants
Our reference
Very annoying roses various diseases – powdery mildew, manifested in the form of a white coating on leaves and buds; black spots – dark brown spots with yellow edges. Very often they affect roses in late summer or early, assuming that is damp cool weather.
Possible options
But there is a more elegant option. When bright roses combined with plants, which often can not boast showy flowers, but they have their own special advantage – an unusual, spicy scent of the leaves. Out of competition – lavender. Its blue flowers is a great backdrop for roses. Unfortunately, the lavender in Central Russia short-lived, and the main reason for her death – rot during the winter and early spring thaws. By the way, young plants are more sustainable and they winter much better.
For our conditions more optimalCatnip of Fassina. Thiscompact fragrant plant with small blue flowers. Fragrant and Cantabrian geraniumwith pink flowers. These plants will not overshadow the beauty of a rose, on the contrary, they would only add to its splendor.
In our conditions, to create a composition of roses and perennials – complex, from the point of view of the care task. The fact that we have the roses you need to cover, and it's hard to do if around rose tightly planted other plants that often do not need shelter.
Standard and climbing roses create vertical structure, shrub – allow accents
Composition with odnoletnego easier to substitute perennials for annuals. After the fall, remove them from the flower bed, and rose without problems to till the ground, and then cover more thoroughly. From annuals, with rose particularly impressive combination of Petunia hybrid: spreading around the bushes and filling the free space, it forms a veritable carpet of white, pink and purple flowers-Grammatikov. The same "creep" and has a large nasturtium. However, it is too bright orange, yellow or red flowers that can add excessive diversity of composition.
If you prefer not such a bright combination of roses add to the cineraria seaside with silver leaves, or smelling like honey compact alyssum sea. Both of these plants are quite cold and long, even against the first frost of autumn will beautify your rose garden.
Our advice
• In the rose garden should be vertical. This requires a variety of props in the form of arches, pergolas and pyramids for climbing roses.
• A real highlight in this rosary will become standard roses, but keep them in winter in the open ground very difficult.
The care of roses in summer
To rose has truly become the Queen of your garden, it needs special care. In addition to regular fertilizing and watering the roses many diseases and pests.
The aphid is a special insect because it is everywhere trying to spoil the image of the Royal flower. If you miss a moment, rapidly increasing their numbers of aphids can cause damage to roses, because they suck the juice and thereby weaken the plant. The affected leaves curl and turn yellow, and the buds did not bloom, as if a miracle will happen and a flower will open, it will be ugly, quite typical of this class of forms.
To deal with aphids will have regularly. Great spraying liquid soap. If you fundamentally are not going to use chemicals, try to spray roses with a solution of tobacco, pepper or garlic.
Very common rust. It is already apparent in spring on the leaves of roses appear rusty spots, and the young shoots are red and wrinkled.
To deal with these diseases also have to regularly. You should not let things drift. If the affected area is insignificant – justremove the foci of infection and be sure they burn.
If the time is missed, will have to use "heavy artillery" – special chemicals, very effective medications containing copper.
Text: Alexander Kabanov
Source: www.ldacha.ru