What color is your name associated with?
It turns out that the meaning and characterization of the name includes such a concept as: name. Physicists have found a link between the frequency of sound vibration (in this case, when pronouncing a name) and color. Each name has its own specific color.
Let's pretend for a moment that you're sitting in front of an artist. Only now he's not going to put your portrait on the canvas, but his name. Do you want to know what his color will be?
Today's edition. "Site" He'll tell you what. coloured your name. Who would have thought!
Each of the primary colors, and their 6, corresponds to a certain wavelength. The shortest wave is purple, the longest for red. From a physics point of view, a person’s name is nothing more than a series of high and low, deaf and ringing sounds that together make up a unique, personal “melody”.
According to the division of the spectrum into primary and secondary colors, names can be divided into simple and complex. To simple include names whose radiation corresponds to one of the primary colors. For example, Dima is yellow, Senya is red, and Laziness is blue.
Well, complex are those that are formed by combining two main ones. It's like we were taught in school in drawing lessons: to get green, you have to mix yellow and blue.
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Very often from students and colleagues I hear that teachers in art schools and circles forbade the use of black. I have to admit, I also banned it because novice artists do not keep the balance of black and any other color. Kids like to make contours black and “decorate” the work. That all changed after I came up with some mixing exercises. Look at the color wheel, when black is mixed with other colors, it gives a wealth of muted colors. Agreed? I want to show you some exercises on “mixing with black” and how to use it in work. Will such a lesson be useful? чение #color circle #black color #black waxcolour #watercolor painting #watercolor #learn #learn to draw #learn to draw watercolor #learningonline #drawing every day #drawing watercolor
Posting by artist • watercolor • graphics (@kovaleva.arts) July 13, 2020 at 12:31 PDT
I'm sure you'd rather find your name on the list below. Please stop. Let's test your intuition first: close your eyes and try to say your name. Listen to yourself, feel the color. You'll see him if you really want to.
How'd it go? Now we can move on to coloring.
Red is the color of energy, strength, action, determination and independence. People whose names are associated with red are great speakers, party-goers, good bosses. However, they can overreact and become tyrants and dictators at work and at home.
Arkady, Averyan, Artem, Vlad, Sasha, Semyon, Makar, Kolya, Senya and Mstislav. From the female names: Alina, Vlada, Jeanne, Lisa, Sasha, Tanya, Emma, Rita.
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Red for Lady in Red. Elegant and luxurious @elenakhved ️................................... Roses have many meanings in the language of flowers. Depending on the color of the petals, they can express different feelings. Red roses are presented as a sign of admiration and respect. That's what I feel for you. Dark red roses and smell different than white or pink roses. Not cheap powder, but exude a subtle and elegant aroma. I hope you like the flower. Because red is your color, Lenochka. You know how to wear it. All its shades suit you, from scarlet to dark maroon. This is not surprising, because the real lady is always in red. I congratulate you, dear, on your 18th birthday! Let everything you have planned for your new year come true. I am so glad that we met once here on Instagram. I believe we will see each other again in reality. Are there no planes and borders closed? That's bullshit, let's go! As a last resort, we'll dust off our battle brooms! There are no real barriers to fairies. Happy birthday, darling! So good Saturday, mood and weather! #oksa_taro #elenachved #redflowers #redrose #queenflowers #fragrancerose #magic life #roserose #macroflowers #niconrossia #nikond3100picture #ninebesphoto #photomanitnas #photomania #photomania #photomania #sphorosenessNature #unityNature #unityNature #unityNature #Singennature #Special #Hello #moomoomoo #moomoomoomotion #colors #color #color #s #color #color #colors #
Posting by Ksenya Likhashevska (@oksa_taro) 15 Aug 2020 at 2:14 PDT
Pink and raspberry pink are the color of naivety and optimism. People whose names radiate this color love a quiet life and certainly do not seek conflict. They are capable of compassion, love and generosity. Of the disadvantages: they are unstable and often do not bring the work started to the end.
Tolia and Eustigne. From women: Aurora, Anastasia, Valya, Zina, Eva, Sonya.
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#macro #macroworld #macrophone #macromania #macrophoto #macrophoto #macrophoto #maca #flowers #flowers #flowers_perfection #flowers_flowers_of_our_planet #flowermagic
Publication from HOPE (@kozlovanadezda1964) 11 Aug 2020 at 6:28 PDT
Orange color speaks of joy, creativity, the nobility of thoughts, and also self-confidence. These are strong personalities that attract others with their positive approach to life. Of the disadvantages: increased emotionality, impulsivity and intemperance.
Pasha, Prokhor, Cyril and Nazar. From women: Angela, Galia, Rimma, Julia, Martha, Camilla.
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Orange mood. #flowers on the windowside #flowers #flowers #flowers #flowers #windows #roomflowers #roomplants #orangeflowers #flowers #kalanchoe #kalanchoe #kalanchoe #kalanchoe #amelkoyflowers
Posting by Olga Amelkova (@amelkova_olga) February 17, 2020 at 6:46 PST
Yellow is the color of science, analysis, observation. It is the color of wealth and prosperity, imagination and courage. People with names that emit yellow really know how to enjoy life and shine with happiness. Of the disadvantages: many owners of such names actively gossip and envy others. Besides, they're jealous!
Denis, Dima, Petya, Vitya, Misha. From women: Marina, Larissa, Nadia, Vera, Nelya and Diana.
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#rudbekia #goldshare #rudbeckia #ения #after #aftertherain #доة #drops #raindrops #ения #portraitflower #flowerportrait #енияのения #plants #plants #цвет #flowering #bloom #blossom #ы # # Avoid #flowers #цвет #yellowflowers # # #macro #macro #flow
Posting by Screaming Opossum (@opossums_scream) 18 Sep 2020 at 11:27 PDT
Green is the color of youth, the color of nature, growth and development. People with names in this color spectrum are hardworking, they know how to set goals and achieve them. However, they are extremely sensitive and vulnerable. They can be offended even by simple indifference towards them, especially if they are close people.
They part with the offenders once and for all, but they are not looking for friends: they themselves appear, people are drawn to them like a magnet.
Zhenya, Igor, Felix. From women: Zhenya, Natasha, Zoya and Inna.
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Scaryly beautiful flowers on Halloween And why not give this unusual holiday floral composition or bouquet? Ideally fit into the atmosphere of the holiday and convey the spirit of flowers: - bright red - burgundy - terracotta - red - black - green shades As decor, we suggest adding: - large beads - satin tapes of gloomy color - decorative spiders - bats - black pearls - black and gray feathers You can combine live flowers with compositions made of paper. Roses in black packaging will look beautiful. If you want to make an unusual pleasant gift, write to us. We will help to form a bouquet for Halloween and deliver it at the right time. _____________________________ 56-20-85 Viber/WhatsApp (8-912-856-20-85) Free delivery from 1000 RUB Direct Ordzhonikidze 28B, 08:30-20:00 ________________________________________________________ #Izhevsk #Halloween #Hallowenflowers #Hallowendecor #Hallowendecor #Halloween2020202020 #Izhevsk #Hallowinizhivsk #Izhevsk #Hallowinizhivsk #Izhevsk #Izhevsk#greenflowers #greenflowers #greenflowers #vizhevsk
Posting from Flowers Bouquets Shara Izhevsk (@vambuket18) 26 Oct 2020 at 8:43 PDT
Blue is the color of calm, wisdom and loyalty. People whose name corresponds to this color are calm and balanced, devoted to friends and their principles. They have talents, are quite practical and low-emotional. It can be difficult for them to get along with people because of distrust, excessive rigor and exactingness. They may have a tendency to empathy and healing.
Gena, Gosha, Yura, Maxim, Vitalik. From women: Vasilisa, Isabella, Nonna, Ulya, Masha and Olya.
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Vasilek! #vasilek #vaselki #bluevasilek #blueflowers #vasilkivmoemsadou#vasilkivsadou#moivasilki #beauty_Belarus#Belarusphoto #Belarussineokaya #myrvorovokanas #myrcolors #belarusonlove #beautiful #belarus #best #belarus #belarus #belarus #gramusoficial #belarus_insta
Publication from My Cozy Corner (@1414_1314_74) 14 July 2020 at 12:42 PDT
This color distinguishes amorous and quite extravagant people. They love secrets, everything unusual, unexpected, fantastic. They are always trying to get to the truth, to get to the essence of things, to disassemble any situation “on molecules”. On them. life-way There are many difficulties, but this does not aggravate them. They are sympathetic and compassionate, and are happy to help everyone who deserves their trust.
Lesha, Valera, Nikita, Tima, Philippe. Women's: Albina, Vika, Lida, Regina, Tai and Faina.
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* #summer #estate #flowers #beauty #beauty around us #nature #flowers #flowerstagram #flower #happiness #myrcolors #felicità #naturephotography #natura #floor #fieldflowers #flowers #violetflowers #purple flowers #beautynature
Posted by Tatiana (@t.zvarittch) 1 September 2020 at 10:55 PDT
Black oh and a difficult color is in this character! People whose names radiate black can be extremely hot-tempered, stubborn, touchy and contradictory. Sometimes they are very conflicted and even cruel. It is difficult for them to build happy family relationships. However, these people are in dire need of human warmth, increased attention, participation and love.
Vanya, Gordej, Timur, Jacob, Lev. Women: Agatha, Xenia and Arina.
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Growing black flowers for cake decor
Posting from I WILL SHOW YOU MY NEW YORK (@nycksen) July 5, 2018 at 5:39 PDT
White White combines the entire color palette. The correspondence of a person’s name to this color indicates his wisdom, enlightenment, high intuition, religiosity.
Quite often people with this name serve in the church and have a spiritual dignity. They are talented, intelligent and tactful. They do not set material well-being as an end in themselves, they easily part with money, willingly help others.
Albert, Arthur, Gabriel, Henry, Anton. Women's: Alevtina, Clara, Lilya, Mila, Hera and Laura.
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Today in Petrozavodsk bad weather means just create a different reality. White delicate flowers are perfect for this. #flowers #gardenflowers #white flowers #summer #nature #nature
Publication by Natalia Matukhina (@natalia_matukhina) 31 Aug 2020 at 11:00 PDT
I also want to know why women’s names are not taken seriously. They literally push them away! Sometimes they say about such women: she has a complex character, arrogant, demanding, self-confident or, in other words, a man in a skirt.
Now you know that in addition to the meaning, name-mark It could be color. By the way, besides the name, you also have a patronymic, which also has its own color and complements you. You can go further and understand the colors of your family. Do these colors complement each other?
I think there’s a lot of room for research, don’t you think? I found my name on the list, do you agree?
Let's pretend for a moment that you're sitting in front of an artist. Only now he's not going to put your portrait on the canvas, but his name. Do you want to know what his color will be?
Today's edition. "Site" He'll tell you what. coloured your name. Who would have thought!

Each of the primary colors, and their 6, corresponds to a certain wavelength. The shortest wave is purple, the longest for red. From a physics point of view, a person’s name is nothing more than a series of high and low, deaf and ringing sounds that together make up a unique, personal “melody”.
According to the division of the spectrum into primary and secondary colors, names can be divided into simple and complex. To simple include names whose radiation corresponds to one of the primary colors. For example, Dima is yellow, Senya is red, and Laziness is blue.
Well, complex are those that are formed by combining two main ones. It's like we were taught in school in drawing lessons: to get green, you have to mix yellow and blue.
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Very often from students and colleagues I hear that teachers in art schools and circles forbade the use of black. I have to admit, I also banned it because novice artists do not keep the balance of black and any other color. Kids like to make contours black and “decorate” the work. That all changed after I came up with some mixing exercises. Look at the color wheel, when black is mixed with other colors, it gives a wealth of muted colors. Agreed? I want to show you some exercises on “mixing with black” and how to use it in work. Will such a lesson be useful? чение #color circle #black color #black waxcolour #watercolor painting #watercolor #learn #learn to draw #learn to draw watercolor #learningonline #drawing every day #drawing watercolor
Posting by artist • watercolor • graphics (@kovaleva.arts) July 13, 2020 at 12:31 PDT
I'm sure you'd rather find your name on the list below. Please stop. Let's test your intuition first: close your eyes and try to say your name. Listen to yourself, feel the color. You'll see him if you really want to.
How'd it go? Now we can move on to coloring.
Red is the color of energy, strength, action, determination and independence. People whose names are associated with red are great speakers, party-goers, good bosses. However, they can overreact and become tyrants and dictators at work and at home.
Arkady, Averyan, Artem, Vlad, Sasha, Semyon, Makar, Kolya, Senya and Mstislav. From the female names: Alina, Vlada, Jeanne, Lisa, Sasha, Tanya, Emma, Rita.
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Red for Lady in Red. Elegant and luxurious @elenakhved ️................................... Roses have many meanings in the language of flowers. Depending on the color of the petals, they can express different feelings. Red roses are presented as a sign of admiration and respect. That's what I feel for you. Dark red roses and smell different than white or pink roses. Not cheap powder, but exude a subtle and elegant aroma. I hope you like the flower. Because red is your color, Lenochka. You know how to wear it. All its shades suit you, from scarlet to dark maroon. This is not surprising, because the real lady is always in red. I congratulate you, dear, on your 18th birthday! Let everything you have planned for your new year come true. I am so glad that we met once here on Instagram. I believe we will see each other again in reality. Are there no planes and borders closed? That's bullshit, let's go! As a last resort, we'll dust off our battle brooms! There are no real barriers to fairies. Happy birthday, darling! So good Saturday, mood and weather! #oksa_taro #elenachved #redflowers #redrose #queenflowers #fragrancerose #magic life #roserose #macroflowers #niconrossia #nikond3100picture #ninebesphoto #photomanitnas #photomania #photomania #photomania #sphorosenessNature #unityNature #unityNature #unityNature #Singennature #Special #Hello #moomoomoo #moomoomoomotion #colors #color #color #s #color #color #colors #
Posting by Ksenya Likhashevska (@oksa_taro) 15 Aug 2020 at 2:14 PDT
Pink and raspberry pink are the color of naivety and optimism. People whose names radiate this color love a quiet life and certainly do not seek conflict. They are capable of compassion, love and generosity. Of the disadvantages: they are unstable and often do not bring the work started to the end.
Tolia and Eustigne. From women: Aurora, Anastasia, Valya, Zina, Eva, Sonya.
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#macro #macroworld #macrophone #macromania #macrophoto #macrophoto #macrophoto #maca #flowers #flowers #flowers_perfection #flowers_flowers_of_our_planet #flowermagic
Publication from HOPE (@kozlovanadezda1964) 11 Aug 2020 at 6:28 PDT
Orange color speaks of joy, creativity, the nobility of thoughts, and also self-confidence. These are strong personalities that attract others with their positive approach to life. Of the disadvantages: increased emotionality, impulsivity and intemperance.
Pasha, Prokhor, Cyril and Nazar. From women: Angela, Galia, Rimma, Julia, Martha, Camilla.
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Orange mood. #flowers on the windowside #flowers #flowers #flowers #flowers #windows #roomflowers #roomplants #orangeflowers #flowers #kalanchoe #kalanchoe #kalanchoe #kalanchoe #amelkoyflowers
Posting by Olga Amelkova (@amelkova_olga) February 17, 2020 at 6:46 PST
Yellow is the color of science, analysis, observation. It is the color of wealth and prosperity, imagination and courage. People with names that emit yellow really know how to enjoy life and shine with happiness. Of the disadvantages: many owners of such names actively gossip and envy others. Besides, they're jealous!
Denis, Dima, Petya, Vitya, Misha. From women: Marina, Larissa, Nadia, Vera, Nelya and Diana.
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#rudbekia #goldshare #rudbeckia #ения #after #aftertherain #доة #drops #raindrops #ения #portraitflower #flowerportrait #енияのения #plants #plants #цвет #flowering #bloom #blossom #ы # # Avoid #flowers #цвет #yellowflowers # # #macro #macro #flow
Posting by Screaming Opossum (@opossums_scream) 18 Sep 2020 at 11:27 PDT
Green is the color of youth, the color of nature, growth and development. People with names in this color spectrum are hardworking, they know how to set goals and achieve them. However, they are extremely sensitive and vulnerable. They can be offended even by simple indifference towards them, especially if they are close people.
They part with the offenders once and for all, but they are not looking for friends: they themselves appear, people are drawn to them like a magnet.
Zhenya, Igor, Felix. From women: Zhenya, Natasha, Zoya and Inna.
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Scaryly beautiful flowers on Halloween And why not give this unusual holiday floral composition or bouquet? Ideally fit into the atmosphere of the holiday and convey the spirit of flowers: - bright red - burgundy - terracotta - red - black - green shades As decor, we suggest adding: - large beads - satin tapes of gloomy color - decorative spiders - bats - black pearls - black and gray feathers You can combine live flowers with compositions made of paper. Roses in black packaging will look beautiful. If you want to make an unusual pleasant gift, write to us. We will help to form a bouquet for Halloween and deliver it at the right time. _____________________________ 56-20-85 Viber/WhatsApp (8-912-856-20-85) Free delivery from 1000 RUB Direct Ordzhonikidze 28B, 08:30-20:00 ________________________________________________________ #Izhevsk #Halloween #Hallowenflowers #Hallowendecor #Hallowendecor #Halloween2020202020 #Izhevsk #Hallowinizhivsk #Izhevsk #Hallowinizhivsk #Izhevsk #Izhevsk#greenflowers #greenflowers #greenflowers #vizhevsk
Posting from Flowers Bouquets Shara Izhevsk (@vambuket18) 26 Oct 2020 at 8:43 PDT
Blue is the color of calm, wisdom and loyalty. People whose name corresponds to this color are calm and balanced, devoted to friends and their principles. They have talents, are quite practical and low-emotional. It can be difficult for them to get along with people because of distrust, excessive rigor and exactingness. They may have a tendency to empathy and healing.
Gena, Gosha, Yura, Maxim, Vitalik. From women: Vasilisa, Isabella, Nonna, Ulya, Masha and Olya.
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Vasilek! #vasilek #vaselki #bluevasilek #blueflowers #vasilkivmoemsadou#vasilkivsadou#moivasilki #beauty_Belarus#Belarusphoto #Belarussineokaya #myrvorovokanas #myrcolors #belarusonlove #beautiful #belarus #best #belarus #belarus #belarus #gramusoficial #belarus_insta
Publication from My Cozy Corner (@1414_1314_74) 14 July 2020 at 12:42 PDT
This color distinguishes amorous and quite extravagant people. They love secrets, everything unusual, unexpected, fantastic. They are always trying to get to the truth, to get to the essence of things, to disassemble any situation “on molecules”. On them. life-way There are many difficulties, but this does not aggravate them. They are sympathetic and compassionate, and are happy to help everyone who deserves their trust.
Lesha, Valera, Nikita, Tima, Philippe. Women's: Albina, Vika, Lida, Regina, Tai and Faina.
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* #summer #estate #flowers #beauty #beauty around us #nature #flowers #flowerstagram #flower #happiness #myrcolors #felicità #naturephotography #natura #floor #fieldflowers #flowers #violetflowers #purple flowers #beautynature
Posted by Tatiana (@t.zvarittch) 1 September 2020 at 10:55 PDT
Black oh and a difficult color is in this character! People whose names radiate black can be extremely hot-tempered, stubborn, touchy and contradictory. Sometimes they are very conflicted and even cruel. It is difficult for them to build happy family relationships. However, these people are in dire need of human warmth, increased attention, participation and love.
Vanya, Gordej, Timur, Jacob, Lev. Women: Agatha, Xenia and Arina.
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Growing black flowers for cake decor
Posting from I WILL SHOW YOU MY NEW YORK (@nycksen) July 5, 2018 at 5:39 PDT
White White combines the entire color palette. The correspondence of a person’s name to this color indicates his wisdom, enlightenment, high intuition, religiosity.
Quite often people with this name serve in the church and have a spiritual dignity. They are talented, intelligent and tactful. They do not set material well-being as an end in themselves, they easily part with money, willingly help others.
Albert, Arthur, Gabriel, Henry, Anton. Women's: Alevtina, Clara, Lilya, Mila, Hera and Laura.
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Today in Petrozavodsk bad weather means just create a different reality. White delicate flowers are perfect for this. #flowers #gardenflowers #white flowers #summer #nature #nature
Publication by Natalia Matukhina (@natalia_matukhina) 31 Aug 2020 at 11:00 PDT
I also want to know why women’s names are not taken seriously. They literally push them away! Sometimes they say about such women: she has a complex character, arrogant, demanding, self-confident or, in other words, a man in a skirt.
Now you know that in addition to the meaning, name-mark It could be color. By the way, besides the name, you also have a patronymic, which also has its own color and complements you. You can go further and understand the colors of your family. Do these colors complement each other?
I think there’s a lot of room for research, don’t you think? I found my name on the list, do you agree?
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