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Question colors - interesting facts about the color!

Why is the international symbol "STOP" in red?

Signs "STOP" appeared in Detroit (Michigan, USA) in 1915. At the first signs of the letters were written in black on a white background. In addition, the signs were a bit smaller than it is now. In 1924, the black color was replaced by yellow.
In 1954, the Federal Road Authority (USA) published its "Guidelines on a common road signs for traffic management».
And in this document, the sign "Stop" finally gained its current red-and-white color.
Such color coding has appeared before. Red was the color that is associated with a stop back in 1830-1840 gg., Which developed the first primitive stopping signs for the railways. Initially, Red means "stop", green - "attention" and white "can go." And only later we realized that the white color is not as easy to use as often leads to problems on the roads. Why black is the color of death?

According to research, most of the colors we associate more with positive rather than negative facts. And even if the color corresponds to something bad, then it is usually used only in certain cases.
In Western culture, "black" is often thought of as "the color of death." And it makes sense, because when someone dies, the rotting flesh turns black. In addition, the color of burnt wood. Even black is the color of the unknown, because "the darkness hides the truth».
Modern writers have called the sea, which was in Europe in the 14th century "Great Plague" or "Black Death».
Since then the name has become a symptom of the incurable disease in which the skin turns black person to become sick because of the blood loss. But in fact, the term we associate with the different meanings of "black" color that is also dark, sad or horrible.
Black Death (or Black Plague) was one of the most devastating pandemics in human history. It started in the south-west Asia and spread to Europe by the end of the 40s of the 14th century, where it got its name. The total number of deaths worldwide is estimated at approximately 75 million people. According to general estimates the Black Death took between one and two thirds of the population of Europe.
In many cultures, people automatically negatively perceive black. Dzhilovich Thomas (Thomas Gilovich) and Mark Frank (Mark Frank) found that in the history of team sports, which are used in the form of predominantly black color is much more likely to receive a penalty in his own net.
They studied football matches where one team was dressed in black, the other in white uniforms. Experienced judges appointed preferably penalty against the team in black uniforms. Finally, a group of students tried to play more aggressively if they were dressed in black T-shirts.

Why the Ferrari red?

When a person tries to imagine a fast sports car, it always somehow turns red.
It is the color of fire, which is associated with energy, danger, strength, power and determination, that is, with all the qualities that are inherent in sports cars.
So after all, why the Italian sports cars, especially Ferrari, usually red?
Car racing as a sport was born in Europe and each country was assigned a color. Green secured the British machines, blue - for the French, white - for German, yellow - for the Italian, and red - for the US.
And as Americans have practically no impact on the European race, soon red appropriated Italians and yellow became the color of the Belgian car.
And when they say that red cars are better than machines of a different color, it's just a myth. In addition, the statistics did not confirm that the red cars usually get into accidents or traffic jams.

Why does the color pink symbolizes the girls and blue - boys?

"The colors are characteristic different sexes," people began to associate the color with the two sexes of the human race only in the 20th century. However, one time color associations were not as it is now, but it was the opposite. And this situation is considered normal, even in the early 20th century.
"From one point of view," pink "color was considered more colors for boys (as a diluted red color, which was characterized with the aggressiveness and vigor), and" blue "was the color for girls. In 1914, the American newspaper advised mothers: "If you like to dress their children in clothing appropriate color, and if you follow the traditions, use the" pink "color for boys and" blue "for girls, according to". [Newspaper «The Sunday Sentinal», March 29, 1914]
There are many different opinions on this, but as a rule, pink - the color for boys and blue - the color for girls. The reason is that the "pink" - is a strong color, which is more suitable male half of humanity, and a gentle and soft blue color corresponds to the female kind. " [Journal «Ladies Home», June 1918]
If you believe Jo B. Paoletti and Carol Kregloh "Children's section" in the book "Men and Women: how to dress properly» (Smithsonian Institution Press, 1989), the "Common now matching pink for girls and blue for boys appeared only in the 50s of the last century & quot ;.

Why dollar green?

The dollar (often referred to as a "$") is the official name of the currency in several countries, dependent territories and other territorial units. In this case, we will talk about the US dollar.
The decision to issue paper money was accepted by the federal government in 1861. Because of the Civil War, Congress ordered the US Treasury to issue non-interest bearing promissory note, which, because of their color are called notes (greenback).
For the first time there were little notes in circulation in 1929, where the Bureau of engraving and printing (BEP) again used green paint. For this reason there were three. First, paint the same color were very much. Second, the color is very resistant to chemical and physical influences.
Finally, society is psychologically determined green bills with credit of the US government.
But the notes were not completely green ...
The biggest difference in the new design was the introduction of subtle background colors, making it difficult to counterfeit banknotes. Furthermore, the addition of color helps to distinguish between denominations as the money of various denominations use different background colors.
"In addition to adding color, upgraded banknotes retain their size, look and feel of traditional American currency - the most famous in the world currency.

Why markers bright yellow?

In 1962, a Japanese inventor, Yukio Hori (Yukio Horie) introduced the world to the first marker. For the first time in the pen was used paint instead of ink in ballpoint pen.
Painting soaked fiber core (the length of the handle), which allows the paint to flow easily is much slower. Conceptually, the tip was made of bamboo, but later it began to use synthetic materials.
Implementation of markers allowed the use of different colors, which has led to the fact that such "knobs on the paint" have become very popular among children and artists. In 1963, Avery Dennison Corporation (Avery Dennison Corporation) created a pen, called "Hi-Liter".
Such markers with a translucent paint used to highlight or underline text so that you can select the text to read the fine. And now, all of these markers we call "markers».
Originally, markers were pastel shades, but in 1978 was first introduced fluorescent marker. Nowadays, the most frequently occurring color marker is yellow, but of course, there is purple, pink, green, blue and orange.

Why in a psychiatric hospital walls are painted in a light green color?

In the early 19th century, when it became widely spread urbanization, there knowledge about mental disorders.
In England in 1928, he was released the Act of lunatic asylums, which first proposed the idea of ​​creating a special shelter for the insane. The first such institution was built in West London in 1931 and became known as the First Middlesex County psychiatric hospital.
The concept of such institutions was the content of insane people in the cells away from the rest of society. At the time when such facilities were built, it was suggested the use of the treatment to the patients so that they could live in the hospital without physical complications.
In the 50s and 60s of the 19th century in the United States was represented by Kirkbride Plan, based on the point of view of Dorothea Dix (Dorthea Dix). It was an architectural approach to psychiatric hospitals. Philadelphia psychiatrist Thomas Story Kirkbride Methodological Plan mental illness. The building hospitals had a healing effect, it should be a lot of sunlight and rooms large enough for patients to feel comfortable.
And since it is believed that green calming effect on a person, then it and took as a basis. Since green means growth, renewal and health, Kirkbride included several elements that is advantageous to set off the color.
Its buildings were very big, just huge, so they mean more maintenance costs. After several decades of his ideas have been significantly revised, and many places were built abandoned.
And many years after that, the whole concept of reasonable Kirkbride was left only green.

Why the "purple" color is considered to be a lesbian?

Purple (or more precisely, the lavender "lavender" color) was used her sexual self-determination in the 60-ies of the last century - the age-old society of homosexuals called "Purple strength" (Purple Power).
Purple is the color of gays and lesbians was introduced into popular culture in 1999, the Reverend Jerry Faluellom. Faluell said that Tinky Winky (Tinky Winky - cartoon hero on Itsy Bitsy Entertainment and PBS), probably gay.
Why is that? He believes because "Tinky Winky - purple Tinky Winky carries a handbag from Tinky Winky has a triangular antenna on his head. Himself purple color (the color of gay pride) - a direct allusion. And what about the so-called magic bag?
He has a small female handbag, do not you understand? A triangular antenna - this is a direct signal. The first thing I think when I see a man with a triangular antenna on his head, so it is that he's gay. Or, at least, very happy. "

Green on St. Patrick's Day?

And although it is now all over the world green is the official color of St. Patrick's Day (Patrick is the patron saint of Ireland - approx. Trans.), There is one interesting fact: once the official color of the day was blue!
The original color of the Day of St. Patrick was not green, and blue. It was not until the 19th century when the "green" became the national color of Ireland, and it is natural that the festival of St. color. Patrick because it was associated with a shamrock, spring and Emerald Island.
St. Patrick's Day, and the Day of St. Paddy's Day or Paddy (Paddy comes from the Irish form of a common Irish name Patrick - approx. Trans.) - A holiday celebrated annually on March 17 as a tribute to St. Patrick (385-461) - one of the patron saints of Ireland.
This is a national holiday for all the Irish people. It is a holiday in Northern Ireland and a general holiday in Ireland Monstserrate (Montserrat), and the Canadian province of Newfoundland and Labrador (Newfoundland) and Labrador (Labrador). In the rest of Canada, Australia, Great Britain and the United States, this day is also celebrated, but it is not an official holiday.
St. Patrick's Day is celebrated worldwide by both the Irish and those who have a little bit of Irish blood (usually in Australia, North America and Ireland).
Hence it originated the phrase "On St. Patrick's Day everyone wants to be Irish." Celebrations are generally based on all green and Irish. Both Christians and non-Christians celebrate this day, dressed in all green, eating Irish and / or green food, drink Irish drink, and hold parades.
Why does the Red Cross Red?

International Society of the Red Cross, or simply the Red Cross, was organized according to the Geneva Convention of 1864 in Switzerland. Up to this point there was no international group that would have remained neutral in relation to all the warring parties.
After the Battle of Solferino June 24, 1859, when the battle killed more than 40 thousand soldiers, Henry Dunant Swiss businessman devoted himself to the care of wounded soldiers because he was shocked by the almost complete lack of care on the battlefield.
And, together with four other well-known people in Europe, he has prepared a plan and formed an organization which subsequently became the International Red Cross.
During the Geneva Convention were the basic position of the organization, and a single red cross was chosen as a symbol of this humanitarian group.
Colors of the logo represents the opposite colors of the national flag of Switzerland. It was chosen in honor of the Swiss founder of the organization, Henry Dunant. Unofficially, the very form of the symbol was a five square areas, drawn up in the form of a cross and a white background - it is everywhere recognizable symbol of protection.
Now the Red Cross cares about people, not only during armed conflicts but also during natural disasters, and has offices worldwide. Why it is considered the royal color purple?

Often, purple is the color of royalty and prestige. This correspondence goes back thousands of years. It was found texts dating from 1600 BC, which was mentioned for the first time this color.
Opening magenta ink is credited even Hercules - the most famous hero of Greek mythology. Legends say that the Levantine coast all the time his dog ate snails and clams, followed by all kinds of dogs acquired a purple hue. Consequently, it was concluded that the paint that color was derived from shellfish, but because of their incredible expensive (more valuable than gold), so the paint could afford only the people of the upper class. Hercules said that the Phoenix King's mantle was purple, indicating his greatness.
This purple dye from shellfish shells called "Tyrian purple" after the area where it was discovered - Thira (now Lebanon). And although later paint the same color as the already prepared from fish because of insects, it is still considered a symbol of royal power in Rome, Egypt and Persia. With the fall of the Roman Empire went out of use the term "Tyrian purple».
Steels used in the production of cheaper bluish shades, as well as the "Tyrian purple" was very expensive, it was a historic blue hue of the European aristocracy. Royal purple, as we know it now has more blue than the original "Tyrian purple».

Why the white flag - a symbol of surrender?

In the world as a symbol of the white flag of truce, a ceasefire and the request for negotiations. It is also used as a symbol of surrender, as the talks requests are usually the weaker party.
White flag symbolizes all that an approaching person is not armed, he just wants to give up or reveals a desire to talk.
The people who are, or waving a white flag, you can not shoot. Using the white flag to surrender is included in the Geneva Convention.
The first mention of the use of the white flag was discovered during the reign of the Eastern Han Dynasty (25-220 AD).
Ancient Roman historian Cornelius Tasitus mentioned the white flag of surrender in 109 AD Until that moment the Roman armies capitulated, raising their shields over their heads. Then a white flag began to be used around the world.

Why is the leader of the bicycle race «Tour de France» wears the yellow jersey?

After Lance Armstrong won the race «Tour de France», began to notice that cyclists wear the yellow jersey. Many began to wear yellow bracelets on his wrists "Livestrong". However, when, and why there was a connection between the yellow and cyclists?
The official color of the most famous race in the world «Tour de France» is yellow. Originally the race was held as a public competition under the auspices of the Paris newspaper «L'Auto».
