All the most interesting about us and the world that surrounds us

Information is an integral part of our lives. Everyone wants to learn some new facts about the world around us, about historical events, about nature and its phenomena, about discoveries in different fields of science. Our popular science journal kipmu strives to convey information to its reader in a language accessible to each of them, without losing the exact events described.

In our journal, all information is divided into groups:
- A man;
- Animals;
- Space;
- Interesting.
- Interesting facts.
The Human section contains interesting articles about people and related events and phenomena. Here you can find out why nerves are in the teeth or who invented the names of notes, how weightlessness affects health.
The Animals section itself is divided into subcategories. It contains articles about our smaller "brothers." And here are facts not only about cats, dogs, wild animals, but also about insects. For example, you can learn about the most unusual representatives of this class, living in the most remote corners of the world.
The Cosmos category is dedicated to the Solar System, its constituent planets, as well as the vast expanses of space with their unusual, but very interesting objects. Readers in this section can get answers to the following questions: does the universe have an edge, what is a comet, how is the sun and others.

The most interesting information is in the other two sections.
This section contains informative, interesting articles that will be useful to both adults and the younger generation. They will learn why the water foams, what book the famous Statue of Liberty holds in their hands and much more.
Here you can read about the events of ancient times, for example, why the ancient Greeks had a beard, and the Romans did not wear it. There are also scientific articles in the section: why salt melts snow or whether vitamins are stored when frozen. This section contains a huge amount of information with answers to many questions.
This category contains all the interesting facts that are answers to questions that begin with the words: how much, how, why, when. For example, how temperature was measured before the invention of the thermometer, when buttons appeared. Also here are interesting and mysterious facts about China, Japan, Turkey, Croatia, and other countries. You can learn a lot of unusual things about Ancient Rome, Mesopotamia, Ancient Greece.
Such a large amount of information allows us to find answers to many questions of interest to us. The main thing is that they are written in a simple language that is accessible even to children. At the same time, accuracy in the description of all events and phenomena is preserved, giving us a true correct idea about them.

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