Large selection of minitractors from well-known manufacturers with significant price discounts

Being a unique invention of the mid-19th century, the tractor provided an opportunity for agricultural workers to significantly facilitate their work, and the industry as a whole - to achieve new, higher results in land cultivation, obtaining better yields. But, if in large farms the efficiency and profitability of using powerful tractors is not in doubt, for small farms such expensive agricultural machinery is simply not suitable, and not only because of its high cost, but also because of the unreasonably high operating costs for small (for example, up to 10 hectares) of cultivated areas. The optimal solution to the problem is a minitractor, the cost of which is lower than the price of its large older “brother” every 10 times, and the practicality and functionality of application in small farms does not cause any doubt.

Offered by the online store "Agrotechnics" in a large assortment of minitractors with all the variety of their technical characteristics, given to them by well-known reliability of their products manufacturers, have a number of common advantages, consisting in:
- multifunctionality, the possibility of using not only field, but also garden and park, transportation, harvesting;
- high productivity;
- significant savings when buying, high payback (on average, after a year and a half);
- Possibility of equipping with attachments for various purposes (mills, mowers, ground hooks, plows, cultivators, etc.);
- optimality (resource and efficiency) of application in small areas;
- ease of operation and maintenance.
Of course, such a mini-technique will greatly facilitate the work of its owner, significantly save him strength and time. In addition, due to its small size, the minitractor will not be difficult to turn around in a small area, including in the conditions of a city street (for example, when cleaning snow, cleaning garbage, etc.). Another, and very important, its advantage is low weight, allowing a small tractor to avoid the appearance of tracks or tires on the surface.

Today, the purchase of a minitractor, due to the large number of offers, is not a difficult problem. But, to be sure of the quality of the technical parameters of the "baby" and the optimality of its choice from the position of power and drive layout, which can be:
- full (4x4);
- front;
- posterior
Here not only is the quality of the offered mini tractors guaranteed, a large selection of them, but also significant discounts on them, other preferences are provided.

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