What color is your name?

“Do you know what color your name is?” asked a friend. I looked at her astonished and she said, “What are you doing?” Sure! From the point of view of esotericism, psychology, and even physics, the name is a kind of gamut of vowels, consonants, ringing and deaf sounds. Many researchers believe that there is an indissoluble connection between sound and color, and therefore names are colored in a certain color!

Each color has its own special characteristics and properties, therefore, affects the temperament of the carrier. Today's edition. "Site" will help determine colour Your name and how it affects your character and even your destiny. Who would have thought!

It has long been known that colors affect a person. Surrounding yourself with a certain color scheme, you can not only moodbut also character.

It turns out that all names are divided into 2 groups by colors: primary colours and mixed. The first includes pure colors, that is, those that were not obtained by mixing: red, blue, yellow. And the second is mixed. For example, orange or green. So people with names that belong to the second group have a multifaceted and sometimes contradictory character.

You can find your name under one of the transcripts of the colors that the visa describes. And you can do it yourself. spell out. The letters of our alphabet are also associated with certain colors. Knowing them, you can determine what color is a reflection of the name.

1. Red: A, E, C, B.
2. Orange: B, Y, T, E.
3. Yellow: B, K, Y, B.
4. Green: G, L, F, E.
5. Blue: D, M, X, Yu.
6. Blue: E, N, C, Me.
7. Purple: Eh, Oh, C.
8. Pink: F, P, S.
9. Gold: Z, R, S.H.

Write your name and put a number in front of each letter.

For example, Anastasia: A (1) H (6) A (1) C (1) T (2) A (1) C (1) And (1) I (6) = 1+6+1+1+1+1+1+1+6=20. So the color of this name corresponds to the number 2, that is, orange. The predominance of the number 1 indicates that the owner of this name has 2 main predispositions, for which orange and red are responsible.

Red male names: Alexander, Arkady, Artem, Boris, Vladislav, Makar, Miroslav, Mstislav, Nikolai, Roman, Semyon, Stanislav, Yakov. Female names: Ada, Alexandra, Alina, Victoria, Daria, Eva, Catherine, Elizabeth, Zemfira, Veronica, Oksana, Tatiana, Emma, Jan, Jeanne.

This color is inherent in people who are energetic and active. People with the name red are endowed with determination and strength. They follow the path of love and hatred, ups and downs. They stand out in any company, because they radiate so much energy that it is impossible not to notice them!

Male names: Harry, Prokhor, Paul, Nazar, Anastasia. Female names: Anastasia, Olga, Martha, Oksana, Zhanna, Alexandra, Irina, Eugene. The energy of these women is overwhelming. They are active and energetic, and also have vitality and optimism.

People with orange names are more likely to succeed and live a decent life. They may have difficulties in their youth. Their agile nature sometimes irritates others. Orange always has ideas! Such people, like a battery, charge everyone who is nearby with energy.

Male names: Andron, Anton, Vadim, Victor, Denis, Fyodor, Filimon. Female names: Anna, Valentina, Vera, Vesta, Diana, Larissa, Hope.

The owners of the yellow name are sunny and positive, energetic and logical. With such people you always feel comfortable and comfortable. They have a feeling that they will not fail or fail. They are firm in character and practical. However, in family life with them is not so easy.

Green Men's names: Bogdan, Borislav, Budimir, Vasily, Grigory, Yevgeny, Igor. Female names: Zinaida, Lyudmila, Elena, Julia, Elizabeth, Eudokia, Polina, Marina, Love.

Green is the color of nature. People with such names are hardworking and strong in spirit. They know how to set goals and achieve them. Sometimes it seems that time is bypassing them. This can be the envy of many. People of this color are jealous. They also have an excellent sense of humor, but their excessive rightness sometimes interferes with their personal life.

Blue male names: Artem, Gleb, Daniel, Egor, Leonid, Oleg. Female names: Violetta, Irina, Christina, Love, Maria, Marina, Evelina.

People with this name color are distinguished by wisdom and spirituality. They are engaged in a deep search for the meaning of life, contemplate and distance themselves from the rushing and fussy world.

They are introverts by nature and like to be quiet and alone. This is how they recover and gain strength. But they are still lovers of travel! They make excellent guides, teachers, mentors. Their penchant for fantasy makes them great friends, able to share a sense of beauty, and helps them see beauty in everyday things.

Blue Male names: Andrew, Arsen, Askold, Gennady, Elisha, Yuri. Female names: Stefania, Vasilisa, Galina, Nonna, Ulyana, Catherine, Karina, Cristina, Milena, Milan, Kira.

A distinctive feature of people with a blue name is their wisdom in life. They are highly intelligent, blue are not used to hanging around in the clouds. If they get a chance in life, they will not think and wait for another. These people are completely devoid of selfishness, kind-hearted and will always hurry to help. Interestingly, they all have an excellent intuition.

Male names: Alexey, Anatoly, Arnold, Arthur, Valery, Nikita, Rodion, Semen. Female names: Alice, Veronica, Clara, Christina, Maya, Regina.

Oh, and amorous these people who have the purple color of the name. They are very warm and want to warm everyone who needs it. However, it is very difficult for them in the family, as they will always feel unhappy. Therefore, having lived with her husband for many years, in old age they part and live alone for the rest of their lives. But they are not alone, they are happy and alone with themselves.

Male names: Valentine, Eustigne, Thomas. Female names: Aurora, Sofia.

People who have this color are excellent listeners and healers of souls. They are restrained, and it is impossible to hear criticism of others from them, but they always evaluate themselves critically, which is why there are frequent mental lamentations and depressive states. They are wonderful people, because they cannot be loved.

The list of such names related to purely golden color is small - Vyacheslav, Irakli, Leonty, Ruslan, Rustam, Jason.

It is the color of confident and purposeful people. They stand firmly on their feet, used to achieve the tasks. People with this name have extraordinary abilities. They are often leaders in their field.

They make excellent managers, directors of holdings and large international organizations.

I would also like to take a look at some wise reflections on color and its influence on each of us from the Indian yogi Sadhguru. So that you can feel harmonious and as comfortable as possible!

It's amazing how much color-dependent! Knowing “our” color and using it in clothes and interior, surrounding ourselves with accessories of “our” color, we can attract into our lives those energies that we so lack!

Have you decided what color is your husband’s, wife’s or children’s name? Did you find your name on this list?


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